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INDV tradingup 08 Oct 2015

Re: OOPS! Flank - thank you for that helpful post. I noted after posting myself that all pharmas andhealth stocks were down yesterday. Indivior has been strongly recommended by variouspundits on iii - it does seem to be highly specialised and dependent for its growth on druggiesand winos.

WYG Tenobas 08 Oct 2015

Re: Does anybody understand this share? "The PEG is a lowly 0.31."With a P/E of 43 this company would need to be better than doubling earnings annually to have a PEG of 0.31.

LEAF thirty fifty twenty 08 Oct 2015

Re: Deutsche Bank buy note 40p quoted ex 5p divi is great news....shares adj was 8.2% of 40p = 3.2p,I expected a bit of a fall off post CASH payment,but price is higher and buyers a simple level its very good news that company decided to do a part redemption at full NAV of 60p, as sends a v.strong signal that future liquidation will also be at NAV (or higher!)agree that financing issues of those business is not great read across,but INVENERGY is well financed and thus not comparable,I am not sure it makes a huge difference if the disposal goes through.LEAF have 2.4% of >6GW of wind and its in the LEAF books at valued at only 600k per GW,when market prices are anything between 1bn and 2bn per GWAll IMHO, DYOR + BoL

VLE thirty fifty twenty 08 Oct 2015

Re: VLE presentation summary hi Gthanks for posting the summary of the meeting.on 12 mth view taking WTM at 100p it will be on just over 35% of sales.looking at JMP it has higher margins that WTM so would justify a higher ratio.what actual ratio used, bid premium etc.... it is academic at this stage is one values VLE's 75% of JMP at 3.5m or 5.5m, even the lowest figure is a juicy premium to the 1.5m book value. in fact organic turnover growth in JMP alone adds 15p a share to NAV based on 40% valuation.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLVLE is in my portfolio

FOGL Skatersav 08 Oct 2015

It's a shake out. Loads of stop losses set by retail punters wanting protection in the event of a dud well. I doubt it's anything to do with a news leak - it's just too obvious when it's such a company changing event.

WLFE DevonianDracula 08 Oct 2015

Tungsten The WLFE sp is now closing in on the price at which I had thought of buying back in, but a look at the graph for product prices gives little incentive to buy soon.Since May, in particular, Tungsten APT prices have been firmly downwards.GLA

ENRT Thomas Tallis 08 Oct 2015

A picture of ENRT sp Did you enjoy the ride?[link]

FJET Spain Fund 08 Oct 2015

Good news today See News on hereI bought yesterday at 82.1pOpened strongly this morning but slipped back some

WTM thirty fifty twenty 08 Oct 2015

Re: at 78p great results + outlook hi d&cjust posted a note on WYG but I think the same applies here....the CASH and future CASH generation will create more support.the chart pattern will bring in tech trader - all time highs confirmed relative to the market.of course always specific execution risks and quite hard to buy large amount of shares,but has heaps of potential over a 24 month timescaleAll IMHO, DYOR + BoLWTM is in my top5 hldgs

SGZ vfb 08 Oct 2015

News MmmmmSo who's going to show their hand and join us over and above those I know have already ?Fill your boots if you haven't already but don't be slow when there gone there gone !Nur der VFB

EMED Small Holding 08 Oct 2015

Re: CEO update on stocktube Mars_2050Well spotted, very informativeWe know Alberto likes to be cautious with timelines and then over deliver, so it was good to hear everything is on track.He said we will be cash positive before the year end, so expect it sooner. He thinks EMED is still viewed by the markets as an explorer rather than a producer, so lets hope he has some good news to announce at the time of the name change/share consolidation.Market price concentrate would do.With regards to the copper price , bearing in mind his usual caution, he couldn't be much more bullish.

XTR bargainhunt1 08 Oct 2015

ffs grow up

WYG thirty fifty twenty 08 Oct 2015

Re: Does anybody understand this share? hi d&cit seems to me quite a simple company to understand,and the recent rise has been a time in coming but fully justified.....1 - they have CASH of about 20p a share which will grow as they are a CASH generating2 - their UK business of infrastructure consulting is at the start of a 5 year sweet spot - confirmed by recent results from COST, RPS, VLE, WTM 3 - icing on the cake is their 2 growth opportunities - Africa + Euro developing states,these business have confirmed 3 to 5 contracts but the accounting rules means that profits will not be booked until the last year 2017 onwards (mostly) their is very good visibility regarding profit growth and more importantly CASH generation.To me the CASH generation is real hidden gem the moment the market is talking about earnings growth and the CASH is a nice cushion,but in 12 months it will be obvious that the CASH is , and as its increasing, too high and inefficient,and the company will then need to choose between higher divis, buy backs, acquisitions,which all support a higher than average rating. All IMHO, DYOR + BoLWYG is in my portfolio

PRG HPC Follower 08 Oct 2015

Re: Red Letter day for PMG: PM delivers! There is a lot going on in Lesotho right now to grow diamond gem production, to add to the outputs from Kao (Storm Mountain) and Letseng (GEMD); i.e. the two PRG kimberlites (Lemphane & Mothae) and the much larger Liquobong (FDI) main pipe.There will be scope for synergies to save costs and improve profits, whether sharing mains electricity supplies (Storm Mountain, for Kao, has bought into the facilities funded initially by FDI - and just gone live); sharing experience on technologies which are or could be deployed (e.g. X-ray machine of different types); leveraging benefication processes to cut/finish gem stones before sale into the general market place.The key for all these companies will be the demand for gem stones (which is still forecast to be growing faster than the supply side can over the next 20 years), the prices attainable and the volume of good/valuable gem stones which can be found and released "unbroken".The "economy-of-scale" will be with FDI for a while as they work through the top few layers of the Liquobong Main Pipe; also with PRG until they need to dig deeper.The successful companies will have good production levels and gem stone recoveries, quickly pay off their debt, manage their costs carefully, start paying dividends to shareholders and invest some money each year to increase the returns per diamond sold. If insufficient diamonds of good quality/size/colour are found and costs escalate, debt demands could also escalate, more equity might have to be released to meet debt obligations and companies could fail.I have money invested in FDI, PRG & GEMD... so would be very pleased if Lesotho (which does seem to be working in good partnership with the diamond miners) and these companies (importantly including their shareholders) do very well through these joint ventures over the next 10 or so years.

BLUR lambrini girl 08 Oct 2015

Re: FRC findings something stirring....