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ECWO NewPygar 11 Oct 2015

Re: YOU'D HAVE TO BE A MUG Whilst I partly agree with you the zeros and convertables are redeemable in less than a year and I'm hoping before then we get a vote on winding up the company or converting to unit trust! I think they need shareholder approval to issue more zeros or debt and can't see that happening under the current structure! It is currently at over a 20% discount which is unacceptable for any shareholder and in the meantime we receive a 6% dividend (admittedly mostly paid out of our own capital).

ZAM CornishTinker 11 Oct 2015

Re: Still here But why? I do not know a lot about this company and bought a small holding on a whim for my portfolio. There is little real news and I cannot believe that the changes very recently are to do with currency. From the look of the regularity of posts not a lot of interest here either. Am sitting on my hands for the moment.

OXS Pennyfalls 11 Oct 2015

Re: Bbanker - low estimates Haha!Maybe agreeing with DUzbek after a good drink?!

OXS indaknow 11 Oct 2015

Re: Bbanker - low estimates PennyI'm not sure what's worse: (i) you posting after you've been drinking; (ii) posting that you agree with David Uzbeks who is unable to back up any of his statements....

CAMK Orchard Gate 11 Oct 2015

Re: OG the Liar again So you mean I was right again - Camkids, Naibu, JSI etc. All Chinese frauds.But of course according to you none can be frauds because they have audited accounts.

JSI Orchard Gate 11 Oct 2015

Sunday Times from today's Sunday Times ....AIM's China crisis casts a shadow over birthday partyIN EARLY January, the directors of Chinese sportswear supplier Naibu Global were in a state of panic. The company's non-executive directors, gathered in London, had to update the stock market about their latest sales figures, but had run into a serious problem. Their fellow board members, 7,500 miles away in China's Fujian province, had vanished.On Friday January 9, Naibu was suspended from AIM, London's junior market. A month later, the business told investors that two key executives, Lin Huoyan and Lin Congdeng, had failed to update them about trading. June, the company was kicked off the stock market.Naibu is one of several Chinese companies suspended or delisted in London this year, as concerns grow over the governance of London's growth market. Despite efforts by Naibu's British directors and an investigation by KPMG, the company's investors were left counting the cost after it was delisted. Shareholders were stuck with stakes in a private company based on the southeastern coast of China, a world away from the stock exchange's City home.The number of Chinese companies on AIM is dropping rapidly, with more than a dozen suspended or delisted in the past year. Last week, China Rerun Chemical Group was suspended after its nominated adviser - known as a nomad - resigned. Cairn Financial Advisers quit after they claimed management refused to allow an independent review into the business. The company's Chinese executives issued a rebuttal on Friday morning, publicly criticising their nomad and British non-executive directors.Nomads aren't forced to tell the market why they have resigned, and in most cases they don't, for fear of litigation, market sources said.China Chaintek, a sports-shoe logistics company, was suspended last month after a disagreement about a board overhaul. Three British non-executives resigned, and the company will be struck off if it fails to find a new nomad. A source close to the company claimed there was a "flagrant lack of corporate governance" at the firm.Children's clothing company Camkids was also suspended from AIM late last month, after its nomad resigned over plans to hand most of its cash to distributors. Beijing internet software provider Geong was suspended the same week after it failed to file its accounts on time.For several years, the exchange has courted Chinese companies. China Chaintek, Naibu and Camkids are all from the Fujian province - three years ago, a veteran London stockbroker boarded a flight to China to check on the region's businesses. On his travels, he visited Naibu."It was your typical Chinese factory," he said. "Three storeys high and down a back alley. It did not look like a company that made a £15m profit. Far from it. The products were cheap and nasty ... stitching was coming off the sides of the trainers." He decided against acting for the company and flew home.Others were more obliging. City broker Daniel Stewart took Naibu public months later in April 2012.The recent cases of Chinese companies being suspended or kicked out of AIM highlight growing concerns that the exchange is vulnerable to abuse. AIM companies pay nomads to handle their corporate governance, and nomads are mainly responsible for regulating them. The nomads are overseen by a team within the London Stock Exchange.The exchange's China problem has escalated in the year that it toasts its 20th anniversary. Last week, AIM's top companies gathered for a gala ceremony at London's Old Billingsgate Market, with tables costing £3,000 each. In its two decades, it has had plenty of winning stocks. Asos, which started out as retailer As Seen on Screen, has grown into a £2.4bn online giant. Some Chinese companies have also performed strongly, including Hutchison China Meditech, a pharmaceuticals firm backed by Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing.But AIM's big anniversary risks being

ECEL wineberry 11 Oct 2015

Re: Euroocell stats Thanks fr that - most useful and certainly confirms my view that this is a buy. Send a letter to Mr Slater for his next article in D.Telegraph Money! Good dividend adds to the attraction.

OXS Pennyfalls 11 Oct 2015

Bbanker - low estimates Hi say you can'r understand the low estimates on here (by me and a few others)...I partly agree with DavidUzbek on this matter.The problem is that if Oxus did breach their contract there may have been clauses stating tyat the Uzbeks could sequestrate the mine - or nationalise it, as they would put it.One of the Arbitrators (Brigitte Stern) recently pontificated about 'Compensation' in such circumstances - which would basically cover the sosts of the mine etc etc.It is possible that the Uzbeks have argued that Oxus did not find the necessary finance under the terms of the contract - ans thus lose the contract to mine etc..It's also possible that their alleging impropriety on Oxus part - which could have more damaging results..Combined with the Arbitartors usual Modus Operandi in International Arbitration - to dish out about 20% of target claim , that explains the low estmates.Hope that helps, from us Lowball people

JSI Orchard Gate 11 Oct 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? Apologies, it was "fast sailor" and not you who claimed JSI has just 60k of debt. My mistake. Nevertheless, why is a supposedly cash rich company paying ~ £450,000 a year in bank interest?

ECM FRTEB 11 Oct 2015

Re: ECM, Shooting Up. Ah yes, but you can't beat a bit of bullie. Lovely, smashing. ...But look what you would have won

ENEG mawreese 11 Oct 2015

Re: LoL _ Blood transfusion, Life suppor... Yes, the Dear Leader will do exactly what he wants to do and there is nothing that any of us can do about it. He's always been very good at moving money out of Enegi and into other parts of his empire, notably RMRI in its various incarnations for spurious 'consultancy' efforts, which tend to be big on puff pieces for the press but a bit lacking in actual expertise in anything - they could not, for example, and contrary to the high falutin' claims on their website, manage to turn out an FDP for Fyne - wonder if WGPSN ever got paid for that? I know what I think. But no matter how it pans out, I do think that the market, or any potential investors, are not going to be so easily gulled into throwing more money into this lost cause. I still cannot believe the tosh being spouted in the latest State of the Nation about the current O&G market conditions being a benefit to this mob and their untried concept. You can't even get a decent cup of coffee in any of the oil companies these days, their fancy-dan machines having been replaced by something called a 'kettle' in the interests of cost-cutting, far less many millions of ££££s to let this rag tag assembly try to put together a 'solution' to the current problems. We have 'solutions' already - they're called NUIs - but there is a REASON why these are much more common in the Southern Sector and that is because producing gas from an unattended facility is much, much, easier than getting at oil. For the latter, and if push came to shove, a number of the rigs currently stacked in Invergordon could be pressed into service as production units - that's a concept tried and tested (and ongoing in the Norwegian Sector courtesy of Maersk's Inspirer rig at Volve Field). Nobody is going to fall for the 'well it works fine in Peru' SIFT idea, especially when peddled by a man that couldn't get more than a teaspoon of oil out of NFL in god knows how many years of trying.

TMZ TheDrewster 11 Oct 2015

Re: SensiumVitals by Vermed? A new US distribution deal ? Unannounced ? Needs clarification from Toumaz.

AFR ldlv 11 Oct 2015

baroo123 afrenlegalaction at yahoo dot com

AFR ldlv 11 Oct 2015

Alixp: Is this the best you can do? If so, are you sure?[link] Friday, creditors approved Alix Partners’ plan to dismantle Afren and sell its assets. PJT Partners, which is running the auction, has already sold the Okoro offshore field for $31m to Amni International, one of Afren’s former operating partners. Yinka Folawiyo Petroleum, another Nigerian producer, is set to pay $35m for the OML 113 reservoir.Everything else is for sale. Bonhams will hold an auction on October 28 for the company’s collection of African art. Restructuring specialist Hilco has been hired to sell the furniture. Industry sources said the assets were not likely to raise more than $200m in total, meaning that creditors face taking a huge loss on the $1.7bn in outstanding debt.

BLUR dickie3times 11 Oct 2015

Philip Letts- video interview-again [link]