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BLUR dickie3times 11 Oct 2015

Re: FRC findings Can't believe how much this has dropped. However, traders may prevent this from recovering much above 40p. Still one hopes and imo worth buying now for a speculative punt back to 100p

SAV dickie3times 11 Oct 2015

OMAN 'one stop shop to draw investors' (from LSE courtesy Sam45m)[link] shop'?cdid=A-34099588-11046Wednesday, October 07, 2015 112 AM ETOman's new mining body creates 'one-stop shop' for approvals to draw investorsRuth HeerIn an attempt to attract investors to Oman's mining sector, the country's recently established minerals exploration department has just finalized a new draft law that is awaiting official approval.Speaking at the MENA Mining Show in Dubai, Hussain Al Zubaidi, head of minerals exploration at the Ministry of Commerce & Industry in Oman, said the new entity had just completed a two-day workshop outlining and assessing an investor-friendly, sustainable approach to the mining sector.Since its establishment in September 2014, the body has been responsible for preparing a new government strategy for the mining sector."The existing law has a lot of elements that do not really attract new foreign investors or even existing investors," Al Zubaidi explained. "We have focused on points that encourage investments in the country."The new draft particularly addresses issues on licensing approval and duration. Al Zubaidi said the body tried to move away from complicated, cost-heavy and prolonged application processes for exploration and mining licenses and instead created a "one-stop shop" where investors could get all required sign-offs with just one application."This will help investors to get the go-ahead with just one application," he said. It will also include the "reservation of mining blocks" and getting clearance from the various ministries."We will give [investors] the area straight away," Al Zubaidi noted.However, the application approval will still depend on the added value of the project and its contribution to local communities and their development, he said.If approved, the law will also address the duration of licenses, which presently have to be renewed on an annual basis, but could soon only be due for renewal every five years."We try to help investors," explained Al Zubaidi. "We have also come up with a checklist for investors, so it is easier to understand the rules and regulations in Oman."Hopes are that these steps will also help expand investment activity into resources apart from copper, which has so far been at the heart of investor interest. "Now we are looking to attract [investors] to add value for manganese and laterite resources," Al Zubaidi said."We hope that by the end of next month, we will go for the new strategy and geological infrastructure in Oman," he added.However, it could be another year until the draft law takes effect.

ZAM Ripley94 11 Oct 2015

Re: Still here fallen back a good bit.

EMED investorprotestor 11 Oct 2015

Re: Profit ££ I made my holdings divisible by 3 - i know its stupid but i did it anyway.

FRM roco200 11 Oct 2015

CORRECTION Whoops ....Sorry carried away with myself. Decimal spot in wrong place!!Forecast £1.75m profit equates to an EPS of £0.008p, (not £0.8p) so current SP of 8p looks about right to me - 10 times earnings.But they say they are confident that profit for this financial year to August 2016 are likely to be substantially in excess of £1.75m so one would expect the SP to head further north over the year if that is delivered.Apologies again, especially as I have not posted here before.

SQZ millie 11 Oct 2015

looks like a classic bullflag developing on the chart, so I'm going to buy some tomorrow. Don't know how to post charts on this forum sorry.

FRM roco200 11 Oct 2015

Loads mentioned this share on MML thread. Hi LoadsI wonder where you found FRM?It does look interesting.As you say it has moved up a few gears this year, suddenly trading profitably and forecasting EPS of 0.8p (SP 80p) when it is currently 8p and has already risen from 1.63p in May.The balance sheet looks fine, they have cash, they say "profits for period are well ahead of mgmt expectations" & confident that profit for this financial year to 31/8/16 are likely to be substantially in excess of the £1.75m forecast in 2015.It seems tied up with the Kennedy family who have "skin in the game".The director's salaries are very reasonable.The only negatives as I can see, is the spread is 12.5% & they don't pay a dividend yet, but that looks likely to change very soon.Have I missed something?

BOK Ripley94 11 Oct 2015

Re: NEW ARTICLE: Booker stalls despite Londi... last June 14. Near highs

ALK Ripley94 11 Oct 2015

Re: RNS ~ Takeover Offer 36

ZOX popes11 11 Oct 2015

100k Batches 9 x 100k share trades on Friday. Big volume for a normally quite stock. I see this getting over the 12p mark soon.

ALK Ripley94 11 Oct 2015

Re: RNS: Extension Can you reverse your acceptance when they do this ?

MCGN EssentialInvestor 11 Oct 2015

Re: Worth a go now? My surprise is that the Chairman may want to exit at these levels IMV.Looking at the current yield and tender offers, any other views on this ?.

VCT nk1999 11 Oct 2015

Telegraph- Questor "Hold Victrex on strong finish: The company has grown revenues from £104 million in 2009 to £264 million at the end of September this year. To satisfy growing demand, the group has this year completed a third £90 million plant in the North West and recent investment has increased maximum capacity by 70% to 7,000 tonnes a year. David Hummel, Chief Executive, expects spending to fall to more normal levels following the expansion programme. The company said that it had ended the year with a robust fourth quarter, and full year production volumes were up 19% to 4,217 tonnes. There was growing demand from the automotive, aerospace and consumer electronics markets, which helped offset a slowdown from the oil and gas sector customers. Market expectations are for the company to make £105 million in pretax profits over the full year, giving 97p in earnings per share. The profits are up 3% on last year having been held back by an £8 million loss from foreign currency movements and revenues falling 5% in the U.S. spinal business. The balance sheet is in a strong position and the company remains highly cash generative. The dividend payments have increased by more than 10% every year for the past five years and now offer a prospective yield of 2.8%. The only problem is that the shares, trading on 19 times forecast earnings, already price in much of this good news. Victrex at £18.68 +12p. Questor says “Hold”. "

SGI Clued-in 11 Oct 2015

Re: Future I'm hanging in there. Peel Hunt in their assessment I feel summed it up well. SGI Mgt were trying to do too much at once. They had just completed mergers and were reducing and streamlining mgt., also developing websites (Marketplace, etc..) and new products (funds) as well as a drop in Asian interest and liquidity. The new reduced mgt structure meant lost focus on sales and inevitably a learning curve for products new to them, eg previous mgt focused solely on stamps would now need to also deal with furniture. Return to the 300p levels may take a few years but then what is long-term investing anyway !! Sp will probably drift down a bit more but the drop is way overdone, Peel Hunt have a 12 mnth 150p target and HOLD Rec. Cost savings due to better economies of scale, many more auctions in H2, better product cross selling, improving web service, more focused mgt, etc...should mean a much higher sp in 6 mnths from the current 93p. Remember, they are still making profits albeit much lower than expected and future results will compare very favourably with their now forecast H1 !! I'll be topping up soon when I feel they've bottomed.

TMZ Mr Google 11 Oct 2015

SensiumVitals by Vermed? Came across this link from another discussion board.[link] are part of a larger group Graphic Controls [link]