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AQP tradingup 08 Oct 2015

Re: Takeover 12 - thanks for a most useful and instructive post.Sir N Rudd is a serial corporate smoothie and I suspect was brought in to ease through a dealsuch as we are now faced with.Let's just hope that his feathers get a bit of ruffling in the months ahead. Hopefully this may have some way to run

AXM Cumisk 08 Oct 2015

Re: Partnership!! I agree with you Rob, this is confirmation of the potential value of the technology, as Ebullio stated in the Sivas Licence agreement:"The Sivas mine has the potential to place us amongst the lowest cost copper producers in the world and be the cornerstone in our quest to build a significant copper focused mining group."As to who picked up the shares hopefully we will know soon but to be able to raise £420k the investors must have been convinced not only that the technology works but it is about to be commercialised!Mr Tanner is certainly convinced    

PMO Aurelius 08 Oct 2015

One of the PMO shorters, GSA Capital, has started to cover- down 0.2% [link]

EMED investorprotestor 08 Oct 2015

Re: CEO update on stocktube Thanks v much for posting the presentation - Did anyone do the maths on the figures in the presentation to get a rough SP calculation 2 years out? ACE - you are not allowed to answer (as I know your answer already) - Also I was very happy to see higher grades mentioned and also silver of good grades, (rather than just by-product).

TRT longtermBLVR 08 Oct 2015

Michelin iManage - from TRT site[link]

JLG jonwig1 08 Oct 2015

Re: Why the drop Trading bots (look at the trades data) trying to sucker inexperienced investors into panic selling. The fact that Henderson's lock-in ended the other day may have influenced it, but the shares seem to have been placed securely.

CRX up protherics 08 Oct 2015

Re: No idea - convertibles Thank

JLG Hopeful Ali 08 Oct 2015

Why the drop Any views here to account for the recent price drop including today's fa

TRAK zulu principle2 08 Oct 2015

tipped in ic Its one of investors chronicles share tips tomorrow. Will push it up a few % and bring in a few new buyers.

UJO Joeby 08 Oct 2015

Meant buy out ?

UJO Joeby 08 Oct 2015

But out???

CRX Carefully Does It 08 Oct 2015

No idea - convertibles No idea how many convertibles are left over.Mine are for sure and I won't convert for a while.The problem with waiting until they all out of the way is that the price is likley to be higher as that date approaches.I can understand the frustration after 10 yrs. Your patience is admirable.

AXM robjm66 08 Oct 2015

Re: Partnership!! [link]

RMV IAmShareCrazy 08 Oct 2015

Boring Bernie I think now maybe the time to take your profits. I have tried shorting this before and didn't get the signals right. It still screams overvaluedE 37PEG 1.13Market to book 1,383.64 Price to sales 20.28On the tecnhicalsouble moving average crossover coming.Large volume sellMoney flow indicators negative

TGL Hedgehog100 08 Oct 2015

Quantum leap: silicon logic gate "Has computing taken a quantum leap? Scientists use strange subatomic particles to create the building blocks of a super computer• Quantum computers capable of doing far more complex calculations than current supercomputers may now become a reality following study• Computer scientists have described the breakthrough as 'game-changing'• They created quantum bits, or qubits, on silicon to perform calculations Richard Gray for MailOnline Published: 16:33, 5 October 2015 | Updated: 193, 5 October 2015 A major step towards building quantum computers capable of performing formidable calculations at a fraction of the speed of current machines has been achieved. Computer scientists claim to have made a 'game-changing leap' by building a logic gate – a building block of a digital circuit – using the strange properties of subatomic particles in silicon. They say these could eventually lead to new types of quantum microchips that would revolutionise the digital world. ... Professor Andrew Dzurak, director of the Australian National Fabrication Facility at the University of New South Wales, said: 'We've demonstrated a two-qubit logic gate - the central building block of a quantum computer - and, significantly, done it in silicon. 'Because we use essentially the same device technology as existing computer chips, we believe it will be much easier to manufacture a full-scale processor chip than for any of the leading designs, which rely on more exotic technologies. 'This makes the building of a quantum computer much more feasible, since it is based on the same manufacturing technology as today's computer industry.' ... The key step taken by the Australian scientists was to reconfigure traditional transistors so that they can work with qubits instead of bits. Lead author Dr Menno Veldhorst, also from the University of New South Wales, said: 'The silicon chip in your smartphone or tablet already has around one billion transistors on it, with each transistor less than 100 billionths of a metre in size. 'We've morphed those silicon transistors into quantum bits by ensuring that each has only one electron associated with it. ... 'We then store the binary code of 0 or 1 on the 'spin' of the electron, which is associated with the electron's tiny magnetic field.' The team has now taken out a patent on a full-scale quantum computer chip that could perform functions involving millions of qubits. A practical quantum chip could have a huge impact in areas where classical computers face an uphill struggle. These include weather forecasting, the stock market, drug development, code-breaking and encryption, and exploring the fundamental nature of the universe."[link]