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CHRR Orchard Gate 12 Oct 2015

Is this the funniest RNS ever? The announcement dated 6th October 2015 was NOT authorized and/or issued by the Company.And the Board disagree to the announcement as follows: 1. "As part of its ongoing review of the Group's systems and controls": The Company has not been contacted by our resigned NED Nick Lyth and Nomad CAIRN on any system and control reviews since it was listed on 16th Oct. 2013. 2. " Cairn Financial Advisers LLP requested the Group to commission an independent review": The Board understand that CAIRN has been questioned by AIM (Relevant email has been sent to our NEDs on 11th Sept. 2015), mainly on 2014 year end result announcement, which was released on 27th Feb. 2015 -Why no qualified opinion and related party transactions were disclosed? We consider this is Nomad's negligent rather than our problem. 3. "The Board of the Group did not wish to proceed with this review": The Board didn't reject this suggestion and never reject any system improvement as longer as it is reasonable and necessary. We only received CAIRN's suggestion on 1st Oct. 2015 (Thursday afternoon) to appoint an independent reviewer by following Monday 5th Oct. 2015, this was during Chinese National Holiday period (From 1st Oct. 2015 to 7th Oct. 2015). Also, CAIRN has requested extra ’25,000 fees in this case. We reserve the right to claim any damage of our business and reputation.

JSI Orchard Gate 12 Oct 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? You make it sound like paying a div is a very rare thing. Most companies pay one (all of my shares with a single exception).the way, Naibu and CamTek both paid dividends before being exposed as frauds.

TPL flipdalid 12 Oct 2015

tethys response to Olisol GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS--(Marketwired - Oct. 12, 2015) - Tethys Petroleum Limited ("Tethys" or the "Company" (TSX:TPL) (LSE:TPL) acknowledges the public announcement by Olisol Investment Group ("Olisol" on October 9, 2015 regarding a non-binding proposal submitted to the Company along with suggestions that Tethys has not engaged with Olisol or considered Olisol's proposal. The Tethys Board disagrees with much of the content in the Olisol release and Tethys has requested that Olisol publically corrects the statements made.The Tethys Board would like to inform shareholders that the Company has been engaging extensively with all parties which have submitted proposals to Tethys ("Interested Parties", including Olisol, since the exclusivity period with Nostrum Oil & Gas PLC ended at 11.59pm on October 6, 2015 ("Nostrum Exclusivity Period". These proposals are being actively considered by the Tethys Board to determine which proposal is in the best interest of all Tethys stakeholders. Since the end of the Nostrum Exclusivity Period, the Company has been fully focused on trying to conclude a transaction with Interested Parties as quickly as possible. This has included extensive correspondence, discussions and negotiations over this period. At this stage, there remains significant uncertainty with respect to these proposals and all remain non-binding and are subject to a number of conditions. The Company has taken the prudent and necessary steps to clarify these uncertainties and conditions, such as proof of funding, to ensure all proposals can be appropriately assessed and to determine which may be in the best interest of all Tethys stakeholders. Tethys also notes Olisol's proposal for an immediate investment of US$1.28 million upon the execution of a letter of intent relating to its proposal to potentially allow Tethys to remedy an outstanding default on its Tajikistan license. This non-definitive proposal from Olisol was received too late to clarify, negotiate and enter into binding agreements in time and the Company could not remedy the default payment by the due date of October 9, 2015 based on a non-binding, non-clarified proposal. Furthermore, the proposed immediate investment would not provide sufficient funds to fully remedy the current default payments on its Tajikistan license in the near term, nor would it provide funding certainty for further payments going forward which could total US$12-US$15 million over the next 6 months. Further, accepting the terms upon which the immediate investment had been proposed from Olisol could have prejudiced other Interested Parties and their potential alternative proposals.Tethys did however propose to Olisol to make the Tajikistan payment directly on Thursday, October 8, 2015, which Olisol declined to do. Tethys continues to work with Olisol and other Interested Parties to conclude a transaction as soon as possible. All parties have been asked to submit in short order any final revisions to their offers in order to have final proposals for evaluation by the Tethys Board. There can be no certainty that any proposal will result in a transaction, nor as to the terms on which any such transaction resulting from a proposal may be finalised.

TPL bertie20 12 Oct 2015

Re: All shareholders email TPL today Tethys disagree.[link]

PGD Antiques Of Woodstock 12 Oct 2015

Re: Elections Argentina's forthcoming presidential election is likely to mark a turning point for the country's beleaguered economy.As campaigning is gearing up ahead of the first round of voting on 25 October, analysts agree on one thing - either economic conditions will get better, or they will get a whole lot worse.No matter who wins, there is a high risk of financial chaos in South America's second-largest economy, with many observers feeling that the policies which rescued Argentina from its 2001-02 meltdown, and $100bn (£66bn) debt default, have now outlived their usefulness.But the two front-running presidential candidates have diverging approaches.Mauricio Macri, of the conservative Cambiemos (Let's Change) coalition, is holding out the possibility of big change.While Daniel Scioli, the candidate of the left-wing Front for Victory, the coalition of outgoing President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, is offering the certainty of continuity - even down to maintaining the country's hardline stance in its dispute with US hedge funds that led it to a second debt default last year.Mr Scioli is standing because President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is constitutionally barred from running for a third consecutive term, marking the end of an era in Argentine politics.For more than 12 years, "Kirchnerism" has been the dominant political force in the country, with President Fernandez succeeding her late husband, Nestor Kirchner, in the top job.But the broad outlines of the couple's economic policy will be maintained in the event of a victory by Mr Scioli, who is currently well ahead in the polls.'Productive paradise'In a recent speech, Mr Scioli set out his economic policies, which turned out to be quite similar to those already in place.He appears to be pinning his hopes on raising the level of external investment in Argentina, saying he expects to attract $30bn a year in foreign capital.However, he seemed to have no plans to offer potential investors any incentives, saying: "We do not want a fiscal paradise, but rather a productive paradise.”In truth, many foreign firms, from Calvin Klein to British Gas, have been scared off by currency and capital controls that, among other things, have stopped them taking their profits out of the country - not that much money is being made in the current climate.But Mr Scioli gave no indication that he would reform that system, probably because cash-strapped Argentina is still excluded from borrowing on the international capital markets, and is desperately trying to stop hard currency seeping out of the country.What he did promise was that he would "gradually" bring down inflation to single-digit levels, "but never at the expense of an adjustment to our social inclusion policies, and with more and better growth instead".That pledge sidestepped the long-running controversy over the "true" level of inflation in Argentina. The country's statisticians changed their method of calculating price rises last year, because their figures had lost credibility.However, the revised official index still shows annual inflation at no higher than 14.7%, whereas a panel of experts consulted by Consensus Economics reckons the real rate to be nearly twice as high, at 26.5%.Out of steam?Under Kirchnerism, the state has exercised greater control over the economy, including the imposition of heavy taxes on agricultural exports, which helped swell the public coffers and pay for social programmes during the global commodities boom.Argentina is the second-largest exporter of corn, and the third largest exporter of soybeans in the world, but the market is more precarious than it used to be and the high tariffs have never been popular with farmers.With that economic model running out of steam and foreign currency reserves still low, it is arguably time for a change. At least, that's what the main opposition presidential candidate, Mr Macri, maintains.

HAYT gretel 12 Oct 2015

RNS : terrific, cheap acquisition Excellent news - large earnings-enhancing acquisition bringing in new clients and a well-known brand name.Paying just $15m for $3.2m operating profit is rather cheap....[link] addition, "The assets include an 11.5 acre freehold property in Peterborough, all of the plant and machinery, transferring book debts and stock", so all in all this deal looks blooming great.

PYC fredd1eboy 12 Oct 2015

4th large customer 12 October 2015 Physiomics plc("Physiomics" or "the Company" 4th Large Pharma Customer for Virtual Tumour Physiomics plc (AIM: PYC), the Oxford, UK based systems biology company, is pleased to announce that it has signed a new Virtual Tumour deal with a new pharmaceutical company, the 4th large pharma customer for this service. The project will be performed on a fee-for-service basis. Dr Mark Chadwick, CEO of Physiomics, commented:"It is very pleasing that we have further extended the number of large pharmas starting to use Virtual Tumour. We look forward to adding more such customers as the benefits of our model are more widely understood." Enquiries: Physiomics plc Dr Mark Chadwick, CEO+44 (0)1865 784 980

MMX buzzard stubble 12 Oct 2015

Re: .Law .LAW launchThe Company is also pleased to announce the start today of the Early Access Program for the much-anticipated launch of .law. Under the Early Access Program ("EAP", a descending fee, going lower each day, will be charged during the first week of launch in addition to the standard prices for a domain, until by day eight prices settle at their normal level. The purpose of the EAP is to better capture value for .law names that are not premium priced. The Company therefore expects high-value sales during EAP, followed by more numerous registrations appearing after 19th October.Antony Van Couvering added:"We believe .law will change the way people look at top-level domains. We expect to prove that restricting access to eligible applicants will increase not only demand and price, but also usage and promotion of second-level domains. For us, .law is the perfect combination of a large addressable market, a professional and well-heeled user base, a strong external partner, and a compelling product offering. Early indications are that .law will have significant uptake from the global legal community."ch

MMX buzzard stubble 12 Oct 2015

Re: ,miami .MIAMI launchFollowing a co-ordinated marketing campaign with GoDaddy, the world's largest internet domain name registrar, and HelloDotMiami, a registrar specializing in Spanish-language registrations, the Company is pleased to report that .MIAMI has secured over 8,000 registrations in its first seven days, making it the fastest growing geo TLD of this period and placing it among the most successful city TLD launches.Antony Van Couvering, CEO of Minds + Machines, commented:"We could not be more pleased with the launch of .MIAMI, one of only three United States cities to have launched their own geo top-level domain. It has been a rousing success for both the City of Miami and Minds + Machines from any point of view we choose. We are seeing great numbers given Miami's population size; sustained growth rates; low customer acquisition costs, and premium name sales to some of Miami's premier businesses and institutions. We view the launch of .MIAMI as establishing a new model for a successful geo TLD launch: a strong partnership with the City government; sustained engagement with civic and business leaders; and targeted marketing in co-operation with our registrar partners."ch

MMX buzzard stubble 12 Oct 2015

renewals RenewalsThe Company is pleased to report that renewal numbers from its geo-portfolio are expected to come in significantly ahead of industry norms. Preliminary results from .london indicate a final renewal rate of over 90%. This number is subject to change given the rights of customers to cancel auto-renewals up to 45 days past their renewal date, but this is not expected to be significant. These initial results, compared with an industry norm of 50-75% renewal rate, confirm the Company's belief in the value of geographic top-level domains and its strategy of working with the world's leading cities. ch

PEG gretel 12 Oct 2015

RNS - new £1m+ contract for this £5m m/cap company, which underpins next year's 1.66p EPS forecasts and presumably exemplifies Bombardier's confidence in their products:[link] award worth in excess of £1 millionPetards, the AIM quoted developer of advanced security and surveillance systems, announces that it has been awarded a further contract to supply Bombardier Transportation ("Bombardier" with Petards' eyeTrain systems. The new contract, which is worth in excess of £1 million, is for the supply of eyeTrain saloon and Driver Only Operation (DOO) systems which will be fitted to new four-car Electrostar Electrical Multiple Unit (EMU) trains to be built by Bombardier. Petards' deliveries are anticipated to commence during 2016 and to be substantially completed by the end of that year. Commenting, Petards Chairman Raschid Abdullah said; "We are delighted that Petards' eyeTrain systems continue to be the system of choice for fitment to Bombardier's Electrostar trains. This order adds to the hundreds of Electrostar vehicles for which eyeTrain systems have previously been specified and further bolsters the Group's present order book for delivery in 2016.""

FRM loadsadough 12 Oct 2015

Re: Loads mentioned this share on MML thread... Hello roco. FRM.Guess I found this on the ADVFN board news. Its where I often find stocks. Keeps me busy looking around. Yes it does look interesting so I give it a try and see how it does over time.I also looking at KBT, and CLG at the moment.Good luck roco.Loadsadough

HOT nncalc 12 Oct 2015

Share price and discount I have been in and out of this trust for a number of years - my postings here go back to 2011. I would advise that followers take with a large pinch of salt the prices posted as they are unreliable. The company is still tiny and the displayed price is often simply the latest deal price, that deal having been either a buy or sell and could be a large or small size. If I am considering a deal I put ina dummy buy and sell and get real live prices. These may show a (real) spread of 25p or something as low as 5p. When the price is wide I used to put in a limit order but these seem to be ignored in my online dealing account so I have given up on this. I know from my own deals that the computer shows buys as sells and vice versa, so this indicator is definitely unreliable for this company. It is certainly not a stock for the day trader but there are profits to be made. First, the manager has consistently out performed most rivals in his stock selection. According to the AIC website HOT has been 3rd,2nd and 2nd in UK All Companies NAV return over 1,3 and 5 years. (The winner is JMF) Second, the discount moves quite violently giving a patchy SP return; get this right and the dealing profits follow. The current discount is around 7% with a one year range of 18% discount to 5% premium. HOT has the 7th biggest discount of the top 12 NAV performers, four of which trade at a premium. At this level I am a cautious buyer. I was an enthusiastic buyer when the discount was above 15% and sold at a premium or small discount when I could get over 1020p for a 25% profit. way of comparision, JMF trades on a discount of less than 3%. As ever, do your own research.

TPL 3Dimensional 12 Oct 2015

All shareholders email TPL today Why the Tethys board has elected to not engage with us is a mystery. Our offer will provide for a period of stability to allow Tethys to undertake a thoughtful review of its strategy, assets and capital commitments so as to be able to create a plan that will provide for the long term viability of the company and a maximization of shareholder value. Tethys's shareholders should be asking their board why our offer does not merit consideration."---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---This is an extract from Olisols latest proposal, I believe the BoD are up to some underhanded tricks, but I guarantee they will not escape the wrath of the law if this is the case.It stinks to high heaven and Olisol are bending over backwards to save us.3D

TPL 3Dimensional 12 Oct 2015

John Bell and Julian Hammond will feel the raff of the law over this, if they do not immediately enter into dialogue with Olisols offer, at the moment their lack of response stinks of insider corruption going on to sell off the assets on the cheap to Nostrum whilst still hanging on to power. Hopefully Pope asset will have something to say if they do not enter into dialogue with Olisol.A few fellow investor friends have been ringing Tethys on a daily basis for the last 2 weeks demanding Julian Hammond return their calls, thus far he has not. It was pointed out to another member of Tethys management that they have a duty of care to shareholders and they are showing none. I think I will inform the SFO tomorrow that I believe something underhanded is going on at Tethys, of course if there is an RNS in the morning saying they have entered talks with Olisol then I will avoid doing that.Here's hoping to a 7am RNS and at least an 8p SP upon open!3D