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EMED Ace08 14 Oct 2015

Re: stingray Cheers for the heads up charlieeee hope you are right

UVEL luckbyjudgement 14 Oct 2015

Leader Smart fyi the website of Leader Smart is at [link]

ACP Ripley94 14 Oct 2015

Re: kam .. Today nice 13% rise today

TRAK zulu principle2 14 Oct 2015

Re: well deserved I think its just profit taking. I'm surprised its gone up so much without profit taking. Its only down 5% today so could well drop more maybe another 10%. Its not worth selling and trying to buy back in as the spread recently has been 15p.

GSR paidtosave 14 Oct 2015

Wish I had a magic ball

TPL 3Dimensional 14 Oct 2015

Re: inquest time.. wouldn't right it off just yet pal, it aint over quite yet............... Totally agree with your sentiments regarding Bell.end and Co, they couldn't run a corner shop let alone an oil E&P Co!!!Hopefully once we are out of this quagmire they can all be replaced, as I am sure Pope will have something to say on their recent shenanigans.The thing is we have some superb assets here just got an incompetent bunch of to55 ers running the show, or trying to run the show.Let us hope for a positive outcome shortly.FWIW I purchased another 500k today so my avg is around the 4p mark, I expect to earn at least 150% return shortly.Good luck.3D

BWNG romaron 14 Oct 2015

Re: BWNG, FULL Broker Notes................ I know they made 100 staff when they closed 18 shops that were inefficient but with the emphasis changing I suppose it was to be expected but the new warehouse capacity and export drive will increase jobs. I was attracted by Spindler taking over and she seems eminently capable. the hirings I meant the senior management. If they can do half the things that Primark and QVC do then I'll be a happy man. I'm interested in other investors views as I have some cash burning a hole in my pocket. I sold Sports Direct on Monday as I finally got tired of the contempt they show to the market authorities. My question about the bench mark of M&S (and Next) is more a concern that they are aiming perhaps too high. M&S clothes aren't that cheap and I'd always imagined N Brown to be at the lower end. My wife is no help with advice as she doesn't buy from any N Brown outlet.

SMA wdelboy2 14 Oct 2015

gold up too, perfect storm ? [link]

SMA wdelboy2 14 Oct 2015

small punt today... Bigger one tomorrow first thing. Proved up 600,000 oz on 10% ...Low cost open cast mining.JV this really will get back to double digits in no time. It all rests with the JV but with Govt staying in power tonight and backing project it has de risked this venture. Directors happy to finance the project out their own pockets. Expect another bumper few days. 5p not unreasonable in the short term. The last RNS was very persuasive that things will happen very very shortly, before the 23rd. Probably waiting for a favourable election result( which went the right way tonight) 200% today but much more on the way. Balls of steel required ! GL .. de risk and top slice when cant sleep at night.

SER paccamac 14 Oct 2015

Re: multi bag in the making "multi bag in the making"That is the funniest thing I've ever read on iii.

AFR ldlv 14 Oct 2015

more questions than answers Afren-There are more questions than answers… The situation at Afren appears to get worse and I cant help but feel that there is something very suspicious going on here. I read with interest that leading oil trader Gunvor has expressed an interest in some of Afren’s African assets which must be good news for the investors who may lose everything. However I also note that they have been given only until August 17th to come up with a bid on the assets they are interested in. How can it be possible to value and do even the vaguest of due diligence in a week, and also if the administrators are doing their job, surely any possible interest must be explored to the maximum benefit of all who have lost money? And they are saying its not a fire sale which doesnt rub with the above, unless they have other buyers in the wings… The administrators appointed by the company are Alix Partners but maybe questions should be asked of the Ad Hoc Bondholders Committee and also why Blackstone are involved, who they report to and why? Oh well, i’m sure there is a totally innocent explanation… - See more at: [link]

XTR lpdegeer 14 Oct 2015

The grapevine tells me that there are something like 228 contracts for the same piece of gold negociated via COMEX, can you imagine what happens if contract holders all demand psysical delivery? Watch movements leading up to 20/10!

SMA ExSol 14 Oct 2015

Forgot I had these, I smiled, then saw Altold Lol Someone sells all there holding, then it flys up, think I will offload my holding Tmrw finally broke even, less it piles in first thingGal all

EMED roco200 14 Oct 2015

EGM I attended the EGM yesterday along with three other Pte investors. Alberto gave a presentation after the formal EGM and then gave an informative Q&A session. He bought his two key guys with him (Operations & Finance). It was great to meet them. I will try & find time to post my thoughts tomorrow, but I can reassure you it was positive.A Board meeting took place after the EGM, & then Alberto flew off to Toronto where he is presenting today & tomorrow.GLA

JSI LoadsaDosh2 14 Oct 2015

Re: 12 down .... "investment geniuos loadsadosh2" the same that tipped you REDD and MCB which have both doubled and made me loadsa dosh in 6 months; more than you've made in years with your post office savings account.