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FKL Ekati 11 Oct 2015

Re: Trading statement I wouldn't be surprised they were on to something that has to do with storage for e-commerce. It's in the line of their Momart experience. Still a growth path and within their financial scope.

OXS Brookie Boy 11 Oct 2015

Re: Oxus Gold Comp IndaknowWe are on the same side on this one, but you seem quite pedantic (as am I); you may spotted that I stated "investing" and the quotes were put there for a reason. The "degree of certainty" you state means there's a degree of uncertainty - I'm sure there's a BSc to be had debating where gambling and investing collide!So I agree that anyone in this share is looking to get rich quick, and alternatively could opt for the favourite in the 3:10pm at Newmarket.

ECEL FKInvest424 11 Oct 2015

EUROCELL (ECEL)I Bought Eurocell at 208p on 9th October 2015.What made me to purchase:This share qualifies all the requirements of Jim Slater based on the price of 208p.[link]

EMED Ace08 11 Oct 2015

Profit ££ There is only one outcome here that's why I invested 7 years ago.The sp never matters guys until production winner stock

SER Mr Google 10 Oct 2015

Re: rns I doubt you will get to see a penny in this rubbish. You will be better off buying a lottery ticket.

ECWO badnews 10 Oct 2015

YOU'D HAVE TO BE A MUG To invest in this.Let me tell you why. The board have indebted this company to the eyeballs in 7% zeros and 6% culs amounting to 140 million. The company now has equity gearing of circa 60%, which is imprudent to say the least.You might think that the leverage was undertaken by the directors to enhance returns for shareholders - but was this really their motive?? Perhaps not. The trust pays the extremely high management fee of 1.25% not on net assets, but assets!! That's right, the manager indebted the fund on the most ridiculous terms - and then started to cash in 1.75 million in extra fees. Effectively you're being charged interest on top of your interest.Over 5 and 10 years, you would have been much better off putting your money in to a low cost FTSE 100 index tracker. 5 year total return 14.4% v 35%, 10 year total return 71.3% v 46.9% (SOURCE: Trustnet).I'm looking for an energy investment trust, but I'm also looking for one where the manager isn't just thinking about the lining of their pin-striped pockets - nothing against pin-stripes though, of course.

SPD dotlink 10 Oct 2015

maybe back down to 625p as a gap needs filling?

BAB Bronko 10 Oct 2015

Re: reminder please April 2014 from my records.

ALNT I Wish I Knew The Answer 10 Oct 2015

Re: Alent buy out Nearly therePlatform Latest Update"Acquisition of Alent plc and the first of the OM Group Electronic Chemicals and Photomasks acquisitions expected to close in Q4 2015."

KMK DIE HARD 1 10 Oct 2015

Re: 40 percent rise Just bought these 10 days ago and am up over 40% should I keep or take profit

ENEG Push2Gush 10 Oct 2015

Re: LoL _ Blood transfusion, Life suppor... I honestly don't get this outfit anymore Mawreese, so many Pi's did not invest in Enegi for this yet again new venture,,, The Co resembles almost nothing of what it portrayed to be when it was all about NF etc. Look where it is today, it has what is effectively bad debt, it has pretty much washed millions of previously raised funds down the pooop pipe with NOTHING to show for any of that, no asset producing anything, no real added value to any asset,, missed targets and bad deals with BS and then for this lot to then GAMBLE on buying back BS stock to make on it with borrowed money and for that to become worthless. So now the emergency parachute is out and yet again another splinter is proposed and dilution is "likely" to be harsh, you get an RNS after close on Friday to deliver this to shareholders when it is abundantly clear some knew about this days ago and the MM's worked it in too, raising on small volume to hype up the price... I recon the %ages the Minty lot own overall through ABT stake in ABTOG and his own Enegi stock, combined with RMRI family stock too, then they probably don't need much more to get their 75% for approvals to dilute when they want and pretty much do as they wish without any further calls... it stinks, it might be an emergency parachute but it is riddled with holes, I am amazed LT has been so quiet these days since he is or was a 5-6 million shares holder, someone that I would have expected to be very vocal considering his buys were anywhere from 5p to 10p, you could buy that many shares for the price of a new motor on Friday,,, they cost him the price of a decent house, painful when he was also in contact with Minty's lot and put under the bus.all the above in my opinion of course.

AQP Speculator 73 10 Oct 2015

Re: 2 directors Investing? "Never invest simply because a Director 'buys' shares..that's my advice innit."********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** Aye true that bud .... But .. I know theres always a BUT ... Believe this is worth a bit more than whats its slated for ... I am going to take a risk on this one .. My research suggests a possible X2 the price - however I may be wrong - in that case - "if ya dont loose then you havent traded" is my motto .. regards

ALK dabba 10 Oct 2015

Re: RNS: Extension Anyone offer an opinion on the extended offer . Appears to be a threat rather than an offer?

NCYF roco200 10 Oct 2015

Big divis Not sure if these have been considered. Between 7% & 10%BRCIGLIFALAIMRWMGHIBAFBLTPremier Optimum IncomeAALGVC Holdings (GVC) - ex dividend 16th Oct, then one yr holiday due to take over of BWINSchroder Income MaximiseRWC Enhanced IncomeAll these pay over 7%.Not checked on Dividend cover.Any thoughts

MIN Jack Diamonds 10 Oct 2015

Directors Interests................ Due to the delay in the Greece Govt getting back into full swing, all Shareholders need to sit tight (if they continue to believe the story)......Clearly, Shareholders that are also Directors are doing just that, including Mr Day with his 5.82%. Although we should not forget all the other Directors who swapped outstanding fees for options. For example, on 18 December 2013, £463k was divided by 10p to calculate the number of 1p Options to swap for the £463k.The last set of Statutory Accounts showed roughly 11.5 Million 1p Options. These are not give away's but Directors Fees converted to Options at their risk, as they believed the story. This was summed up by Christopher Egleton, Who commented:“The Directors have stated repeatedly their belief in the Group’s eventual success and their commitment to providing value for shareholders and have once again demonstrated this belief and confidence in the Group by taking equity in the Company in exchange for the majority of outstanding fees/salaries currently due to them”.A long time waiting, I agree, but all Directors are in with their hard earned cash. It's just a question of when the Govt/President get around to signing the PD.........Best wishesJack========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== =========The beneficial shareholding of Mr N Day is now 10,851,630 Ordinary Shares in the Company, which represents 5.82% of the total 186,309,204 Ordinary Shares currently in issue.========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== =========18 December 2013Minoan Group Plc(“Minoan”, the “Group”, or the “Company”Directors’ Share Acquisitions and Grant of OptionsThe directors of Minoan Group Plc, and certain directors of subsidiary companies within the Group, are reinforcing their confidence in the Company and its eventual success by acquiring equity and receiving share options in exchange for fees and salaries due to them totaling £699,000.In particular, the Directors have decided to acquire equity and options in exchange for their fees and salaries for the following reasons: to demonstrate their ongoing commitment to, and belief in, the future of both the Group’s project in Crete and its expanding travel and leisure business; and notwithstanding the new loan facility announced on 17 October 2013, to free up additional working capital for other purposes.In addition, for the same reasons, certain third parties have come to agreement with the Company to receive payments for services rendered by way of shares in the Company or share options as set out below.Shares issued in lieu of services providedOutstanding fees of £236,000 will be settled by the issuance of 2,360,000 ordinary shares of 1p each in the Company (“Ordinary Shares” at 10p per share, subject to admission to AIM.Included in the above are 1,935,000 Ordinary Shares being issued to Simmons International Limited, a company which provides Mr C W Egleton’s services to Minoan and in which he is a minority shareholder, and 425,000 to Mr J C Watts, a subsidiary company director.The Board has also decided to satisfy certain existing liabilities by the issue of Ordinary Shares to other third party service providers and consultants. As a consequence, a total of a further 1,449,000 Ordinary Shares will be issued at 10p per share, subject to admission to AIM.Options granted to Minoan and subsidiary company directorsOutstanding salaries due to Minoan Directors and subsidiary company directors of £463,000, will be waived by those directors in exchange for the granting of options to subscribe for a maximum of 5,144,444 Ordinary Shares (“Options”. The number of Options has been calculated based on a share price of 10p per share.Christopher Egleton, Chairman of Minoan commented:“The Directors have stated repeatedly their belief in the Group’s eventual success and their commitment to providing value for shareh