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NTG mildmouth 15 Oct 2015

Re: Why the long drop Could it be an over reaction to the fear of diesel valuations? Talk of diesels being on their way out? However, even if that were true, it is a far off goal, and the existing diesels are the only option for people to carry out their work in the meantime, so used valuations are holding up and subject to normal cyclical movements will continue to do so.I sold plenty when the shares had had a great run and seemed to have become expensive, however, I bought a few more myself this morning!

ATC nat-king-coal 15 Oct 2015

The swan We could be in for a long hard winter after that swan landed in slim-bridge this week so they say usually the US get a lot more snow-low-temps than we do. That with all the good news we are getting things are looking Hot-Hot-Hot for ATC. (Watch this space)

SULA dicko80 15 Oct 2015

Video interview [link] the radar of the big boys"

WIND greenking 15 Oct 2015

What next? So to recap...The company has dramatically underperformed for yearsTrades at massive discount to NAVTarget after target not met, promises unfulfilled. Slow and slow.Cost base too high.Management over payed.Yieldcos all trade at premium to NAV.Now that same management want to take it off our hands for 60p, when a year ago they said NAV was twice that....Clearly any non exec directors worth their salt would see that the cost base should be collapsed, and the assets should auctioned off to highest bidders.ASAP

FLYB oldjoe1 15 Oct 2015

FLYB, IM OUT.......... IM OUT, quickest U TURN in my history, shorters will be all over this one unless company can prove they have got shot of the 6 old planes.........Planemaker shares fall after Delta warns of surplus10/15/2015 | 07:21am US/Easter(Reuters) - Shares in the world's two leading planemakers fell after Delta Air Lines Inc (>> Delta Air Lines, Inc.) warned of a surplus of second-hand widebody planes, raising concerns about their ability to command good prices for new aircraft.(Reuters) - Shares in the world's two leading planemakers fell after Delta Air Lines Inc (>> Delta Air Lines, Inc.) warned of a surplus of second-hand widebody planes, raising concerns about their ability to command good prices for new aircraft.Shares in European planemaker Airbus Group (>> Airbus Group) fell 2 percent on Thursday, catching a downdraft from a steeper 4.3 percent drop in rival Boeing's (>> Boeing Co) stock overnight.Boeing slid after Delta's Chief Executive Richard Anderson said he expects prices for used twin-aisle jets to fall.Modern aircraft are built to stay in service for 25 years or more but are often traded between airlines throughout their lives, providing values that serve as a barometer for old and new jets alike.Low fuel prices have also encouraged some airlines to think twice about spending billions of dollars on new fuel-saving models.Anderson, whose airline has recently ordered both second-hand and new planes, told a conference call on Wednesday that the used wide-body market was a "bubble" and "ripe" for purchases by Delta over the next 12 to 36 months."Part of the statement is obviously true, even if Delta is well known to be a great fan of (buying) second-hand aircraft ...but this is a risk for Airbus," a Paris trader said.Suppliers were also in the spotlight after U.S.-based Spirit AeroSystems (>> Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc.) fell 5.5 percent on Wednesday, though Cowen & Co called the fall in Boeing and Spirit shares "overdone".Anderson said leases of used Airbus A330-200 aircraft would be five times cheaper than new ones and that decade-old 777-200 aircraft from Boeing would cost $10 million, versus around $300 million at list prices for new ones.Aircraft appraisers on average value those decade-old Boeing jets at more than $50 million, market sources said.Old planes from the likes of Singapore Airlines Ltd (>> Singapore Airlines Ltd.) are expected to be available soon, Anderson said."We get calls all the time," Anderson said about used widebody planes, adding that no deal is in the works. "Prices are going to get lower. You wouldn't strike a deal now.""We think that weakness in that aircraft bubble in widebodies is going to spread to narrowbodies, and that there will be some huge buying opportunities," he said.Manufacturers have been reassuring the industry recently over market prices for their long-range twinjets, while acknowledging some pressure on the oldest and smallest variants.A European conference heard growing concerns last week over values of 250-300-seat jets, dozens of which are expected to come on the market in coming months."As a consequence we have seen significant pressure on Boeing 777-200ER values and generally they are down by more than 20 percent over the past 12 months," Rob Morris, head of consultancy at Ascend Flightglobal, said.Traders say A330-200 prices have also weakened.Canaccord Genuity Inc analyst Ken Herbert said in a research note that he believes a production cut on the 777 is coming on the heels of a recent cut in Airbus A330 rates."But we do not believe the (widebody) weakness will spread to the (narrowbody) market, and we remain bullish on (Boeing's)stock" he said. "We believe Delta’s comments were also somewhat self-serving."Delta's partner Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd [VA.UL] is looking to acquire around 20 777s, Herbert said.(Additional reporting by Alwyn Scott in New York; Editing by Andrew Hay

EMED roco200 15 Oct 2015

Re: EGM Hi all loyal investors.It was great to see the full board in place (nine directors), meet Carina Corbett Director of 4C Communications again and most importantly the full senior management team, namely:Alberto (CEO), Julian Sanchez (General Mgr Operations) & David Carrasco (General Mgr Finance). The Rumbo V investors were also present.The resolutions were passed with big majorities as you know.The key thing now is to roll out the communication programme and ensure the often experienced weakness following on from a consolidation is avoided.In EMED's case the story is very strong (ahead of plan & under budget) and there is a receptive audience eager for details of this new major European Copper mining Co.Will we have a new thread under ATYM (AYM on TSX)?In fact Carina told me that many Brokers & Analysts they have meet so far, thought we were still waiting for permits! They are now scabbling to get on board as appointed brokers etc.In January a party of them will visit the mine and some will go beforehand.As you know Alberto is this week in Montreal & Toronto, bringing our North American Investors up to speed helped by Carina's opposite number responsible for North America.In terms of basics, this is where I believe we are:-1. Open Pit Plant commissioning going to plan with completion expected by year end. They are ramping up towards the grade, recovery & production levels targeted.2. 5 mtpa steady state by end of year/Q1.3. Ramp up to 7.5 mtpa Q24. 9/10 mtpa by late 20165. Phase Two expansion also well ahead of schedule & looks like its ahead of schedule & under budget. Commissioning for Phase Two to start late in Q1-2016.6. As we know from Charlieee they are looking at other possible opportunities given many mines are struggling in this market, with no people & no money to develop them. We need new challenges to keep our highly skilled, & motivated senior mgmt team stretched & interested. They are not the sort who just manage a dividend producing steady mining Co!7. The 8m. euro grant is expected by year end.So i reckon & these are my numbers, we will be cash flow positive by Xmas. 5mtpa @ 0.5% Cu con & 80% recovery and a copper price of $2.4 should give us c. $108m pa revenue. I reckon that converts to Net Income of c.£27m or an EPS of 0.077p. So I targeting a share price of 8p by Xmas.Do the maths on 7.5mtpa & 10 mtpa. Do the maths if copper improves from $2.4Finally the current drilling should conclude by year end and we can expect the Reserve/Resource statement during Q1-2016.Alberto is totalled focussed on copper and other minor fringe activities are seen as irrelevant.Hope that helps.All based on my understanding of course. Please DYOR.

BZM alltold9 15 Oct 2015

Re: Someone is collecting stock Agree with latest RNS we should be nearer 10p than 1p. Massive potential. 400% today?

BZM barno99 15 Oct 2015

Re: Someone is collecting stock Market cap at 1.10p only £4.198 million.. Way to cheap..

AFRI akaDolly 15 Oct 2015

Those crocodile skins I looked at the crocodile products last year. There was also something on a programme, maybe How its Made, some time backThere is a lot of money in the skins. I dont suppose the farmers get that much though. No wonder a lot of celebs do philanthropy. Sell a handbag, feed a couple of villages for a year, and that;s villages not villagersFor those that dont know,some of these Birkin/Hermes handbags are some price.'d be scared to leave it on the bus!!cheaper range c£[link] either eat and live with farmed meat products, or you dontCrocodile

EDEN 3Dimensional 15 Oct 2015

Eden mentioned again [link] a LTH I am actually welcoming the price drop as it is as good as time as any to buy more, in fact, I hope they take it back to 7p as I will throw the kitchen sink at it then!!We sure are in a great place at a great time, what with the ever increasing chemical pesticides awareness going on in the background. I almost feel if we stay on track that maybe one day Rodders we will all be millionaires 3D (waiting patiently for Eden to become a $B Company)

VMT Bravon 15 Oct 2015

Re: aim Super-bargain SP while the short-term UK investors offload ! Probably makes sense for the Company, especially at a time when they are putting focus on costs to offset the recent acquisition write-down. VMT has not picked-up much visibility on Aim, as demonstrated by the poor volumes. Need to consult brokers to check that they can trade on ASX, or otherwise switch to VMT's nominated UK brokerage. Meantime, provided one has the nerve, its a chance to buy like crazy ! B.

EMED johnny novice 15 Oct 2015

Analyst visit update Just got the following from Carina at 4C (our PR company) :"One or two of the analysts that are planning to initiate coverage on Atalaya will be visiting site over the coming weeks but we are planning a more general site visit early in the new year. "

SMA barno99 15 Oct 2015

Re: next wave now ! exclusivity agreement until 23 October 2015, in order to attempt to finalise a formal agreement relating to the Company's Mandiana project.Just realized what this actually said."TO FINALIZE A FORMAL AGREEMENT"The deal is done for sure!!!!

KUL ICB888 15 Oct 2015

Fourth Investment Yesterday Kuala announced its fourth investment yesterday and today we are seeing some action in the shareprice. The Daily Mail finance section mentioned Kuala today. The volume is upto 2.5 million so far today.

NTG Dhaka John 15 Oct 2015

Why the long drop Strange that this keeps on downward trend. No bad news, seem well managed and good econ background here and spain so should be a recovery play. Is there something us punter don't know?