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SAB gamesinvestor 12 Oct 2015

Re: Failed bid is not in either parties ... "I think the deal is gonnae fall apart."LK - It might but they'd be nuts to turn it down. The drift away from mass lagers in favour of speciality brewers is constant.They may never see this price again.I don't know about you but Bud is like making love in a canoe (it's fxxxing close to water), Peroni gives me a headache, every time I drink Stella I end up beating the wife and Miller is just about the most tasteless of beers one can imagine.Still all told they is all pretty successful, based on the historic revenue at least.Games

TCM Wimbledonsprinter 12 Oct 2015

Re: reason for crash There are a number of strange things in the trading update that I think explain why the stock has fallen strongly today - apart from the obvious revenue and adjusted EBITDA downgrades, where we have to take at face value management's comments that these are due to clients "postponing" purchases and that therefore long-term growth expectations are unchanged:1) The previous full-year revenue guidance was for sales of $347m to $$354m (i.e. a range of $7 m). With updated, guidance now being issued in mid-October, you would normally expect more certainty but now the range is even wider (i.e. $10m with the new range of $330m to $340m.) So there is a lot of uncertainty about sales in the last 2 and a half months.2). The lower number implies that Q4 sales will be $94 to $104 m and at the bottom of the range this is only a mid-single digit % increase on Q4 2014. 3). Adjusted EBITDA margin is also coming down and the new EBITDA forecast, implies an H2 EBITDA margin of 10.5% to 12.5%, by my calculations.4) Chairman sold a 500,000 shares in September. Question is how much should this cause the price to fall. So having said the above, I bought some shares today.

AQP Speculator 73 12 Oct 2015

Re: 2 directors Investing? ".. oh, I think I just said it in quotes . My loss, your humour"********** ********** *****No mate - a loss is a loss .. as Warren puts its one of the princples "Never loose money" ... Its still early days here to be honest (personal feeling and going by performance) - come on guys Platinum jwellery is more expensive than Gold's and on top or that Platinum = Nuclear this is worth far more .... then again I am guessing .. Correct me if I am wrong .. its been up for the past 2 trading days .....

SAB LK Hyman 12 Oct 2015

Re: Failed bid is not in either parties inte... Games,""We remain of the view that it is in neither ABI nor SAB’s interest for this proposed bid to fail""Hah! Who gives a flying monkeys about ABI or SAB's interest? What appears to matter is the interest of them Santo Domingo top boys and of the other shareholders who are desperate not to take cash because of the tax angle. It may also be the case that the Santo Domingos would much rather be big fishes in a small pool (ie sticking with SAB even if the share price falls when/if the deal collapses) rather than being small fishes in a big pool, especially one controlled by the Brazilian top boys.The latest deal does not raise the ante enough for the holdouts to be able to say "Look how much we got by being, erm, holdouts". ABInBev have raised the ante by a contemptibly small amount.I think the deal is gonnae fall apart.LKH on the flybridge

SAB LK Hyman 12 Oct 2015

Re: Looks to me as if ... Games,"It's 2.87% of my pile at the moment, what you at?Diageo is 4.5% of my shrunken wad. Thinking of bigging up.LKH on the flybridge that should stimulate some buying of Diageo tomorrow

SMA Newapple 12 Oct 2015

Seller gone Should see a rise tomorrow

CBUY staffai 12 Oct 2015

Re: Share Price this sad to say is aim

AVM shugg1e 12 Oct 2015

Re: Slow moving this one. top up at 5p when this gold rally has proved itselfplenty of time as the chart shows

EMED investorprotestor 12 Oct 2015

Re: Atalaya Mining Having lived in the Falklands and seen the operations first hand eye can tell you that, at best. its a gamble. Shrimping will be more profitable.

CAMK The Millipede 12 Oct 2015

Re: 12 down ... "Net cash position 9.3% lower on 30 June 2015 at RMB 440.5 million (approximately £45.6 million) (30 June 2014: RMB 485.5 million) representing 1.0 pence per share"How does cash of approx £45.6m represent 1.0 pence per share?

EMED eye_user 12 Oct 2015

Re: Atalaya Mining At the end of the day they will do their thing , just sit back and be richer than 3pLeave ya money in until 2025 , or do what it takes to clean up on profit Atalaya Mining ---lol what about 2016?Sell up and buy falklands

EMED investorprotestor 12 Oct 2015

Re: Profit figures Mars, what a great post - thank you. Looks like we are onto a winner here. However, eye has a point, we do need some practical confirmation that what has been promised is actually true and by that I mean revenue. I am willing to wait for that confirmation until mid 2016. I have been stung a few times by AIM shares but they all had a different feel to this one. Cm'on copper price!!

EMED eye_user 12 Oct 2015

Re: Profit There is only one outcome here that's why I invested 7 years ago.The sp never matters guys until production winner stock ----good luck getting your money back as with RBS holders waiting for £5, same here they will be shorting this for sure!

CTEK The Millipede 12 Oct 2015

RIP No news from the company at all? It is not just Libor traders that need locking up IMVHO.

ULT grittynougat 12 Oct 2015

need a face to face with smith!