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WAND IAmShareCrazy 08 Oct 2015

Re: going up Thanks Pacman, your 400 million market cap and overvalued market to book or price to sales above 5 and little or no revenue is working well. 4d pharma, Gwp and Circassia pharma all falling.

EMED Small Holding 08 Oct 2015

3D Rio Tinto model helps find copper [link] 3D reconstruction will allow Rio Tinto mine site search hidden reserves of copper Researchers at the University of Oviedo have made a three-dimensional geological reconstruction of the mining site of Rio Tinto that will facilitate the search for new copper reserves in the area. The study, just published in the journal Ore Geology Reviews, was conducted by the research group and Mineral Resources of the Asturian institution, in collaboration with Tartesus Emed, the company that manages the operation and University Southampton, UK. A 3D reconstruction will allow the mining site of Rio Tinto find hidden reserves of copper enlarge Geological 3D reconstruction was made possible after a review of the records that are kept in more than 5,000 surveys that were carried out by different companies exploded mines until the early 90s Researchers have finally selected over 3,000 quality for this three-dimensional map of the site. Agustin Martin-Izard, professor of Geology at the University of Oviedo, notes that this 3D structural model has identified the position of the main channels through which the mineralizadoras amounted solutions that gave rise to huge mineral deposit. Rio Tinto, which contained in its beginnings more than 1,500 million tons of copper ore, is the largest accumulation of sulphides Earth. Both conditions make it one of the largest deposits in the world. The three-dimensional reconstruction were allowed to recognize how the processes that generated the mines and geological evolution. Practical applications The work also has important practical applications. The design of a three-dimensional model can be used to search for new reserves, the location of exploration drilling and prospecting for hidden deposits that might exist in the complex geological structure of Rio Tinto. Martin-Izard also says that this 3D model can be extrapolated to other deposits of this mining district, called the Iberian Pyrite Belt. The research is the result of close collaborative activities and is twofold. On the one hand, contribute to scientific knowledge of the massive sulphide deposits of the Pyrite Belt. And, secondly, supporting the operator in the reopening of the Rio Tinto mining. Martin-Izard stresses that this dual purpose, answer is given to one of the obligations of the university community: the transfer of knowledge to society. The researcher points out that Spain has always been a traditional mining country and stresses that, in recent years, we are witnessing a resurgence of metal holdings with the reopening of old fields and the commissioning of new ones. Martin-Izard concludes that the rational development of metal mining in Spain will serve to further support the training of new generations of geologists, mining engineers and metallurgists and turn them into "forefront of research and exploitation of nonmetallic minerals in Spain and Europe.

AFPO jaja 08 Oct 2015

next to rise this mth is WRES

EDR dabba 08 Oct 2015

Re: Alkane T/O Furthermore BB would only need to buy £2m ish more shares and they will be looking at a buyout of Egdon. If they get 30% or more , I believe they will have to make an offer. Watch out for big buys.

WYG Tenobas 08 Oct 2015

Re: Does anybody understand this share? "my analysis and understanding indicates that earnings will increase significantly over next 2 years"Perhaps you could enlighten us by pointing to where you get those numbers?

ALK dabba 08 Oct 2015

Government to close coal power stations [link]

JKX Stonefold 08 Oct 2015

Positive phase for JKX commences Delayed but moving closer to the reduction in gas production tax.LPG prices rise.All three funds holding large Short positions are reducing.---------- -[link] parliament approved on Oct. 6 the first reading of a bill #2835 that cuts the natural gas production royalty for private producers to 29% of the gas price from 55%. For those producing gas from deep wells (over 5000m), the royalty rate will decrease to 14% from 28%. The draft law was initiated by MP Yulia Tymoshenko and also reduces the royalty rate for gas produced by state companies to 29% from 70%. The draft stipulates that it will take effect after its publishing, or after the Rada approves it in the second reading and the president signs it. ..........Alexander Paraschiy: The preliminary approval of a tax-cutting initiative is encouraging for domestic private gas producers, inducing JKX Oil & Gas (JKX LN), ..........."------Prices nudge up a bit for LPG sales[link] auction of LPG JV Poltava petroleum company has sold 188 t at 14300 UAH/t .---------- ---[link]

COMS arborman 08 Oct 2015

Re: Bargain or Bust The corner has been turned today alright, up 33% as i type..... another quick pump and dump or something more significant?

WYG Ramptastic 08 Oct 2015

Re: Does anybody understand this share? The PEG is a forward looking metric. The forward PE is 12.6.Jim

CAMK LoadsaDosh2 08 Oct 2015

OG the Liar again Ref. ""I've seen your comments on QPP, CTEK, ACE and any other share thats down." "Really. Because I've never commented on two of those three "Let's see what you said shall we:QPP[link] be going senile old boy; all that negativity can't be helping.and please "Do your homework before flapping your lips"Loadsa x

CRND rRomeo29 08 Oct 2015

Re: something brewing ...even if these are only "maintenance buys" to keep the price above the crucial 8p line, its still nice to see that someone has taken notice.Next buy-alert IF barrier at 10.15p is climbed (mid price)Final bullish confirmaton once the 11.90p roof is climbed, thus signaling another rise to about 23p.DYOR![link]

PLP wastamoney 08 Oct 2015

Re: SP down 9% Thanks for posting, I did see this see this yesterday, having read a PI post on ADVFN.....III didnt post this until 2pm yesterday!

MXP Irvine Watson 08 Oct 2015

Re: R.I.P. MXP Who needs grandchildren to bleed you dry when MAX can do it much more efficiently and without any of the fun and happiness that grandchildren can bring.Good luck all.

HAS II Editor 08 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Hays hit, but on track to double up "Just two months ago recruiter LSE:HAS:Hays was confident its five-year plan to double operating profit to £250 million by 2018 would succeed. It's still on, but it is getting increasingly difficult to beat last year's numbers. Net fee growth ..."[link]

CRND rRomeo29 08 Oct 2015

Re: something brewing BUYs now going through for 9.10 Pence.08-Oct-15130:259.1010,635Buy* 8.509.25967.79O 08-Oct-1512:29:119.0019,256Buy* 8.509.251,733O