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AXM robjm66 07 Oct 2015

Re: Partnership!! Well you have my sympathy Cumisk being in this share for that long I thought I was long suffering. Think the largest warning bell is why no explanation for Ebullio not coming through with the funds. My suspicion is that they actually want to grab the company on the cheap and/or take it private the same way compass resources itself has been taken private. It will be interesting to see who actually picked up the shares in the placing. Logically they should be able to close one of the deals in the background but this situation reminds me of that old saying about the market can stay irrational for longer than you can stay solvent.

ENEG videodawn 07 Oct 2015

Re: Irish Favourite coming up on the rails ... Jumping drills, is he in pole position on a winner ?========== =========Yes, Shergar.

ABDP Gunnergadin 07 Oct 2015

Enjoying this Had this for a year on the back of an IC tip, and its finally getting some recognition.Hoping for three quid by Xmas.

INL BigBundle 07 Oct 2015

Re: Puzzled I wondered whether these zero div shares is a way for board members and others to ensure they get a good return on their cash irrespective of the share price in future, and thus it does have an effect on my shares.

KUL Hedgehog100 07 Oct 2015

£1 per share potential Three cracking investments by KUL within a month, all at very attractive valuations, and every one of which could be a blockbuster.I know that Jim Mellon doesn't like being called the British Warren Buffett, but KUL is beginning to look a bit like a miniature high-tech version of Berkshire Hathaway when Buffett reinvented BH decades ago. "'Don't call me the British Warren Buffett': He's worth £850m and believes his friend Farage is right on quitting the EU ... Jim Mellon gives a candid insight into his world SIMON WATKINS FOR THE MAIL ON SUNDAY PUBLISHED: 222, 22 November 2014 | UPDATED: 15:45, 23 November 2014"[link] KUL is currently a superb way to gain exposure to pre-IPO situations that retails investors are usually excluded from. All of its investments have the potential to come to market in the near-term, at higher valuations, and then to grow rapidly from there. Indeed I believe that if KUL's portfolio fulfils its promise, then KUL could ten to twenty bag over the next two to three years, i.e. to £1 per share. So an investor with a nice holding here could therefore potentially make a portfolio-transforming amount of money.

JSI Orchard Gate 07 Oct 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? "Your analysis is quite misleading - not exactly a deep dive into the company finances"So says the guy who claims JSI has just £60k of borrowings, despite the fact its accounts show it paid £451k in interest last year.

NMG Tatty 07 Oct 2015

Re: Greg Kunezel - Walchen gold Citychap I agree with everything you say here. I'm stunned the AIM lacks suitable governance guidelines and rules to prevent crooks like these to continue to bleed shareholders dry while feathering own and associates nests by cronyism and favouritism.Just what is the strategy here? Maybe AIM should have a sub market called AIMLESS.

ALK pseudopolylageraemia 07 Oct 2015

Re: Number of shares in issue Put my share club down for 4866.(not many but we sold most at the 52p spike looking to get back in later)

NCYF Guitarsolo 07 Oct 2015

Re: Anything else like NCYF? Thanks Krayl, An interesting selection and a number that I already hold: CLLN, GLEN - pro peccatis meis, MLIN, PEY, STAN (well their preference shares anyway). Others are on a watch list as well: CNCT, CRM for example. I might well add to those positions when the funds become available. However, for this chunk of my wad I am specifically looking for a share that won't gyrate too much but will pay out steady dividends. CLLN, GLEN, MLIN etc have high ratios but are prone to significant movement and risk. contrast to the recent market extremes NCYF has barely moved more than 5% from a 60p entry price. I guess that it due to the nature of its investments i.e. pretty safe and predictable preference shares. I do like to see cover above 1.2 just so that I feel comfortable that the dividend will be maintained. Again, it depends on the industry. CLLN may pay a yield of 6% but it needs to be 2.0x covered to be safe because its business requires investment in programmes and ventures, some of which will fail. NCYF by contrast knows that it can pay out 85% of its net income to shareholders and just retain 15% for reinvestment to help it increase future earnings and cover inflation. It's why NCYF should be able to avoid cutting the dividend in all but the worst of financial meltdowns. In fact, it should steadily rise by a couple of % each year as that retained 15% starts to earn some extra dough. Anyway, thanks for the input and any other thoughts are welcome!RegardsGuitarsolo

CAMK Orchard Gate 07 Oct 2015

Re: loadsadosh the fool You can't make your mind up can you? One minute I'm never there when shares are rising or backing any winners, the next moment you're suggesting a 7% gain in just 2 weeks isn't worth the bother and doesn't compare with your own successes as the Warren Buffet of this board. Successes such as CamKids and Naibu, Quindell and Tesco. Weird thing is all four have 'fraud' against them. Odd that.Perhaps you could explain once more how none could be involved in fraud as they have audited accounts - I just loved that one.

CAMK LoadsaDosh2 07 Oct 2015

Re: loadsadosh the fool "I'm up nearly £1,000 on that trade. " WOW so you risked £15K for £1K small changeI won't tell you how much I am up on REDD and MCB because you wouldn't believe it; but they have doubled, and I was kind enough to tip those to you.



INDV tradingup 07 Oct 2015

OOPS! sharp drop in SP today, for no apparent reason as far as I can see but others may know more.Just put my toe in the water here but as previous poster has analysed this does look to be something of a one trick pony although a sizeable one at that.

MMX MTPocket 07 Oct 2015

Re: ,miami ... 6666 I know it's all about revenues from sales and renewals, but I'll be disappointed if we don't get above 340,000 by Christmas. On current trajectory we should do it (with a little extra help from .law).

ENRT Thomas Tallis 07 Oct 2015

Not crazy 2 - Shocking $100 Billion In Glencore Debt As A Shocking $100 Billion In Glencore Debt Emerges, The Next Lehman Has Arrived[link]