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ENRT Thomas Tallis 14 Oct 2015

MW - "ENRT on the way up?" On the Mike Walters' web site, under the link to the free-to-read article, "Curtain Down on the Horror Show - (ENRT) ", it says "ENRT on the way up?"The answer so far is No!Sadly, it looks as though I might be proven correct with my opinion that it will fall to 0.05p.It gives me no pleasure to see it, as it means my loss grows ever larger, but it must be ponted out that all the abusive remarks on here aimed at me were from bigots who wanted to listen only to the cheerleaders, who are now silent.I doubt if now there is anyone left wearing rose-tinted specs.

NIPT Go Dink 14 Oct 2015

Re: why is it dropping Mr Papillon, I agree with your comments about settling out of court even if either company says it is better value to settle out of court; i.e. legal fees will just be too much.Are you short on NIPT? Is that why you want it to go to 0.3p? Perfectly fine if you are but I'm long and am holding for the longer term.

ESTL Sprocket60 14 Oct 2015

Re: relist 14/10/2015 Has been relisted under Kalina Power LTD with my broker. There is no value though. Still showing as a total loss on my investment. The aussies stock market value is $ AUS0.095 & if this correct, then there is no value.If you go to the Aussie site, there is an announcement from Kalina ( PDF). There is an e mail address for the executive director. [email protected] You could e mail him to see if they are re-listing on AIM soon. I have mailed him to say how disappointed i am with the re-listing price if this is correct ( Understatement) considering that the normal shareholders have been totally fuzzed or words to that effect.Nothing we can do about it but didn`t think that my holding would be totally worthless.....

ENRT Thomas Tallis 14 Oct 2015

Re: SP - 0.1525p ! I was surprised that it hovered at 0.2p for so long.When was a mass exit by directors ever good news for a company? Does anyone have an example of when a mass exit preceeded a share price rise?

TGL robbed cruiso 14 Oct 2015

rto Touchstone gold about to be involved in rto, but could it be another company though, how many more are there out there that could be suitable, but if tgl hold the distribution rights to cqcl,what would that mean if a rto happened it means the new company would have them, who would bother to buy them in the first place if a rto would just take em back again, and also two sets of accounts to be done, what's hard about that, they better be quick now, I just want to get my savings back hopefully with interest pretty quick.

EMED charlieeee 14 Oct 2015

Re: stingray I would suspect that the reason why consolidation attracts negative speculation is that it usually accompanies additional share issue ie dilution.Condor did a name change and consolidation back in 2012 and a spectacular upwards trajectory followed.Debt free and sitting on a pile of cash and with the near term prospect of positive cash flow, marks Emed out from the crowd: Glencore, Traf. and all those unfunded minnows.C

SQZ Manijohal 14 Oct 2015

Oh dear

FLYB oldjoe1 14 Oct 2015

FLYB Liberum Broker Note..... <b>FLYB Flybe Group PLC (posted earlier today) Broker note in.</b>[link] analyst Gerald Khoo retained his ‘buy’ recommendation and target price of 120p on the shares, which rose 4.9% to 81p yesterday.‘The trading update for the September quarter showed encouraging progress and provided further evidence of the continuing commercial turnaround at Flybe,’ he said.‘The trends were broadly similar to the previous quarter, with strong capacity and revenue growth, but a modest reduction in load factor and revenue per seat. We are leaving our full-year estimates unchanged. We see upside potential if Flybe can continue to deal with its surplus aircraft, which continue to hide the underlying progress at the airline.’</i></b>

UEN Seisman1 14 Oct 2015

Urals Energy raises production levels at Petrosakh well Urals Energy (AIM:UEN), the independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, has announced that production testing at Well #54 at Petrosakh has been completed.The well is flowing at a stabilised rate of 350 barrels of oil per day ("bbls/day". This raises total production at Petrosakh to 1,464 bbls/day, compared with an average of 1,088 bbls/day for the six months ended 30 June 2015 (a 34.5% increase).The company is in the process of demobilising the drilling rig and this will be moved to the site of Well #109, which is expected to be spudded at the beginning of next month.Current production at Arcticneft is 687 bbls/day compared with an average of 689 bbls/day for the six months ended 30 June 2015. Following the recent export shipment, two wells have been temporarily shut to allow for planned workovers and this has led to a temporary reduction in daily production which had reached 716 bbls/day in August.Andrew Shrager, chairman, commented: "The Board are delighted with the initial results at Well #54. We will continue to work towards optimising our current assets, while assessing opportunities for future growth."

ALK IB Investor 14 Oct 2015

Re: BB Offer Delist This may not clarify as I have not read the prospectus in detail. My understanding of the Uk rules were that if you own over 30% you have to make an offer for the rest at the highest price you have paid, At 50% you have won, but the remaining shares can still exist, but dont have to be listed. I have been caught out by this several times decades ago as the new owners can do things such as consolidate the shares effectively getting your shares for nothing. This tends to happen when there are a lot of smaller share holdings, and I dont expect to happen here. They can also stop Alkane paying dividends. At 90% they can compulsorarily purchase the remainder.I haven't looked at the rules in detail this century as I have been burnt by these takeovers in the 80s/90s and have since made calls based upon this understanding.

NMG citychap2011 14 Oct 2015

Parcelling up unmined leases for shares This is an old article but the strategy of finding mineral resources in obscure places, and parceling-up these long-held, but unmined, leases in order to swap them for large parcels of shares continues.Companies like Noricum are picking up potentially worthless assets in exchange for shares, which are then potentially sold into the market. [link] Minerals is a company that previously nudged Noricum Gold into four Austrian prospects. Noricum has a number of Australian connections.The seller of the gold assets to Noricum was Queenslander Bill Murphy jnr. Bill put them in another British company, Alpine Metals, some years ago and planned to float them himself until the financial crisis.The worrying connection is with former Perth broker Damian Conboy, who was a director of Exchange Minerals and based in London. Damian was also a shareholder in Noricum. Damian Conboy was barred by Australian Securities and Investments Commission from acting as a representative of a securities dealer or an investment advisor in Australia for a period of two years. Mr Conboy was found to have not performed his duties efficiently, honestly and fairly and was not a fit and proper person to be a representative.The Greenland Minerals and Energy directors Rod McIllree and Jeremy Whybrow were both involved with Noricum's formation, with Rod previously a key adviser and still a shareholder?GME is a long-term client of Exchange, and clearly McIllree found some time while in London to work with Noricum.There was allegedly some confusion in how GME directors filled out their shareholding filings, at the time neither McIllree nor the director Simon Cato had sold their GME options that they converted to shares.Is it just me or is there something fishy going here?DYOR

BWNG oldjoe1 14 Oct 2015

BWNG, FULL Broker Notes............... Further to the chart and analysis posted on BWNGs N Brown Group PLC results today, early this morning I have managed to obtain a couple of Broker Notes.Peel Hunt.....HOLD<b><i>Information at last. Perhaps not headline news, but N Brown has significantlyimproved its disclosure, with a more detailed analysis of costs, margins and KPIs.The gross margin calculation has changed too, stripping out depreciation, staffcosts and other overheads, effectively increasing the absolute level of GM%reported. Within the KPI set we note improvements in market share, onlinepenetration and a healthy conversion rate of 5.7%.A stretch to full year numbers, but some positive signs. N Brown has givenwider disclosure with more detailed guidance as a consequence, although weexpect no change to full year expectations, which implies 16% profit growth forH2. Autumn/Winter is said to have started in line with expectations.Comparatives are particularly weak, but September weather has also been mild.Sales in the JD Williams titles are now showing growth, with some dilution fromthe legacy titles such as Ambrose Wilson. Online penetration of first orders hasleapt 21% points to 74%, suggesting success in the new marketing strategy,which is the driving force behind 21% increase in new customers.Converting KPIs into profit growth. After a tumultuous year of downgradesand misfires, there are signs that the transformation strategy is starting to gaintraction in trading. The key question is whether management can deliver thesame returns from its younger and arguably more affluent customers. More cashcustomers mean a less loyal approach to repeat orders and lower financial servicesyield. However, after a series of profit warnings a stable outlook statement andsome internal confidence is likely to provide some support to the share price. Therequired step up to hit full year profits is not insignificant, but the PER of c13x isnot overly challenging either. We retain our HOLD recommendation and expectthe shares to pick up this morning.Singer................BUYInterims are almost in line with expectations, including a c£3m marketing spend allocation in H1 rather than H2. Disclosure has been enhanced today in a number of key areas of the business which the market should find reassuring and enlightening. After a good start to the A/W season and against soft comps the various KPIs and lead indicators look very reassuring and should increase confidence in forecasts which has been lacking in recent periods. There may be enough in the meeting today to positively revise our target price. Maintain BUY stance.</i></b><i>,</i>The stock is currently up 6.7% and looks to have more in it going forward.[link]

SMA wdelboy2 14 Oct 2015

apart from blatant ramping... What is interesting here is the short length of the exclusivity extension. Surely they are therefore concluding the deal and dotting the is and crossing the t s . That's what make this potentially very lucrative although high risk if it doesn't get signed. Worth a punt...probably. worth the mortgage .. nope!

ULT wulwirth 14 Oct 2015

woodscrew Yep well and truly stuffed, expect JS/Ak have secured their future with a recently formed company IMO.Remember the sale of Screenetics and who got a job at ToHealth Kevin Hollick the previous owner of screenetics... bang tidy....Administrator said.Given that we do not anticipate that there will be sufficient funds in the administration to pay these creditors in full, there will not be any surplus available to distribute to the shareholders. Normal procedure we supply money for wages, holiday pay, pension, expenses and are rubbished...Good luck.

SMA Newapple 14 Oct 2015

Alltold If we get this JV with the major this will multibagDirectors backing the company with their own moneyElection results due any dayEbola being erradicatedNo speeding ticketAny newbies should read the report on the website to see what they have got