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MOS goldmind 14 Oct 2015

OXS soon..

SPL Seagull2 13 Oct 2015

Progressive budget alot going on! Interesting article covers Budget developments to grow smart cities in particular section of report below[link] has previously spoken about building 100 smart cities. Do you see this as an opportunity for UK companies to participate in the infra story in India.The Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor should be ready by 2017 or 2018 and smart cities are being created along that corridor. A lot of work has happened.Infrastructure is the key to India’s growth. The Government is looking at infrastructure funds to be set up under the PPP model. The US is adopting three smart cities. They are also looking at setting up tax-free infra bonds that people can buy with a return of say seven per cent. KPMG has proposed to the Government about setting up a development infrastructure bank. When David Cameron came to India on his last visit he committed to spending US$1.5 billion on the Bangalore-Mumbai Corridor and I think there is a lot of work British companies can do if they work with DFID (the Department for International Development.)I think British contractors can come and do work on this corridor and bring high-tech engineering and other skills to India. Britain has many skills that could be useful to Indian companies. Now with royalties and FTS coming down they can benefit even more. Each project requires multi-billion dollar investments so there are opportunities for financial services.

EMED Ace08 13 Oct 2015

Re: Share price Roll on liquidity , 20% spread right now

IMM sicilian_kan 13 Oct 2015

Re: Recent SP decline Hi. I am just as much in the dark as you.It appears that there has been a serious of events all combining at the same time to cause the drop in the share pricea) There has in the long term been a seller or sellers for some time;(b) There is at least concern that Richard Warr's estate have been sellers;(c) There have at best been delays in the $14m funding as on 27 July 2015 the conversion of the term sheet into a binding agreement was "anticipated in the next few weeks". This has not yet happened, which creates uncertainty and speculation.(d) Possibly as a result of the above still states that the Lupuzor Phase III trial "is not yet open for participant recruitment"(e) Immupharma is not yet in a position where it has other pipeline drugs (e.g. cancer, other indications of Lupuzor, urelix etc.) that sustain the market cap.(c), (d) and (e) have created the conditions where (a) and (b) can have a more serious impact than they otherwise might.The frustrating thing about this share is that it clearly is massively undervalued. It could without much difficulty 100 bag within circa 2 years if the Phase 3 results match the Phase 2b results. The IMM share price used to reflect this potential. When the company was last heading towards what people thought would be a Phase 3 trial, the share price hit 145p, with just a 20% royalty and some large milestones. Now we have 100% and a better pipeline to fall back on than before.So why is the share price in the doldrums. Well (a) to (e) spell out the short term reasons why. The reality though is that the real reason is a longer term one.One could understand that upon recovery of Lupuzor it would take time to unravel it.One could understand that getting the SPA was important and that it would shape negotiations with Big Pharma.One could understand obtaining the Darwin facility to gain leverage in negotiations.One could understand the appointment of Torreya, who could unlock doors to key people quickly, even if frustrated that the Board's connections and efforts were by default not enough.One could understand that if one couldn't extract the appropriate value for Lupuzor in a licensing deal, that the decision to retain 100% of Lupuzor was the correct one, even if that meant pushing back the multi-bagging.One can understand how the CRO deal / appointment and the setting up of Phase III with them can take some time.One can also understand how the illness and death of Richard Warr might have affected the company, though the new board does look strong.Cumulatively, we are looking at a long period that shareholders have had to wait for Lupuzor to be funded to progress, either by license, sale, partnership or self funding, even if most of that period is explainable.Having gone through the above, we have the US term sheet announced with $14m funding if the agreement is signed and made legally binding. But it has not yet been formalised. We do not know the terms of dilution or the funding facility, how relatively good it might be. We also do not know if or when it will be signed and it appears that there has been some slippage.On the one hand, the Board appears to be protecting our best interest - namely to extract fair value for Lupuzor and not to unnecessarily or to overly dilute our interest in it.On the other hand, if the board does not like selling the Crown jewels for a song, it should not have let IMM get to the stage where it was still negotiating funding as the share price drifts down to a 10 year company low based in part upon a lack of progress.Once funding, in whatever shape or form, is announced, I expect we will see a very good rise and that value will return to shareholders. In the interim, we are at the whim of the sellers and the vagaries of the market and market sentiment. Where that will lead us in the short term, I cannot say. It could be up or down.However, I remain positive that once

JSI fast sailor 13 Oct 2015

Re: 12 down .... Invested at high 7's to low 5;smy return on thursday will be just shy of 10%but being a sham it won't be paidtop slicing MOS in the morning to purchase another 100,000 and collect the diviw

EMED Ace08 13 Oct 2015

Re: Share price

EMED Rhodium45 13 Oct 2015

Re: Share price I'm waiting for Wednesday next week, when some web sites will temporarily show a 2900% increase in the SP (i.e. x 30)

WRN BOWOOD 13 Oct 2015

Re: 28 day extension I wonder at what stage the receivers will be called in?

EMED Ace08 13 Oct 2015

Re: Share price Whatever floats ya boat alan , maybe @ 9Mt/year a beer will be in order not sure about a full on celebration like

EMED alanadale 13 Oct 2015

Share price Thought i would mention the share price seems to be above 4p-must be something to celebrate.

ULT sporty investor 13 Oct 2015

FAO: wul This might appear bit silly. I read all your messages here. Getting curious about your intentions. Obviously, you are going through different websites, doing some kind of 'investigative' research about the present status of BTB and the (ex) board of directors. What do you intend to do with all the information you have collected?

PFP Black_Gold_Digger 13 Oct 2015

No Trades is Not true I cannot understand in iii where they write 'no trades" today when i clicked on the 'trades' button? I say this as I bought 50,000 of the 909,481 volume! Is something happening that no-one knows anything about?

UKOG Bridges 13 Oct 2015

Serious note Brent Crude to return to 72 usd within 12 months, as per usb analyst

UKOG Bridges 13 Oct 2015

Google Rivington Street Holdings if you want to have a really good laugh and watch the YouTube effort dated 14 April 2013.

MOS alltold9 13 Oct 2015

Impressed AMAZINGLY! Really have turned the corner imhho. India is the new China. 20's+ for me tomorrow! Back to the good old days and more!