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GKP jaja 09 Oct 2015

JLP rns just out!

AFPO jaja 09 Oct 2015

JLP RNS!!!!!!!

PTV yoyo 09 Oct 2015

did you see my buy rating on time at 0,0133... if you did and buy enjoy

CSI spankaroo 09 Oct 2015

Xmas is coming & goose is getting fat.. Decision time is approach (Dec) is approaching fast and with up to £21m of cash, management and major shareholders will have to decide to return cash or make an acquisition very soon. As all the major shareholders are under water (Dobbie about break even, but he has only 20% of the say), the chances a deal will be done. I wonder if Dobbie's new vehicle Lending Crowd could be it? Who knows, but whatever it is expect it to have very good growth prospects, as Richard Griffiths and co will not want cash. At the current market cap the downside is low and the upside could be huge...

ELTA S17 09 Oct 2015

Re: There is a piece... Sherborne's presence has boosted performance, but how could it not when they've bought almost 30% in a relatively short time? They have made the board concentrate more closely on getting value. The discount may also have reduced because some may foresee a potential takeover situation. If Sherborne sell they'll still make a profit, but a sale of that sized holding would ensure a drop in the price, in which case many of those historic comparison figures might look quite a lot less attractive.Personally, I'm still with the board, but the Bramson sniping brings dangerous diversion to the management of the company. It needs careful watching. Bramson previously did rather well with his assault on 3is before withdrawing.

AIF AlfSchulze 09 Oct 2015

dividends Hi there,I have still not recieved September dividends from AIF. I am with interactive investor via foolsharedealing. Have you recieved dividends? Anyone else in a similar situation or did i miss something?Many thanksAS

IXI Ding2dong 09 Oct 2015

Re: And yet more good news.... Well. I've waited long enough already......... what's another year !!

OML Warren Buffoon 09 Oct 2015

Re: Modest first purchase Hi Grey,Like you, I've bought into OML this week. For me, I think they're a good (bargain??) buy. I like to buy and hold for the long run although I owned these shares back in 2009 and then sold after a year because the dividend income didn't match my criteria.Maybe I'll be able to keep them longer this time !!!

IXI coldascheese 09 Oct 2015

Re: And yet more good news.... Yes and it seems that the company is building up bit by bit with more and more activity and deals. Dementia and other illnesses they deal with are currently under the spotlight and a lot of money is being invested in this area by Govt's and pharma companies and they are one of the leaders in the field.In a years time we should be looking at a much higher share price. Definitely a share to hold or buy if you don't have yet.

LAD Punilux 09 Oct 2015

Re: New Marketing Man "Fahy joins from Telegraph Media Group where he is chief marketing officer responsible for marketing and digital acquisition."How did that go, success wise? Are you sure that you should be using the present tense or should it read "was a chief marketing officer" ? Perhaps his first job will be to convince the markets that the enlarged company will realise enough profits to cover £1.6 Bn. debt which is surely going to rule out acquiring any other significant businesses. Using a completely unreliable back of an envelope this could be costing about £100 M per year. Any idea when the first payment funded by earnings is likely to be?

RMP ddj 09 Oct 2015

Any Hope Chaps, I originally got into this in my isa and bought 57.6K shares at avg 20.79Since seeing it decimated I just stopped looking at this particular equity and concentrated my efforts with SB and the currency pairs.I have been looking at the posts, but firstly is there any hope with this ?the leaking of money for no good reason seems to be the only threadforgive my complacency with my post but it just seems all a little unreal to me.

IXI Ding2dong 09 Oct 2015

And yet more good news.... Yet more good news from Ixico, surely this will start moving north soon (1p as it stands now !!)... I suppose they need to convert all these announcements into £££'s, shillings & pence....

DWHT II Editor 09 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Six shares for the future "Please remember, the decision engine presents a contrarian view of the market. Shares it favours will often be unappealing to stockmarket traders who move share prices in the short term. The future mentioned in the headline of this article is the ..."[link]

IMIC Zwaxxob 09 Oct 2015

Loan Notes due to ex_Aferro sharholders I don't like the sound of this...[link] Aferro shareholders will get the money from the loan notes agreed as part of the takeover? (40p per share + 8% interest (x2 years) payable 31Dec15)

XPP MrMeerkat 09 Oct 2015

SP fall on today's Trading Update This morning's trading update looks pretty sound to me but the market clearly has taken against it - SP down 90p/5.45% as I write. The directorspeak still indicates that they are trading in line with expectations so why the negative reaction? Does it reflect the slower US market, while not giving credit to the stronger European one? Is this a buying opportunity, methinks??MM wondering whether to shake out the piggy bank