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SPHR Ripley94 14 Oct 2015

Re: Woodford Invests! 8% fall today.... topped to early here,

SAB Afrosia 14 Oct 2015

Re: What will drive this Higher? Sure, but don't expect wisdom...There are essentially two outcomes. Either the deal goes through or it doesn't. If it does go through then we will gain 12% from here (cap gain plus divi). If it doesn't go through then we lose, say, 30% and the share returns to sub £30.The percentage hope that the market is placing on the deal not going through is 55% based on the weighed average of those two returns: (0.55 * -30) + (0.45 * 12) = 11.1 (the current discount)Or you could say the current SP is the weighted average of the two potential SPs which gives 70%0.3 * 28) + (0.7 * 45)

IOM tatttie 14 Oct 2015

developments? Lots going on in the data storage world and lots of movement to the cloud. In the USA this is gathering pace. See Oracle, Dell/ECM etc. Oracle has about £60b in cash held outwith the US.

BWNG Vort 14 Oct 2015

Re: BWNG, FULL Broker Notes................ """"wondered if they could transfer from catalogues to the internet.""""" romaron.....You do realise that the company have been trading via the web since 2001 don't you? and that all their current websites are hosted on their 'legacy' systems. as for attracting good staff, they've been making them redundant these past six months.

LAD Punilux 14 Oct 2015

Re: Citi It is hard for me to understand (as opposed to anyone else!) how the Coral Ladbrokes merger can not take place in view of the Betty Power deal being almost certain to be green lighted in Dublin. If anything, a rubbish update next week could seal the deal. On the other hand I can see the BWin link-up stalling for a number of reasons.

ALM 72_fastback 14 Oct 2015

Re: looks like a dog to me .... I should take that research note with a large pinch of salt - it's pretty unbalanced guff to support his short position. The guy from Kerrisdale was shown up somewhat for not understanding what some of ALM's companies do by an FT journalist and then got in a huff. He also doesn't seem to recognise the cosy set up with the US Defence Dept.Recent capital raising by one of the subsidiaries suggests ALM's valuations are supported by key investors.A hold for me.


TIPPED? Or people seeing value at last!!Tiger

FSJ Rhigos 14 Oct 2015

Undervalued? For the first time I looked at FSJ today. My first impression was that it was undervalued. These are some notes I made:Marine Service. Exposed to offshore oil explorationNet gearing 30.7%ROCE 20%Yield 2.3% cvr x3.9, progressive div since 1992 with only 1 minor glitchPE 10.9ROCE 20%Quickly read last company report and noticed that offshore oil service accounted for only 17% of revenue.Pity the dividend is not around 3.5% then it would be more attractive just as an income investment. It looks to me like SP could rise 20% in the next 12 months. It might even get back into FTSE 250 within 2 years. Not really sure about buying. Not an obvious income or growth share. Pretty safe IMO, very little chance of it going bust.

SER LUCKY147 14 Oct 2015

Re: edl Do you mean each share worth a 5p bag.?

BWNG romaron 14 Oct 2015

Re: BWNG, FULL Broker Notes............... joe - I've held these sometime as I liked the story and wondered if they could transfer from catalogues to the internet. I have done well with QVC (Liberty) and wanted a diversification and a British company.They seem to have attracted good staff and are building up a head of steam. I have only a small unease and that is that during QA Angela Spindler said she uses M&S as a benchmark. I guess you are a strong holder here so what would you say about investing a sum and choosing between M&S and N Brown?

SER Orchard Gate 14 Oct 2015

Re: edl A multibagger?Very funny.When it gets kicked off AiM your shares will be worth less than a single 5p supermarket bag.

VED Rhigos 14 Oct 2015

Bankruptcy risk, Altman Z number Altman Z number puts a figure on bankruptcy risk:[link] <1.8CAUTION 1.8 to 3.0SAFE >3.0Following (discredited) story of GLEN possibly not having any value for investors I looked up the Altman Z number for GLEN which at 1.82 was in the caution range. I am aware that VED has a scary amount of debt so I looked up its Altman Z number and it is very worryingly low at 0.191. This suggests if any adverse situations damage profits SP will plummet. Servicing debt must take up a lot of the companies profits. Gearing is around 1,000%, on the plus side ROCE is a healthy 13.4% and as a result of all the borrowed capital ROE is a huge 196.5%.Motleys Fool article suggested if Cairn India deal does not go through VED will be in risk of bankruptcy.VED has a very high risk of bankruptcy, according to Atman Z measure . IF nothing goes wrong I can see SP shooting up- but - IMO definitely a punt share not for widows and children.In future I am going steer clear of shares in any company with high debt.

CYAN BigSwede 14 Oct 2015

In the New Year Cyan will be dead and gone and our funds with it. This share is never going to anywhere except down.

EMED Small Holding 14 Oct 2015

China 5 year plan October 26th to 29th the communist party central committee meet to set out the next 5 year planPower generation is expected to play a key part of their growth strategy which should boost demand for copper[link] China to put growth before reform ambitions amid slowdown fearBEIJING: Chinese leaders will signal that growth is their priority over reform for the world's second-biggest economy by setting a growth target of around 7 percent in their next long-term plan even as the economy loses momentum, policy insiders say. The Communist Party's central committee will meet from Oct. 26-29 to set out their 13th Five-Year plan, a blueprint for economic and social development between 2016 and 2020.While the government has flagged a "new normal" of slower growth as it tries to shift the economy to sustainable, consumption-led growth, official data shows it has consistently at least met, and mostly exceeded, the growth targets it sets."We will have to rely on policy stimulus to safeguard the 7 percent growth target," said an economist from a government think-tank. "We should not put financial liberalization at the forefront of economic reforms."Beijing needs average growth of close to 7 percent over the next five years to hit a previously declared goal of doubling gross domestic product and per capita income by 2020 from 2010. But a plunging stock market and the unexpected fallout from a modest devaluation of the yuan have raised fears among policymakers that an abrupt slowdown in growth could spark systemic risks and destabilize the economy."It appears that growth has outweighed the reform agenda, which could stabilize the market for the short term while adding destabilization factors in the medium term," said Zhou Hao, senior economist at Commerzbank in Singapore.The government is likely to boost infrastructure spending in the new Five-Year plan, a favored means of stimulus in China, under Beijing's push for regional integration and the "New Silk Road" scheme, to try to meet an earlier growth target set for the current decade.While the specifics remain vague beyond the intention to build out road, rail and building infrastructure projects across Central Asia, analysts also expect the plenum to contain a raft of environmental measures.Power generation from renewable fuels is expected to be a central pillar of any such initiatives, which would likely boost demand for copper and aluminum in particular as power grids are upgraded and connected to solar, wind and hydro power projects. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China's top economic planner, did not respond to a request for comment. In the first two quarters of the year, annual growth came in at 7.0 percent, in line with the target for 2015, with the government rejecting suggestions that the figures were being inflated to meet official forecasts.Reuters reported in June that China could aim for "around 7 percent" growth for the next five years, but since then market and economic conditions have deteriorated. The expected emphasis at the upcoming plenum on achieving the growth forecast will raise questions about the leadership's resolve for "decisive results" in wide-ranging economic reforms by 2020 that were made at a party meeting in 2013. President Xi Jinping has reaffirmed a commitment to market-based reforms, seen by some as a bid to repair damage to the government's reformist image caused by its recent heavy-handed intervention in the stock and currency markets.But potentially disruptive changes, such as lifting capital controls, may fall behind growth-friendly reforms such as changes to spur private investment in state firms and public projects, the insiders said.

EMED stingray77 14 Oct 2015

Thanks to all who responded Thanks all, always very interesting to hear other investors views.S