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TCM southernstar 12 Oct 2015

crash Why ? any ideas ?

PGD B-tech 12 Oct 2015

Re: Elections Is that good news for the share price ??? haha

EMED Mars_2050 12 Oct 2015

Profit figures Thanks to Laurence and Waterloo, AdvfnWe are sensitive to the copper price to the tune of +/- 10% in price = +/- 50% profits according to Edison, but I get:Using $1.75/lb costs for pre tax profit calcs below I get:5MTPA @ $2.40/lb = 25000 tons of copper = $134M revenue = $36M profit7.5MTPA @ 2.40/lb = 37500 tons of copper = $201M revenue = $54M9.5MTPA @ 2.40/lb = 47500 tons of copper = $255M revenue = $69M5MTPA @ $2.75/lb = $154M revenue = $56M7.5MTPA @ 2.75/lb = $231M revenue = $84M9.5MTPA @ 2.75/lb = $292M revenue = $106M5MTPA @ $3.00/lb = $168M revenue = $70M7.5MTPA @ 3.00/lb = $252M revenue = $105M9.5MTPA @ 3.00/lb = $319M revenue = $1335MTPA @ $3.25/lb = $182M revenue = $84M7.5MTPA @ 3.25/lb = $273M revenue =$136M9.5MTPA @ 3.25/lb = $345M revenue = $159MAll this is using 0.50% copper ore, and some sweeter grades can make a lot of difference..!.......With 15 years off-take/mine life and assuming costs remain at $1.75 and production level at 9.5Mpta at price of $2.75 ave over that period, the mine will produce, based on your assumptions, $1590m profit over the current mine life.They could throw off healthy dividends in the coming years.Taking no account of price increases, resource increases/grade/ potential cost savings and expansion etc.Happy with that.

TMZ TheDrewster 12 Oct 2015

Just what is going on? I am astonished at the lack of any details from the company.Late September, you tell the market you're conducting a review of one (substantial) part of the business.Two weeks later, the key product appears on a reasonable sized US company website almost laying claim to the technology (SensiumVitals "by Vermed" and not a word from the BoD ... seriously, come on guys, your credentials are already being questioned by many holders, and this just doesn't come up to scratch in keeping long suffering shareholders informed.

MOS Nett53 12 Oct 2015

Re: What did I tell you? No comments wkd ????

ALK HamptonCaught 12 Oct 2015

So going by the new extended offer, if I don't accept and the bid is wholly unconditional, then BB have informed AIM that the remaining shares will be delisted. Does that mean that I would stand to lose the lot? If so, it smacks of blackmail, surely?

PRES Seer23 12 Oct 2015

Short & Long Term views? Anyone have a view on the short and long term prospects of PRES depending on where crude prices are heading? (current levels vs. higher and how long can they sustain current levels?)

JSI Orchard Gate 12 Oct 2015

China comedy As an aside, if you'd like some Chinese fraud comedy gold, try reading the RNS issued last week by China Rerun (is that how they pronounce 'we run' as in 'we run away with money from stupid round eyes'?). I think it's the funniest RNS I've ever seen.[link]

NCYF Guitarsolo 12 Oct 2015

Re: Anything else like NCYF? Paul, Correct, it's been in a downtrend but I guess then it depends when you bought. Perhaps I am luckier than some that I have an average entry price of about 60.5p but have picked up about 3.5p in divis so I might be marginally ahead...marginally!My read of NCYF's shares is that the yield should be the support. Ultimately, most of NCYF's money is invested in preference shares so, presuming they don't chop and change the portfolio too much, the coupon is predictable and dependable. That enables NCYF to pretty much guarantee the dividend (because the coupon is pretty much guaranteed). paying out 85% of the income (I think I am right about that) they can retain a small amount for further investment to help the fund grow moderately. I would not be too bothered about the NAV although I appreciate this is what has been dragging the share price downwards by the 12% you indicate over the last 18 months. But the yield is now about 7.3% and, in my humble opinion, given its security it is very attractive and should see investors piling in to use as a "foundation investment". Perhaps at the moment everyone is chasing the froth of higher risk investments but if a few big names start cutting their dividends those investors will wish they had the security of a NCYF in their portfolio!As for NG., it's my biggest investment! It's a solid as a blue chip can be. Investment and dividends are planned out up to 8 years in advance. IF you buy at the right price you can make a capital gain as well (my average is around 740p so again I've been "lucky". But at the moment I would say it is near the top of its range and the yield is under 5%. So it is not a buy at current prices for me. If it fell to 750p then it would compare nicely against NCYF.IMHO, both should be foundations to any stable investment portfolio. I would add to my holdings of both at the right price. GLAGuitarsolo

JQW woodee 12 Oct 2015

1p Dividend Would be good for long term holder and to get some credibility back. I still feel there is a solid business in the background. We will know soon.

JSI Orchard Gate 12 Oct 2015

Re: W T F?!?!?!? All these Chinese frauds begin to look the same, just like all the muppetos like you who recommend them.Perhaps you could explain to people on this board why you think it is impossible for JSI to be a fraud because it has audited accounts. We all enjoyed that bit of 'logic' on the naibu BB

ULT wulwirth 12 Oct 2015

Re: PLC... [link]

HAYT gretel 12 Oct 2015

Forecasts increase, P/E of only 8.6 Equity Develoment have upgraded to 8.5p EPS this year and 10p EPS next year: "Hayward Tyler (AIM:HAYT)This morning Hayward Tyler announced the immediately earnings enhancing acquisition of the trade and assets of the Peter Brotherhood business from Dresser-Rand Company Ltd, a Siemens-owned business, for a total consideration of US$15 million (cash). Peter Brotherhood is a UK engineering business specialising in steam turbines, reciprocating gas compressors and combined heat and power units for the power generation, oil and gas and marine markets. As a result of the acquisition, consensus EPS forecasts have increased by around 6% in the current year (year to March 2016) to 8.5p, and by 10%+ in the following year to around 10p."

ULT wulwirth 12 Oct 2015

PLC... Ultrasis PLC placed into administration...Paul Flint and David Costley-Wood were appointed Joint Administrators of Ultrasis plc (in administration) (the 'Company') on 9 October 2015[link]

SKP dave297 12 Oct 2015

Re: buy Having bought more @ about 260p in Aug I added again last week @ under 340p.I believe that there remains scope for a profits upgrade before the year end & there is always the possibility of something unexpectedly positive being announced( new product,new deal,existing product performing better than expected, partner for Fluti in US).We have re rated substantially over the last 2 years but we are a substantially different company now with no debt,new products & increasing revenues, profitability & cash flows & ,at some point,we may be view as a tasty morsel for 1 of the much larger companies in our sector-I just hope ,if that happens,it is for a decent price,ie much more than 460p