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ESTL 00BINKY 14 Oct 2015

Re: relist 14/10/2015 Hi can anyone see their relisted shares in their accounts? I see they have started trading under asx:kpo Thanks

SER etadelete 14 Oct 2015

Re: multi bag in the making It does not look dead yet.any positive sign after the meeting will send this upwards.fingers crossed.

FOGL goldmind 14 Oct 2015

OXS time is coming..

SER TX2 14 Oct 2015

Re: multi bag in the making There'e a very high chance of cancellation of AIM listing later this week depending on results of deliberations as indicated in RNS should no new NOMAD be found.

TMZ SundayTrader 14 Oct 2015

Re: SensiumVitals by Vermed? Maybe I am being naïve, but I would have thought some more professional marketing from a larger company with the necessary resources is a good thing. Have seen very little marketing from Toumaz itself - it seems to be putting all its efforts into trialling with the NHS, which has a reputation as the most conservative purchasing organisation in the world.

ULT woodscrew 14 Oct 2015

Re: FAO: wul Agreed wulwirth and well done - Ultrasis' long suffering shareholders have all been well and truly conned.

TMZ SundayTrader 14 Oct 2015

Blood pressure? The current SensiumVitals package offers continuous monitoring of Heart rate, Respiratory rate, and Temperature. I am no expert, but if I were a doctor I would be wanting to see Blood pressure on the list - as being the most critical indicator of something going wrong. I thought from an earlier announcement that they were working on adding this - but I haven't seen anything further, and the latest announcement says they have cut back on further SV development, pending the outcome of further trials.Does anyone have better information on this?

FLYB mildmouth 14 Oct 2015

Re: FLYB, Broker update.........SP TARGE... I not sure whether this forecast is pre or post blackbird costs which were running at £25 million per annum ongoing and which would appear hardly to have been dented? Redeployment "solutions" for only 3 jets in more than a year, leaving 6 and not clear how those redeployments have been costed. One suspects that the 3 redeployed may still be a drag on costs?

INFA nightfLight7 14 Oct 2015

The old dog springs back to life... Really isn't a bad trading stock. Always big moves, when it moves... been like that for years.So when the SP was round 1.5 one had to decide whether or not infa was finally dead...

FLYB oldjoe1 14 Oct 2015

Re: FLYB, Broker update.........SP TARGET 12... <b>Could Flybe deliver 60% upside?Harriet Mann | Tue, 13th October 2015</b> After crashing into the red last year and issuing a crushing profits warning in January, airline Flybe (FLYB) has managed a partial recovery and looks to have regained its health. Despite fierce competition, it's just confirmed double-digit growth in seat capacity, passenger numbers and revenue during the second quarter, the third consecutive quarter of growth by all measures. That's certainly reassuring, and the City remains confident that the three-year turnaround programme can deliver a profit this year.After racking up a loss of £35.6 million in the year to March 2015, Numis securities analyst Wyn Ellis expects revenue of £629.5 million this year and pre-tax profit of £3.3 million, giving earnings per share (EPS) of 1.5p. Next financial year it's tipped to be £700 million of sales and a £23 million profit for EPS of 9.5p."Flybe has made significant progress with its turnaround programme. It had a £76.7 million net cash position at the end of FY15 with £74 million of gross costs taken out of the business over FY14 and FY15. The route network and fleet have been reconfigured and US$892m of purchase commitments cancelled (at no cost)," adds Ellis ahead of Flybe's interims on 11 November.And performance is clearly improving. Flybe grew seat capacity by 13.8% in the three months ended September to 3 million seats, passenger numbers by 10.7% to 2.4 million and passenger revenue was up 13%. Yield, or revenue per passenger, rose 2% compared with 0.7% in the first quarter. There was, however, a 2.2 percentage point fall in load factor - a measure of how well it fills its planes - and a 1% decrease in revenue per seat.Although Flybe has struggled getting rid of its nine Embraer E195 jets - Project Blackbird - progress is finally being made, albeit slowly. Last week, Flybe announced a five-year commercial deal with Rigby group-owned Regional & City Airports. One of the Exeter-based firm's aircraft will serve the Exeter and Norwich airports through eight routes to five destinations from March 2016.Five of the original fleet of 14 have been handed back to lessors and two have been based at Cardiff Airport since March 2015. <b>The group is in talks to redeploy the remaining six planes.</b>Since crashing to a low of 52p in May, the shares took off to 99p, nearly doubling in just three months. They've not been immune from the summer sell-off, but support has kicked in at the 200-day moving average and the shares are up 7% Tuesday at 82p. Wyn Ellis rates them a 'buy' and thinks they're worth 132p.Assuming earnings momentum does pick up, as expected, <b>Flybe shares trade on an undemanding 8.6 times EPS estimates for the year to March 2017</b>. There's a huge dollop of risk here, but this run of quarterly growth inspires confidence ahead of the historically quieter winter months.

AYM alfa-spider 14 Oct 2015

tomorrow evening Bristol Anglesey PresentingSomebody posted this on another site - I cannot attend but if anybody does go would be good to hear what they sayIs Now the Time to Revisit Natural Resources?This is your last chance to register to attend our Investor Evening in Bristol this Thursday evening (15th October 2015). Book your FREE place now, by clicking here.The event will focus on the natural resources sector, which has lost significant value over the past two years as global commodity prices have declined. The evening will comprise an introduction by Beaufort's specialist mining analyst - Sheldon Modeland, presentations and Q&A sessions with FOUR natural resources companies, followed by drinks, canapés and a chance to share investment ideas with other delegates.The forum will give private investors the opportunity to hear directly from the senior management of these listed companies, providing an insight into the issues currently facing the industry. We aim to unearth some potentially exciting investment opportunities at the junior end of the market. After such a period of decline, is now the time to revisit this sector?Companies presenting on the night:Eurasia Mining (EUA.L)Ormonde Mining (ORM.L)Scotgold Resources (SGZ.L)Anglesey Mining (AYM.L)Register for your free tickets to attend this event now by by calling our Bristol office on 0117 910 5500.

CRDA II Editor 14 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Our portfolios prove a massive success "Register your interest in this year's Winter Portfolios.Six months ago we launched the Interactive Investor Winter portfolios. History told us that the shares we included should deliver market-beating returns. They did. In fact, our first pair of ..."[link]

DOM San Jaime 14 Oct 2015

Q3 Trading Statement - DOM breaks £10 ... Wow ... excellent Q3 trading statement today enabling the sp to reach the £10 barrier.Very pleased to see that my prediction of reaching this level has come earlier than expected.Will be some profit taking to knock us back in the coming weeks, but long term DOM is a great investment. Get aboard on any sign of weakness of this volatile share."Outlook - Given the strong performance of the business in the third quarter and a solid start to the fourth quarter, the Board expects full year results to be ahead of its expectations."Good to see improved performances outside the UK & Ireland - Keep eating the Pizzas.

ALK dabba 14 Oct 2015

BB offer - delist I'm just a bit worried about this statement in the offer. anyone offer an opinion it?Intention to De-list Alkane Shares from Trading on AIM Following the Offer becoming or being declared unconditional in all respects, Barbican intends to seek to cancel the admission of Alkane Shares to trading on AIM as soon as possible thereafter (''Cancellation''). In accordance with AIM Rule 41, on 16 September 2015 Alkane gave notice of the intended Cancellation which, subject to the Offer becoming unconditional in all respects, will take place at least 5 business days thereafter. Alkane will provide further details of the Cancellation timetable in due course although, for the avoidance of doubt, if the Offer does not become unconditional in all respects Cancellation will not take place. The Cancellation will significantly reduce the liquidity and marketability of Alkane Shares.

NCYF sound money 14 Oct 2015

Re: Anything else like NCYF? You might consider looking at the kinde of bonds that New City invest in. Check out annual and interim reports for ideas. Balcony beatty preference shares look good.M