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CBUY alecro 09 Oct 2015

Re: What's Up? Good news? Share Placing on cards now given horrendous cash burn like there was no tomorrow over past months. Possibility it might be go 'private' with MBO imho.Downhill skier fronting this is appropriate!

GLE valuemanbuyer 09 Oct 2015

Re: Director sold Don't worry this business is going gangbusters and will continue to grow strongly this year , opening new offices in new regions. There is little competition at their end of the market and costs are being well controlled so I would sit tight and ride the tiger !!

GKP sam 09 Oct 2015

Payment info on Monday after KRG pay locals. This is going to close 35 or more


better day buying good start a 5k block.Yesterday was a struggle...........want more if anyone wants to selltiger

AVG Lion Rock 09 Oct 2015

Re: Results Update from Edison:[link]

ZOX The buzz 09 Oct 2015

Re: Zinc price v strong today Found this on Glencore discussion (Sounds positive for ZOX in the medium term and what they believe is the true value of zinc):-"Glencore is announcing today a 500,000 tonne reduction of contained zinc metal mine production across its operations in Australia, South America & Kazakhstan. The main reason for the reduction is to preserve the value of Glencore's reserves in the ground at a time of low zinc and lead prices, which do not correctly value the scarce nature of our resources.These changes, which represent around one-third of Glencore's annual zinc production, will reduce fourth quarter 2015 mine production by approximately 100,000 tonnes of contained zinc metal. "These mines were not working at a loss (unlike the copper mines in africa that suspended production) Like with thermal coal earlier in the year, this is another sign that GLEN is prepared to cut production and revenue (and, ruthlessly, costs) to await better prices and margins in future, rather than up production (the RIO model). NOT the actions of a company that believes it may be in danger of going out of business anytime soon.

WIND paddington_bear 09 Oct 2015

White knight or black Knave? So the main Directors will kindly take the assets off shareholders' hands for unspecified sum and leave perhaps 60p per share to be distributed before company liquidated. Should you laugh or cry at such generosity? Given the shambles into which the business had descended recently, with proposed redundancies and asset impairment, it gives an out around 50% higher than current SP. Conversely, estimated NAV around 70p, house broker's last target over 110p, no already earned dividend proposed seperately. Not so long ago share trading over 80p. Only the inner circle know the likely value of recent windfarm "wins" and if they will qualify for subsidy. In the 45 minutes since market opened share price already dropped back from near 60p spike to trade circa 47/50p.Sad but perhaps predictable kind of WIND down after zeros financing fiasco. PB

ALK dabba 09 Oct 2015

Re: RNS: Extension I think iii price is wrong . Got a bit carried away there.

ZOX Cadenza 09 Oct 2015

Zinc price v strong today ETF is up 7.7% on back of Glencore cut backs

COMS brother_bear 09 Oct 2015

Re: Bargain or Bust Lets hope its the latter...

TRAK staffai 09 Oct 2015

Re: tipped in ic i picked up an 18 month old investors chronicle years ago and worked out if i bought all the sells i would have made 50% and if i bought all the buys i would have lost 30%.hope they have improved some what ! ...I no longer get the mag.

ALK dabba 09 Oct 2015

Re: RNS: Extension Already trading above offer price. They have got mine yet!

ETO TonyW1234 09 Oct 2015

Ex- Right Shares If I buy shares in ETO today will they be ex-rights and come with no entitlement to participate in the rights issue, or will I still be entitled to still take part?

CAT jonwig1 09 Oct 2015

Re: New shares My broker (TDD) tells me I can subscribe for new C shares at $1 each, minimum 5,000. Deadline is 20 October.I'm unlikely to bother, not sure yet.

ESTL Chard Nick 09 Oct 2015

Re: relist 14/10/2015 What are the chances of being able to make some money on the options?Nil or less??Early start for us all next Wednesday then <cough>