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NANO Kuss 09 Oct 2015

The thing about Nanoco is that it is credible. It's not run by a load of business tossers. Its core are some of the best scientists in their field in the world. That's why Dow hooked up with them. And why LG did. I like the fact they don't crow about every little contact with industry, as the other companies do. It's a sign of quality. QTMM are the opposite in that respect. The financial markets are an insanity in the short-term. But in the end, it's all about growth and cash and advantage....

ECM LoadsaDosh2 09 Oct 2015

Re: ECM, Shooting Up. Numis have had a price target of 260p all year so no great shakes there. Must just be chartists getting excitable.

TGL Hedgehog100 09 Oct 2015

Re: CQCL Venture Capital Vindication It's time for Britain to produce the next software tech giant: step forward Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd. (in which TGL has a stake, as well as being a key business partner.)

TGL Hedgehog100 09 Oct 2015

CQCL Venture Capital Vindication "It's not all about London: regions attract growing share of venture capital cashA quarter of all investor finance this year has gone to firms outside the capitalElizabeth Anderson5:15AM BST 08 Oct 2015Venture capital (VC) investment into British technology companies has hit a record high, with a quarter of that money directed at firms based outside the capital.Companies raised $2.2bn (£1.44bn) from VC investment funds backing high-growth businesses in the first nine months of the year. This topped the $2.1bn raised in the whole of 2014 and is three times more than the £790m raised in 2010, according to data from promotional organisation London & Partners.London has been the main beneficiary of funding, attracting 75pc of total investments.However, firms outside the capital are also attracting multi-million-pound offers from investors. Major non-London deals included an $82m investment into Cheshire-based holiday company Sykes Cottages, $61m of financing for Lancashire-based communications firm Daisy Group, and an injection of $50m into Cambridge Quantum Computing.Top investments outside London this year1 Sykes Cottages, Cheshire, $82m2 Daisy Group, Lancashire, $60.77m3 Cambridge Quantum Computing, Cambridgeshire, $50m4 Gigaclear, Oxfordshire, $46m5 First Light Fusion, Oxfordshire, $35.41mJust four companies accounted for half of the $491m raised in London in the past three months. These were online takeaway service Deliveroo, which raised $70m in July, and Secret Escapes, which recently raised $60m apiece, and Prodigy Finance’s $19.5m investment round.There has been a rapid rise in the number of tech businesses in the capital. London’s digital technology sector has grown by 46pc since 2010, and there are expected to be 51,500 firms by 2025, according to consultancy Oxford Economics.“In little more than five years we have seen investment in London’s tech sector increase tenfold. Today’s figures, and the fact that London is home to more software developers than anywhere else in the world, validate the fact that London’s tech sector is maturing and is one of the world's leading tech hubs,” said Eileen Burbidge, partner at London-based investment firm Passion Capital and newly appointed head of government agency Tech City UK.There has been a rapid rise in the number of tech businesses in the capital. London’s digital technology sector has grown by 46pc since 2010, and there are expected to be 51,500 firms by 2025, according to consultancy Oxford Economics.“In little more than five years we have seen investment in London’s tech sector increase tenfold. Today’s figures, and the fact that London is home to more software developers than anywhere else in the world, validate the fact that London’s tech sector is maturing and is one of the world's leading tech hubs,” said Eileen Burbidge, partner at London-based investment firm Passion Capital and newly appointed head of government agency Tech City UK."[link]

ALNT I Wish I Knew The Answer 09 Oct 2015

Re: Alent buy out Sold half my holdings @494 and bought into platform (pah) @14.5 which is about 1/2 of price a few months back. Only 1 more regulatory approval to gain by platform. If anyone is thinking of accepting platform shares in lieu of cash the rate will be about 24.5 USD so with the platform shares significantly lower it makes sense to sell alent and buy platform now the price is significantly lower.

ENEG videodawn 09 Oct 2015

Re: LoL _ Blood transfusion, Life support RN... SB and I have said for months now that a capital reconstruction is required and now we have one, just as predicted. More dilution to shareholders to pay off debt acquired by directors, and more of the same promised for the future.But Enegi is clearly a tainted brand from a disastrous history, so bury it is Minty's plan. "Nu-Oil and Gas plc", who invented that? Nurofen would be better.This will go down like a lead balloon. I predict 0.2p next week, and the Shakespeare shares club have been making hay while the sun shines with insider tips IMO. Newfoundland, Jordan, Clare Basin, Fyne, Celtic Sea, all ditched to focus on this flimsy Marginal Field Development idea. End of the road for these Manchester lads.

POG weblogic 09 Oct 2015

Re: Middle East tensions.. Hi Kenj.....The Middle East is a very complex place, with a very long history... as you clearly know..The key question is... can a peaceful settle ment be found that would allow the many groups to live in peace and enjoy a reasonable life....?I guess its things like Oil that have caused some problems...There must be some way to bring the various tribal groups together, to share the resources, and manage the lands in peace.Some kind of grand Middle East Council, to run the whole region; decide laws, and ensure fair elections, etc... would be a start..If they used just 10% of the Oil money to build homes, hospitals, schools... and good transport and water supplies. It would be transformational to the lives of millions.It sounds so simple, but the war lords and extremists have self interest agendas.That unfortunately includes Mr Putin, who sees the Syrian situation as his last hope of Middle East influence, and strategic bases...I think Obama is only too aware of how things are in that region, and is treading very carefully.From another perspective, they could surely find ways of harnessing the suns power in the desert areas, to create large solar panel fields, generate vast amounts of power, which might remove the need for so much Oil extraction... but I`m sure that is over simplistic..We can only hope a peacemaker emerges, and the milloins of migrants can return to there homelands...

ENEG Push2Gush 09 Oct 2015

LoL _ Blood transfusion, Life support RNS Well good luck reading that lot in the RNS,,, man O man they had to spend some time thinking that one through,, Amazing how the price was nudging days ago,,,, Shakespearian whispers I assume,, though personally think it was dragged up to let some out before this hit the headlines... view is not changed either,,, it is a royal mess and at best if anything ever comes from Marginal, the returns to Pi's will be probably less than the %age you would get today from stickin yer money in the bank where you can only get to it at retirement...


update this next week I expect to see one.Hopefully those Lumpy contracts are coming now.tiger

AQP Speculator 73 09 Oct 2015

2 directors Investing? 2 directors investing today - A CEO and a NEC - surely theres something behind all this .. Major shareholder holding out on offer - this am sure is worth a bit more than 11.6p Thinking of going for these as soon as it opens on Monday ... any comments?


The numbers we made 170k first half 2014 and finished the year at 1.2 rider added maybe 1/3rd of a year so 100k to the above.Current yearfirst half 700k and I think second half should be 1.4 million ( possibly as high as 1.6)This will have the full year of pro rider in.Bring on 2016 when we have to add in another 800k ( without any cost savings)So 2.9 to 3.1 million is my forecast for next full year.Bring into the equation reductions in cost prices and lower fuel and possible synergies then who knows where we may get to.With 4.78 million shares issued I estimate EPS 60/65p RANGE .Clearly valuing this business at 3x earnings is wrong.The market will catch up but the shares are hard to buy and the market makers need to push up the price to flush out some stock.Anyone see it differently?Tiger

TEP chas11 09 Oct 2015

Major Seller? Do not worry SFB during the artic weather Psmith will be a van driver delivering the LED bulbs to customers. Doing something useful for the company at last.Expect to see a reduction in his posts on this Board

EMED dave297 09 Oct 2015

CU If the industry & insider view of the CU market is that we have seen the low point in its price, which is now expected to steadily improve, surely they would be now looking to invest in the shares of pure CU plays,like Emed (with a bit of gold thrown into the tailings for good luck).As we breach 4p is our low point behind us too?

ENRT Thomas Tallis 09 Oct 2015

The news is not cheerful Just some of the headlines on Siler Doctors"Fund Manager On Deutsche Bank and Derivatives “This is Lehman X 10!” ""Pentagon Escalates Hostilities with Russia: “We Are In a Proxy War” ""Global Financial Titanic Has Hit the Iceberg and Crash Already Begun!"[link]

STG camperdown 09 Oct 2015

news? after regular falls, the SP rises 34% 2 hours before a news release, mmmmmm