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UBI Carefully Does It 12 Oct 2015

Momentum? Scale? I very much hope they don't go over the top on the headcount. Previously there was always a hint their measure of success was headcount, not shareholder return. Now it's momentum and scale but it means nothing without value appreciation shown through the share price. All else, unless a charity, is a waste of time."momentum beginning to build""the opportunity to significantly scale the business through our partner channels continues to gain traction."Richard Green, CEO of Ubisense, commented: "Peter's appointment comes at an exciting juncture for the business, with momentum beginning to build through the growing adoption of our technology by some of the world's leading automotive manufacturers and utility and telecoms operators. His wealth of experience will prove invaluable, as the opportunity to significantly scale the business through our partner channels continues to gain traction."

88E jaja 12 Oct 2015

/WRES moving up now., RNS logged?

UKOG jaja 12 Oct 2015

WRES moving up now., RNS logged??

FJET jaja 12 Oct 2015

,,,,WRES moving up now., RNS logged?

AFPO jaja 12 Oct 2015

WRES moving up now., RNS logged?..

SQZ jaja 12 Oct 2015

WRES moving up now., RNS logged?

GKP jaja 12 Oct 2015

.WRES moving up news., RNS logged?

LGO jaja 12 Oct 2015

WRES moving up news., RNS logged?..

FOGL jaja 12 Oct 2015

WRES moving up news., RNS logged?

TMZ divvent argie 12 Oct 2015

Re: SensiumVitals by Vermed? I would have thought such a distribution deal would have warranted a company rns and am mystified as to why we haven't had one so here is some wild speculation. TMZ want to pull back from the dirty business of selling Sensium products and maybe even sell it on. Vermed have jumped the gun with their webpage. Takeover in prospect once Vermed have seen how Sensium sells in practice! As I say all wild speculation but.......................

CAMK LoadsaDosh2 12 Oct 2015

Re: OG the Liar again Turn the record over please

TPL flipdalid 12 Oct 2015

Olisol offer under consideration... 'Tethys continues to work with Olisol and other Interested Parties to conclude a transaction as soon as possible'...It looks to me like Tethys' appeal as a takeover target is much diminished due to their failure to conclude matters prior to 9th October. I am dubious that they were in the position of strength that they thought they were in to be able to turn down Olisol's offer on Friday.However we will see in the next few days. But the current directors' failure to make the payment due on Friday makes their ongoing employment untenable should a deal to sell the company not be concluded this week.

SER Orchard Gate 12 Oct 2015

Re: ZAPPP !!!!! Comedy share. Read the RNS. Bank robbers, liars and the wonderful Clem Chambers, who should have his head stuck in a filing cabinet drawer which is then slammed shut.

ARTA Zelion 12 Oct 2015

New MVNO contract ... Artilium signs new MVNO contract...over 50MVNO's on Arta's platform

SER theprior 12 Oct 2015

ZAPPP !!!!! Just lost 40% of it's value on today's open.((((