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CRND rRomeo29 08 Oct 2015

something brewing ...something is breweing:[link] 8.509.251,559O 08-Oct-1511:28:128.7510,000Buy* 8.508.75875.00O 08-Oct-1511:27:308.7515,000Buy* 8.508.751,313O 08-Oct-1511:27:188.7510,000Buy* 8.508.75875.00O 08-Oct-1511:26:398.7050,000Buy* 8.508.754,350

EMED SinginTheBlues 08 Oct 2015

More reading while the paint dries Some more encouragement for when the mine is working at full capacity...[link] and hold!STB

GDP Gryffyn 08 Oct 2015

Re: Goldplat GDP presenting at Share Mag... Hi G E M L, is a golden cross a strong buy signal?

MIRA spike501 08 Oct 2015

Snippets - Televisa A couple of snippets from Televisa over the last week or so.Firstly and potentially fairly importantly Televisa had been referred to the regulators in Mexico for having a potentially dominant position in the pay TV market - they have over 60%. To the surpise of most the regulators ruled that Televisa did not have a dominant position - this decision was certainly not expected. Its fairly significant as any ruling against Televisa would likely have resulted in Televisa having to sell off some parts of their pay TV networks. I imagine this has been something of a distraction for Televisa and has slowed down their efforts at integrating all their 5 networks under the single brand.[link] other news Televisa has announced it is re-launching its OTT platform in 2016. Mirada signed an OTT contract with Televisa but I don't know if it relates to this platform or OTT on their pay-TV platforms.[link] price seems to have found its bottom for now - the more time passes and no placing happens I would expect to see further strength as the risk of a placing recedes.

SMIN II Editor 08 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Best industrial shares to buy now "Business has been worse than expected for global industrial firms. Spending cuts in the oil industry and less demand from the Chinese means fewer orders placed with suppliers of high-tech seals, pumps, gears, switches and other specialist parts. ..."[link]

PRG Norris107 08 Oct 2015

Re: Red Letter day for PMG: PM delivers! My take on this latest news is also positive & encouraging. I'm a long term holder, topped up this week and it's good to see a few other buys coming through - especially the big 1.88 mil today! Time will tell as to how well we will do re the actual quantities and quality of the diamonds mined but i have ever increasing confidence in PRG's management, direction and their preparations for future high-tech production - all exciting stuff IMOGLA

XTR lpdegeer 08 Oct 2015

Carolusberg minimum 0.02%Cu -maximum 0.53%Cu Av. 0.21%Cu. O'Kiep minimum 0.05% Cu - maximum 0.28%Cu Av 0.14%Cu. Interesting diferences!

NANO Kuss 08 Oct 2015

There won't be a sell off with a few weeks more delay. As long as the market believes the story is on track. It's a new industry and the Dow factory a major capital project. Anyone who knows anything about project management would understand this. Also, there is the conference call and what the CEO says to bear in mind.

IGAS eltelex 08 Oct 2015

Re: Broker Price target 164p today agree.Ratcliffe will push for a bullish approach.Expect to see lots of activity from now on.Ratcliffe building stake in conventional play in UK with SNS gas acquisition.He will get his way on the drilling of land wells. Now is a very good entry point - so cheap.

SCE gretel 08 Oct 2015

RNS : Hargreave Hale buying more RNS - great to see Giles Hargreave's Hargreave Hale increasing above 11% with almost 6m shares:[link] last holdings RNS I can see for HH shows them with 3.345m shares in Feb'14, so they've been steadily increasing over time and are on the way to doubling their stake since then.

TCM ChrisJSlip 08 Oct 2015

Re: RNS x2 Yes, good news. Also[link]

ALK pseudopolylageraemia 08 Oct 2015

Re: Waiting Here's the situation with regards declared commercial holders who appear to be accumulating:ODDO - 4.2%Pendragon - 2%Maven - 2.16%Total = 8.4%I reckon we have 1.6% between us as PIs eh?

PIL thirty fifty twenty 08 Oct 2015

Re: nearly 5% yield and some progress Hi WSagree that the results were a little disappointing,it is obviously a tough market place, and I am working on the assumption that can make 3 steps of progress for every 2 set backs....they realise all they have to do is match cost with supply volumes,they make some positive noises re market stability,and hopefully the fixed margin gives them better profit visibility.I assume as well that the mgt team have the drive to take bigger share of the industry over time,that rationalisation etc.. 9 as with factory closure) will lead to costs and exceptionals,but over a 5 year period I reckon they will hit a sweet (potatoe)??) spot at least once,and in the meantime there is a comfortable c.5% divi (F) at current levels and reducing debt.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLPIL is in my portfolio

ECR etadelete 08 Oct 2015

topped up took the chance and topped up this morning.gla

ALK Misty Creamybib 08 Oct 2015

My holding 8089 - Small holding but every little helps.