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MDZ yoyo 13 Oct 2015

yea looks like time to buy

ATST LK Hyman 13 Oct 2015

Re: Alliance Trust announces changes to ... ITDYA,"the performance has lagged a tad, strangely enough since KGC arrived by almost exactly the amount of her compensation package (inc pension)."That's a goddamn disgrace, isn't it, but?I think she just weaved a spell on those who were her fellow directors ... until the Americans booted her into touch.[link] on the flybridge trust in me

ATST In the dark yet again 13 Oct 2015

Re: Alliance Trust announces changes to ... nncalc,16 years? Late comers! Me just over 20. Started with a PEP (6k general plus 3k single company) were the fees were pretty low as long as you had some Alliance or 2nd Alliance stock. I thought buying trust stock was £1 plus stamp duty rather than free but it was a long time ago. The assets looked like a pseudo FTSE100, similar enough to make very little difference, the overheads were about the lowest around and there was a 15%+/- discount.... so, maybe a weird way to look at it, but invest £85, get dividend on £100 underlying stock, deduct the trusts overheads from that and what's left was a zero cost index tracker; actually very marginally better than that but with the 'risk' of where is the discount going to be when you cash in.Celebrations when it joined FTSE100? Why? It only happened because they merged the two trusts. As for index trackers then buying ATST, well it's already a tracker itself. Pay yourself fees for buying a trust that's charging fees for doing what you're meant to be doing! Oh how I love the fund management business!Anyway my ISA moved away years ago but I did move my SIPP in but that's now moved away as well. Still got a fair chunk of ATST in the SIPP, none in the ISA but the Alliance Trust Savings fees vs service has rarely worked for me. I only stayed as long as I did because of the 'hurdles' to exit.However, you talk, everyone talks of under-performance but FWLIW, if you go back 20 years, reinvest all dividend back into trust stock then compare it to a FTSE100 adjusted for dividends reinvested, there is precious little difference. Not great and not worth paying a lot (anything?) for but neither a disaster.In recent years the performance has lagged a tad, strangely enough since KGC arrived by almost exactly the amount of her compensation package (inc pension).Regards,ITDYA

SAB wisewords 13 Oct 2015

Re: What will drive this Higher? Thanks for your response UD.In terms of announcements. I believe the 'deal in Principle' announcement came from SABMiller. Which effectively extended the deadline for another 2 weeks. Do we need to wait for ABI to announce a £44 deal 'for,merly' before we see the SP go up into the 40's?

AFRI akaDolly 13 Oct 2015

What to make of it all Just a couple of links for peeps to look at now we have your attention. Allegedly involved with PdR in this was Yusuf Kajee, Not seen (or looked) for any updates re this stuff but notice that Yusuf Kajee received an award from the Zuma Foundation in April this year. Sort of pours water on the these flames of alledged wrongdoingDid cross my mind, and have put up research, that tobacco growing would be very lucrative for these teams. And.......what do they need for really sucessful tobacco crops? POTASHYou could see from the infamous stories in the links that PdR is really sucessful with the agriculture, logistics etc (ROLLEX, LONRHO)You couldnt get anyone betterJust hope those POTASH deliveries will get delivered by Afriag. I noticed that Andrew Groves (of AFPO and ADSS fame) is senior director at Agriterra, I forget exact position. Afriag have an investment in Agriterra, just by the by[link] Yusuf Kajee[link]

SAB Uncle Doug 13 Oct 2015

Re: What will drive this Higher? You're right - it's worth £44 but trading at £39.5. I'm holding. Markets are down - people scared to buy. City boys shaking the tree to get the panickers to sell and get a discount price for their clients. ABI will have to pay 3Bn if deal fails so I think a deal will be done. More buyers will come, markets will improve and 5% upside in next few days. ABI shares are up so they dont think they overpaid. Divd next month also. Hold firm for £42 at least - no brainer IMO. Reminds me of Cadburys takeover many years ago.

CPX coldascheese 13 Oct 2015

Re: Oversold? - Correction As they said-". As customers plan for the changes to these new parts, we expect that we will see some deferment of orders from the first half of the financial year to the second half."So second half means January onwards for these.It seems news is a few months away as otherwise theye would have announced something at the AGM

SER theprior 13 Oct 2015

Re: multi bag in the making 4 - 50% = 22 + 50% = 33 - 50% = 1.51.5 +. 50% = 2.25Value ???Looking good. ????LOLTP

AFRI akaDolly 13 Oct 2015

Thank God, publicity from the master I thought we might hear from TW before long, it;s about time. TW is doing everything he can now to get traffic to his site. Give him a break and go look. Really really old news re PdR, but its all publicity so we shouldnt complainThere is so much more, I have posted a good deal of it already, but heck, who listens to me. You might listen if TW posts it then you can go away and dyorIm just hoping Afriag have replaced any trucks they may (or may not) have lost. Suppose it all depends on the truth One way or another we may get some further info from this publicity[link] think the link will stay put but he is easy to find (thats Tom Wxnnxfrxth)Thanks TW, cant imagine what brought this stroke of publicity on . Its worked wonders for UKOG profileThank you so muchIf Kenny100 gets on the case we could have a really neck jerking tennis match...go go go

CPX HumBall 13 Oct 2015

Re: Oversold? - Correction Apologies, it was Anthony, not Elliot speaking in the recent ProActive interview!

CTEK paccamac 13 Oct 2015

Re: Strong non-exec. Directors Booted off AIM exactly as predicted. Outright fraud.Wildcat, am I still a 'yellow peril' man or just a guy who knows how to spot the blindingly obvious?

CCT janebolacha 13 Oct 2015

Extension of Peppa Pig range [link]

CPX HumBall 13 Oct 2015

Oversold? The share price reaction to the update yesterday is understandable - lot's of cagey language like "potentially update" and "deferment" as well as suggestions that significant news will be pushed back to 2016, and if we're lucky, late 2015.Still, it felt like an honest update and not one pushing the hype excessively - better to under-promise and over-deliver.The drop may be a little overdone though - there were plenty of positives in the update alongside the measured language. Tech and cost improvements to the super-thin capacitors and increasing requests for product testing, excellent progress with the tier 1 automotive partner, collaboration with Thale avionics progressing. RSI is now close to oversold. The price is balanced over the 100day EMA. MCAP is a relatively measly £15million, when one considers any one of their potential markets can be measured in £billions, and by all accounts the tech and interest is progressing well. A lot could change in a couple of months with progress on any of the current projects, or, indeed, new projects surfacing.In a recent ProActive interview Elliot said that they were sufficiently financed to not need to go back to the market unless it was to fund a large project with a partner (i.e. a revenue generating one). And the final comment reads very well:"We remain very excited by the opportunities that we see for our supercapacitors in the automotive markets and the IoT and remain confident for the outcome for the year."Bearish though it feels at the moment, I'd wager that the upside from here will be far more significant than the downside......GLA

BIOM daz9643 13 Oct 2015

Re: When will they sell a coffee capsule! When everyone else moves into tea !Since Mines gave away the manufacturing plant to Sphere Biome hasn't been about winning orders, remember it costs them more to produce the goods than they can sell them for. It's been about getting research grants in the name of 'we're saving the planet' purely to fund Mines and Standens salaries, bonuses (for what I have no idea) and fictitious business plans that no one is allowed to see.

FLYB II Editor 13 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Could Flybe deliver 60% upside? "After crashing into the red last year and issuing a crushing profits warning in January, airline LSE:FLYB:Flybe has managed a partial recovery and looks to have regained its health. Despite fierce competition, it's just confirmed double-digit ..."[link]