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SER sausage_on_a_stick 15 Oct 2015

Re: edl SER - The shares are worth less than a carrier bag right now, even 100 shares are less than a 5p carrier bag!!EDL still waiting for that mining licence approval to drop, to signal the start of the mining JV, power station jv and take off agreement. The licence is the first domino in a long line of lined up dominoes!!!!

PRG Guitarsolo 15 Oct 2015

Was the loan repaid in time? From the last RNS:"In addition the Company has agreed an extension to the short term �500,000 loan facility to 18 November 2015 in order for the proposed Acrux funding package to be executed. If Paragon repays the loan after the 14 October 2015 then it will issue the provider a further 3,571,428 detachable call warrants with a strike price of 7 pence per share."There was no RNS to say whether the loan was repaid before 14th October. It doesn't mean to say it wasn't but, given the provision for the call warrants to be issued if the deadline was missed (which could affect the number of shares in issue etc), I would presume they would have to issue an update to the stock market. It is logical therefore that the deadline was missed and the call warrants now exist but at a strike price of 7p. What that does to a share price currently under 5p I don't know. But if the price does ever rise you would need to remember that someone has 3.5m warrants. my maths that would represent a potential dilution of 1.26%. Frustrating!Is PM struggling to get the funding he wants?Guitarsolo - it's unhealthy to follow AIM shares too closely I find!

GDP G E M L 15 Oct 2015

Re: Info Great Article, it shows the changes which are making a difference at Goldplat. Also with the Gold price raising by $50.00 in recent days - the profitability is further increased.

ZPLA Seagull2 15 Oct 2015

Agent switches back to Zoopla [link]

ALK Loldemort 15 Oct 2015

Re: Offer extended This is an absolutely standard thing to happen in these circumstances. Shyould you worry about it? Of course! It's *designed* to make you act.The UK takeover code is more about getting a tidy, liveable, outcome in reasonable time than it is about taking care of every last little private investor like us. To that end, companies are allowed to use both a carrot *and* a stick. The carrot being the offer price, the stick the threat that if you don't take the offer, you may never be able to sell the shares again.Although takeovers almost always specify some large proportion of acceptances as being required, this can be changed by the bidder at any time (with notice). If they initially specify 90% that's because that's what they would *like*, but they may well be prepared to live with less.As has been said, the takeover can continue as long as they get more than 50%, but they must maintain a listing for the shares. At 70% they can delist the shares, effectively trapping anyone who hasn't accepted. At this point, since the company is a subsidiary, they can start doing all the nice things with transfer pricing that means it will never make a profit again, so say goodbye to you divvies. Yes, there are protections for minority shareholders, but they aren't great.70% is the point where the stick becomes available, and the normal thing to do if the offer is declared unconditional in all respects, at over 70%, is to accept or sell in the market before you get trapped.

ZPLA Seagull2 15 Oct 2015

Zoopla and agents to create closer ties and push U Switch [link]

CEB short arms short pockets 15 Oct 2015

9 assets being evaluated, one offer in. "Over the past 18 months Corsair has identified and screened over 60 opportunities, high graded 12, and a detailed technical and commercial evaluation of 9 potential asset acquisition opportunities is well advanced. The strategic plan is to target short-term cash flow from existing oil production and long-term value assets particularly focussed on the Indonesian gas market, where pricing is high relative to other gas markets. A farm-in offer for one asset is now under consideration by its existing owners." Why is this board so quiet?

ZYT oldjoe1 15 Oct 2015

ZYT ...BULLISH article. INVESTOR'S CHAMPION BLOGZytronic (AIM:ZYT) - this lovely little business confirms trading is materially ahead Posted 15/10/15​The manufacturer of touch sensor technology products based on award winning projected capacitive technology has issued a short yet highly positive trading update. As we have commented before this a cracking little business and worthy of greater attention.Pre-tax profit for the year ending 30 September 2015 is now expected to be materially ahead of market expectations, which were previously for pre-tax profit of £3.95m and eps of 21.24p.The second half of the year has showed an improvement in revenues over that reported for the first half where revenue also increased 13.6% to £10.0m. The improvement was particularly marked over the last quarter, resulting in a 13% increase in total revenues for the year above that reported for 2014.Revenues for 2014 were £18.89m so that lifts the 2015 full year number to approx. £21.3m and pre-tax profit to approx. £4.3m and eps probably close to 24p. However, that’s all history, the future looks bright.It’s not just the top line that is showing progress with the Group also benefitting from production efficiencies.At the current share price of 345p (up 14% today) the current year multiple of 14.3x falling to approx. 13x for 2016 (based on forecast eps of approx. 26p looks great value for a high growth business that is also blessed with year-end net cash of over £8m, equivalent to approx. 52p per share.The business has experienced a few slip ups in the past and sales visibility is limited, however, its excellent products appear to be attracting a growing number of applications (larger format interactive display, ATMs, table top games and displays).It looks terrific value and there is also a 3% dividend yield to encourage!

ZYT oldjoe1 15 Oct 2015

ZYT Chart Very Bullish........ ZYT ZytronicWeekly chart shows not much further for SP to take out 3 year resistance. Presently +12% on the day.[link]

AFR griller 15 Oct 2015

Re: baroo123 Idiv, never invested here as you know but am wondering whether as the disaster reveals itself regulatory issues are emerging. We know that the light touch of AIM means the market is caveat emptor big time but are your lawyers/advisers identifying any misrepresentation issues by directors, nomads, PR companies or regulators that could kick off a major civil/criminal action and by extension involve other rogue AIM companies. The meltdown in AIM - while fuelled by the commodities bust - has no political or press exposure that I can detect and yet thousands of investors must be losing squillions as Afren, Max and host of others rot and the directors and advisers salt their gains away.

SPL Seagull2 15 Oct 2015

Massive Adani coal australian mine [link] approval and most of coal will be going to India, wonder if any of it will end up be handled via Karanja. We shud start hearing news re deals as openning date approaches over next 6 -9 months

AFPO BuyBAO 15 Oct 2015

looks like time to buy these again

FSJ forddrive 15 Oct 2015

Re: Undervalued? We have held FSJ for many years. At one stage the sp was near £15. This is a good example of a medium sized, well managed company, that was on a good growth curve but then faltered - mainly due to market difficulties. Having entered the FTSE 350 some time ago, it has recently been ejected. The result has been that the various tracker funds baled out, which has exaggerated the size of the dip in the sp. I have no reason to believe that things will not improve from now on and it is indeed possible that FSJ will reenter the FTSE 350 - if that happened, the sp could motor up again. We hold and continue to buy below £9.50.

SML thehog2 15 Oct 2015

News Coming? A second day of buying.Speculation or news?TH2

EMED SuperBobTaylor 15 Oct 2015

Re: EGM I would very much appreciate it if you could find time to share the details Roco.SBT