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PRG HPC Follower 08 Oct 2015

Re: Red Letter day for PMG: PM delivers! There is a lot going on in Lesotho right now to grow diamond gem production, to add to the outputs from Kao (Storm Mountain) and Letseng (GEMD); i.e. the two PRG kimberlites (Lemphane & Mothae) and the much larger Liquobong (FDI) main pipe.There will be scope for synergies to save costs and improve profits, whether sharing mains electricity supplies (Storm Mountain, for Kao, has bought into the facilities funded initially by FDI - and just gone live); sharing experience on technologies which are or could be deployed (e.g. X-ray machine of different types); leveraging benefication processes to cut/finish gem stones before sale into the general market place.The key for all these companies will be the demand for gem stones (which is still forecast to be growing faster than the supply side can over the next 20 years), the prices attainable and the volume of good/valuable gem stones which can be found and released "unbroken".The "economy-of-scale" will be with FDI for a while as they work through the top few layers of the Liquobong Main Pipe; also with PRG until they need to dig deeper.The successful companies will have good production levels and gem stone recoveries, quickly pay off their debt, manage their costs carefully, start paying dividends to shareholders and invest some money each year to increase the returns per diamond sold. If insufficient diamonds of good quality/size/colour are found and costs escalate, debt demands could also escalate, more equity might have to be released to meet debt obligations and companies could fail.I have money invested in FDI, PRG & GEMD... so would be very pleased if Lesotho (which does seem to be working in good partnership with the diamond miners) and these companies (importantly including their shareholders) do very well through these joint ventures over the next 10 or so years.

BLUR lambrini girl 08 Oct 2015

Re: FRC findings something stirring....

SGC Hardboy 08 Oct 2015

Re: weakness The latest trading update (late August) mentioned the effect of the low oil price, but seemed to say it was only an issue in N America. All their branches of business (except N America) were showing a good increase in turnover and they said they had no reason to change their full year expectations. So I don't really buy it. To me it looks very much oversold.

GEMD BullSpread 08 Oct 2015

Re: New target 332 Hi LG, hope u're wellu have any specific target here ? cheersB

GDP G E M L 08 Oct 2015

Re: Goldplat GDP presenting at Share Mag... Can you give any feedback on the event?I noticed this on another thread:

GLE smiles1 08 Oct 2015

Rollercoster And there was me getting excited about £5 per share then I woke up this morning! I still think this will happen but look a long way off now or until the profit takers are out of the way

PIL winningstreak 08 Oct 2015

Not sure I feel not too sure about the planned closure of the packaging plant in Kentas a result of reduced output due to a fixed margin agreement with a large supermarket chain. Why should the margin-agreement result in reduced output? WS

WYG Ramptastic 08 Oct 2015

Re: Does anybody understand this share? Looks like Giles Hargreaves has picked up 11% too....

ATC Olical 08 Oct 2015

Technical Analysis No brainer!! Turnover UpProfits UpMargins UpInventory UpPrice of Coal....Up!! Fill your boots while you can. Expect re rating today and bumper news on year end at the beginning of January. A few updates like this along the way will be fine!

SEV on greenhill 08 Oct 2015

Re: Phillip Reid Hi Phillip,I am well. Yes I miss China. I am jealousy that you have a home in Nanning South China because I like warm weather. However I believe it is hard to find a very idea place according to different person’s circumstance. My close ones are in Shanghai, and Wirral - my husband. His age and many illness, my age make me think that we are better less change. My husband likes Benidorm, warm winter plus they treat British (illness) same as their own citizen. “I am concentrating more on higher yielding ftse stocks nowadays, “ Is yielding FTSE stock means the stock offers dividend? If I have enough money, I will have policy like you for this kind of stocks, but now I think if I use your/LK approach, the dividend collected will not significant. “I will be returning there towards the end of this month.” Safe journey, always take care (most people are good, but there few evil). Try to use taxi to a public place, near your home, then walk home. Long distance and long time walk may be not wise. My physiotherapy told me that we need reduce the strength of our physical activity as getting old. He said that he stop playing football after his 40’s. I know you have a strong mind and do lots physical exercise. May be you be sensitive to what your body saying to you.“The West has made a mess in the M/E, now pigeons (immigrants) are coming home to roost. “ Not only they want to come, the Germany Merkel makes things worse, she expressed “welcome, Moral and league to come”, what a mess and terrible consequence to EU and UK as well. From the voices shown on TV, 6 out of 10 say they want to come to UK. So 1st step Germany, 2nd Step UK. I have sisters and brother. I never initiate a proposal to them to come to UK, because the language problem is huge, more problems in their life, separate them from their love ones,…. When you arrive in Nanning, please continue to post. I found that you are very sensitive and have reasonable views.All the best,FaPS: I hope SEV will have good news in 3 months. I will not sell at the bottom price. Buy, Buy. The Buy button cannot see. All the adv covers the webpage now days.


just gets better we paid 2.1 million + 330 k + up to 750 K that's 3.15 million for1.8 million of assets so paid net 1.35 million for a company making 800k a year.Which ever way its looked at its very cheap and should get Tandem to earnings per share of 60p in a full year.Tiger

LAD gamesinvestor 08 Oct 2015

New Marketing Man [link] William Hill and TelegraphGames

ATC etadelete 08 Oct 2015

2nd rns Mid price Sell Buy0.17 +0.03 0.15 0.19going to be good day folks.

INDV Flank 08 Oct 2015

Re: OOPS! From the FT yesterday:[link] the maker of opiate addiction medicine, faded 7.5 per cent to 216.9p. Generic drugmakers are due next month to begin a legal challenge of Indivior’s formulation patents for its Suboxone film, which provides more than three quarters of group revenues."

TCM southernstar 08 Oct 2015

RNS x2 Sounds like dividends are on the way; also another excellent contract win with smart meters for Holland.