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SBS d gaser 09 Oct 2015

Twox5.2million buys ,plus others just gone through Have no Idea what's going on here, these figures are from the .L.S.E trading platform, if there correct , then why isn't the price going up ?Be HappyDAVE 09-Oct-1513:22:5716. ; 711 ,000 ; Buy* 16.2517.00167.10O 09-Oct-1512:38:2217.00 ; 5, 750,000 ; Buy* 16.2517.00977.50k09-Oct-1512:37:5517.00; 5, 750,000 ; Buy* 16.2517.00977.50k 09-Oct-15106:3416 ; 0 .711 ,875 ; Buy* 16.2517.00313.31O 09-Oct-1508:28:1316.; 0 . 7220,784; Buy* 16.2517.003,475O 09-Oct-1508:12:2216;. 0 . 728,971 ; Buy* 16.2517.001,500O 09-Oct-15081416.; 0 . 741,37 ; Buy* 16.2517.0022.93O

AMA armature 09 Oct 2015

Re: Wake up AMA The directory is buying is a good indicator.

STL PennyPunter_1 09 Oct 2015

Rising strongly Nice chart, large buy this afternoon

XTR kalzboy 09 Oct 2015

This always looks way too cheap for what's on the horizon to me. History here plays a big part but it's a whole different company..

AXM Andy Reilly 09 Oct 2015

Re: Partnership!! r66 - sorry to disagree re the market, but surely it has been all too rational in its view of AXM's prospects? I cant recall how many test plants have been installed over the years, but potential deals have just not appeared, and it surprises me a little that, with the SP at this dire level, you still seem to have room for hope that some deal will arrive to benefit PIs.I hope it does start to deliver, as you have been through the mill with this one, and one should never say never, but there have been many warning signs along the way. Best of luck -

ENRT Thomas Tallis 09 Oct 2015

SP holding up There is a trickle of selling but the Bid has not dropped. Are they being absorbed in the expectation of a rise?Could my forecast of 0.05p be sent packing?

RPT Stonefold 09 Oct 2015

Accident at Regal gas well friday. No reports of anyone injured thankfully. No fire at the site, emergency services controlling scene.Attempts will be made to deal with uncontrolled gas + condensate ? leak.Adding the various costs of this with the possible difficulties with the bank that RPT deposits its money in, this is going to be a testing few months.[link] repairs to the well preserved near the village of Sviridovki (Lokhvytsia region) there was an accident, "Interfax-Ukraine" with reference to the press service of GosÈS."As a result of drilling pipe hangs in preventore occurred in uncontrolled gas leak without burning. Depth-5.280 thous. m»,-said in a statement. As a result of the accident, the height of the gas Jet reached about 10 m.It is stated that Kie sotrudn gas company and GosÈS carry out work on gas leakage blocking and elimination of consequences. The scene is cordoned off by police. On site are part of the Elimination of oil and gas of fountains and special rescue.According to the interactive map on the website of the HNP "state information geological Fund of Ukraine", the Sviridovskoe field is being developed by Regal Petroleum Corporation Limited. The appropriate special permission obtained in July, 2004. "

WYG Tenobas 09 Oct 2015

Re: Does anybody understand this share? And of course that is the problem with PEG = PE / growth.If the results are close to zero then the growth will be irrelevant but very high.If they made 1p this year and £10 next year then the growth is 1000.00 expressed as 100000 in the above ad PEG becomes tiny.

WYG Tenobas 09 Oct 2015

Re: Does anybody understand this share? I do not have any position in this because I don't understand it.You refer to Broker forecasts for earnings.Where do these come from and does one have to pay for them?If it is a case of the company broker (W.H.Ireland) putting out numbers then it is of no value.Even if we accept that earnings will increase then as a once off thing that increase would have to be very big given that comprehensive income for 2015 was almost exactly zero.

ORE eltelex 09 Oct 2015

we need a broker target For all its worth I forecast 0.15p within 12 months.

KLN broomfielder 09 Oct 2015

Re: Sector News I think you hit the nail on the head B.When organic growth becomes restricted then it rather narrows down the options somewhat if real growth is to be delivered going forward.As stated previously we are probably overdue some consolidation within the Sector which of course can deliver the requisite growth as well as other economies .......if done successfully.B

RMP Oilman77 09 Oct 2015

Re: Any Hope - you decide To be honest the following post below sums up Red Emperor situ over past number of years & don't forget Mr Bandy also a director of Orca Energy, Perth WA on a good salary $200,000 + [link] __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _7th Aug 2015 - post thanks to RothsteinRed Emperor - Cash Cow If you look at the history of the likes of Bandy / Landau, all they are doing is rolling the dice with shareholder money. For them, its a win-win model - they get into some sort of farm-in arrangement, speculative so PIs get seduced by the upside IF it comes in - all the usual chat of 'so few shares in issue, IF we hit oil / gas, this will skyrocket'.....they know exactly what the COS's are so near spud, they will raise funds when SP gets pumped. This gives them another wad of PI cash which will keep their salaries going for a few years.....when a duster gets announced, they've got enough in the coffers to try this all over again - PIs get screwed whilst this cycle goes on and on..........and you still have PIs on this board willing to wait for the next data room nugget!

ECM oldjoe1 09 Oct 2015

ECM, Shooting Up. Posted first thing on FAR9 threadElectrocomponents ECMInteresting break out from the a base and worth further research. Look at the volume rise.[link]

AIF AlfSchulze 09 Oct 2015

Re: dividends thanks for your replies, i only got to interactive via Foolsharedealing. It is an appalling service! I agree.

AEY dicko80 09 Oct 2015

trading has picked up last few days