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TPL flipdalid 10 Oct 2015

Olisol improve offer to 9p Olisol Investment Group ("Olisol" announces that on October 9, 2015, it submitted an amendment to its non-binding proposal (the "Offer" to Tethys Petroleum Limited ("Tethys", originally announced on October 3, 2015 (Hong Kong time), in order to ensure the superiority of the Offer to any other bids. The amendments to the Offer include: -- an increase in the price per common share of Tethys (each, a "Share" from CDN $0.16 to CDN $0.17; -- an immediate investment of US $1.28 million upon the execution of a letter of intent relating to the Offer to allow Tethys to remedy an outstanding default on its Tajikstan license; and -- the assumption of other debts of Tethys. The foregoing amendments were made in an effort to stabilize Tethys's current financial situation and maintain the company's asset base. Other than the amendments set forth above, the terms of the Offer as disclosed in Olisol's press release dated October 3, 2015 (Hong Kong time) remain unchanged, but for an increase in all monetary amounts given the increase of the price per Share to CDN $0.17, as set forth above.Olisol has been focusing all efforts and expending considerable resources to satisfy various procedural requirements imposed by Tethys and its advisors in connection with the Offer, including responding to very broad information requests covering over 25 different issues - all of which were responded to in a timely and fulsome manner. Olisol has consistently demonstrated its ability and desire to move to a definitive agreement in short order and that it has sufficient financial resources to fund the Offer and to provide broader financial support to Tethys. "We believe that our amended offer is far superior to offers announced recently by other interested parties," said Alexander Skripka, a director of Olisol. "In addition, we have offered immediate financial assistance, which we are willing to advance even before we enter into a definitive agreement. We want to help Tethys avoid a default under its Tajikistan license and to alleviate the financial distress it is presently experiencing. We have navigated the numerous procedural hurdles that have been imposed by Tethys and we have continuously demonstrated our ability to move quickly. WHY THE TETHYS BOARD HAS ELECTED TO NOT ENGAGE WITH US IS A MYSTERY (my capitals). Our offer will provide for a period of stability to allow Tethys to undertake a thoughtful review of its strategy, assets and capital commitments so as to be able to create a plan that will provide for the long term viability of the company and a maximization of shareholder value. TETHYS 'S SHAREHOLDERS SHOULD BE ASKING THEIR BOARD WHY OUR OFFER DOES NOT MERIT CONSIDERATION (my capitals)"

PFL nk1999 10 Oct 2015

From Telegraph "Fresh rumours of a tie-up between electronics distributors Premier Farnell and Electrocomponents circulated in the City, triggering a rally in afternoon trade.There has long been talk of the pair merging, but this time traders pointed to the amplified bounce in the Electrocomponents share price as a reason to be hopeful. The stock’s significant jump – up 25.4p, or 13.4pc, to 214.9p – has not accompanied acquisition chatter in the past.Only last week Electrocomponents plunged to levels last seen five years ago, after second-quarter revenue growth slowed on weakening US manufacturing output.Meanwhile, shares in Premier Farnell, which has been rocked by two profit warnings this year, climbed 3pc to 111p.Last month, the troubled electronics group, which crashed out of the mid-cap index in the latest review, announced plans to sell its firefighting equipment company, Akron Brass, and slashed its dividend payout.Earlier this year, revelations that activist investor GO had taken a stake in the company led analysts to believe it would agitate for a sale."

MXP Marshsi 10 Oct 2015

95p Drainboy? Not heard from this fantasy poster in a while.........

JSI Orchard Gate 10 Oct 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? "Of course OG doesn't hold stock - he is shorting JSI in the hope that his constant 100% negative comment after comment will drive the price down to his advantage."I guess you can believe whatever fantasies you wish but believe me if I had shorted JSI I'd be proud to say so. Sadly I didn't. If you're one of those dullards who thinks by posting bullish comments you can drive the share price up I can only feel sorry for you - nothing you or I say here moves the price. Do you think I was short of Naibu and CamKids too? I'd be a lot richer if that were true. JSI has fallen over 90% in 12 months for a reason.Maths must be your strong point if you think it has just £60k of debt (as you said) but paid over £400k in interest. Time to take your socks off, perhaps.

BAB Ripley94 10 Oct 2015

reminder please was there a rights issue recently.

IXI Ding2dong 10 Oct 2015

Re: And yet more good news.... Yep, and on top of that, all they do is increase the spread to an eye-watering 5p, by leaving the bid the same & just increasing the asking price. They've obviously taken a lesson from Travelex bureau's in airports who have a ridiculous spread on buying & selling foreign currency, and have the cheek to charge you commission as well !

ENEG videodawn 10 Oct 2015

Re: LoL _ Blood transfusion, Life suppor... Morning SBIf he is trying to raise £1.8 million, that is 1.8 times the market cap of the company. Difficult to see how to get that away without severe dilution and share price erosion. So I see a heavy fall next week.There seems to be a technical error in the RNS. If £1.8 million cash is required, then that amount of cash is required no matter what happens at the EGM. To say he would only need £180k of cash if the resolution is approved seems erroneous. Confusing cash with share nominal value there, I think.Yes registering the name was precautionary I think, but Enegi is now stuck with a resolution to change the company's name to one which is already registered at CH and owned by someone else, even if it is Minty. Not sure how the registrar will deal with that. You cannot have two companies with the same name at the same time.

FKL Ekati 10 Oct 2015

Re: FOGL Is our BOD waiting for the results of FOGL before going further with their plans lying on the table? Because with ( very ) good results of the drilling campaign they maybe have to address more funds to the island's infrastructure instead of putting the resources at other ventures they have an eye on.Just thoughts coming to mind awaiting more news from our company.Eka

DGB gerihatric 10 Oct 2015

SCSW summarises recent contracts with the comment that it is all shaping up well and is a strong hold. They recommended it at 37p-now 48p. Techmarketviews have said that breakeven is even closer.

ABC LK Hyman 10 Oct 2015

T. Rowe Price TRP is the second biggest shareholder after Jonathan Milner and appears to be slowly reducing its stake. It's now just under 9%. I wonder if this is the reason for the latest slight weakness in the share price?LKH on the flybridge

TPL bertie20 10 Oct 2015

Press Release Thethys in default on cash call.[link]

NCYF paulthepunk 10 Oct 2015

Re: Anything else like NCYF? Hi all, I have been looking at these type of high yield investments recently too. Am I missing something here?! To me it looks like it's been in a downtrend for a year and a half, losing 12% + in 12 months.So net loss, capital depreciation outstriping Divi.Would have been better off in NG or the likes, no??Regards,Paul.

ENEG SierraBravo 10 Oct 2015

Re: LoL _ Blood transfusion, Life suppor... Video,The incorporation will just be percautionary to prevent any mischievous shareholder from incorporating that name and scuppering their plans.though quite what minty did that, rather than eneg being the sole shareholder is curious.they have also registered and parked the relevant domain. Though I would have thought they might have put up a home page rather than the providers click is not clear to me what happens to the deferred shares. They are unquoted of course. I assume resolution to cancel this m will turn up.obviously the first thing the directors will do is use most of the new entitlement to pay off their loan.mintys plan is simply to monetise the corporate ipr. I suspect it is currently correctly valued already.

EMED Ace08 10 Oct 2015

Re: Atalaya Mining At the end of the day they will do their thing , just sit back and be richer than 3pLeave ya money in until 2025 , or do what it takes to clean up on profit Atalaya Mining

TALK onedb1 10 Oct 2015

Poor service ? Most useless service providers I have ever had in my life , avoid at all cost !! Once you get your first Internet problem its game over and you don't even get refunded nor a resolution , you call 15 different operators spend 1 hour on the phone each time all for nothing . I wouldn't buy this stock on principle , if anything any weakness and I will join the shorting party just because I despise this company more than anything else . Pay a few quid more and get one of the other 3 . Don't believe me ? then good luck its not my problem . It will be yours .