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AFPO jaja 15 Oct 2015

SBLM moving up guys... it was BEM iron ore last week. BZM today. SBLM next week??

BGO Valuespotter 15 Oct 2015

£52,275 trade The price action today is saying this was a buy (probably with delayed report) 12:31:46 82 63,750 £52,275

SMA wdelboy2 15 Oct 2015

BOD and family paid a lot more.. They bought shares between 3p and 12p and thought it was good value then. Not many shares have been issued since then. Its been kept as a low cash burn outfit run by experienced CEO. Hold them tight and they will be worth a lot more IMO. GL whatever you decide. Some times its worth the risk !

EMED flyingInferno 15 Oct 2015

Re: EGM Thanks Rocco! "Other opportunities.." Alberto mentioned Ormond in that Stocktube video which I thought was interesting at the time as it's small. (I do not have shares in Ormond) the way KEFI is up 25% today and we also own about 7% of that...Dunno why anyone would be buying Glencore at the moment when the upside here is so much greater!!! Thanks again for the info.

VOG legionrider 15 Oct 2015

Just looking at last years accounts, directors remuneration $1,792,000 quite a good wage for Cameroon, Foo taking the lion's share of $573,000, he gave himself a $260,000 pay rise over the year before, so he must have been working hard to justify it. I wonder how much he will pay himself when we actually make a profit.

KIBO jaja 15 Oct 2015

i am already in SBLM. both KIBO and SBLM can multibag, but SBLM is at the bottom price now - very good entry price

BZM nat81 15 Oct 2015

iron ore SBLM SBLM has huge iron ore and now only 7m mcap? thats a fraction of BZM mcap,SBLM way below radar and financing in discussion with china ,safer in SBLM if you are looking for cheap entry to iron ore player

SBLM nat81 15 Oct 2015

IRON ORE and COAL player SBLM has coal and iron ore: - iron ore reserves around 200mt and DSO too (ie at surface, hence cheaper cost) - this reserves is larger, for example, than BEM (BEM around 150m) and yet BEM mcap around 18m while SBLM only 7m - SBLM was 100m mcap when the reserves were half the current size and iron ore price was 3 times higher in 2013 (around $140). so, with iron ore price now only 1/3 (ie $50), hence 100m/3 = 30m mcap, ie expected similar comparison indicated that SBLM should be around 30m mcap - and this 30m mcap direct extrapolation was based on much lower reserves and less progress. we now already have mining licence and production licence. and about to go production next year. - BFS is expected by end of 2015 and more Nimba iron progress report expected soon too.Coal - in sept we signed agreement for 600-megawat coal power station with zimbabwe govn. KIBO also have similar agreement with another african countries and its mcap now around 20m - more updates are expected soon too.note: - SBLM has strong support from african govn and have around 50% of shares owned by directors/ex-directors and institutional investors (see website)- i only made simple comparison with BEM /KIBO as an example only.judging from these two assets, SBLM should be imho around 30m at least. at the moment mcap for SBLM only 7m. lots of upside potential imhodyor

HSD Trodden Under 15 Oct 2015

Spread Bid/ask of 113.5 / 114. Can't remember it ever being that close. Years and years ago maybe. Something up?

ZYT oldjoe1 15 Oct 2015

ZYT ...Looking Forward.... ZYT Zytronic....LOOKING FORWARD.......[link]

ZYT oldjoe1 15 Oct 2015

Re: ZYT, VERY VERY Bullish article......... LOL LOL LOL LOL hi pie-eater please forgive my over enthusiasm, Ive been like this for the last 10 days, every thing I touch seems to shoot up, I may have stroked a black cat or hit by lightening but cant remember , but it certainly beats the miserable summer i have had on the market. cheers.

SQZ Manijohal 15 Oct 2015

Not much happening

MIRL The Preston Plumber 15 Oct 2015

Confusion Can any body tell me what is going on?An Extraordinary General meeting to appoint 6 new directors and remove all the independent non-executive directors does not sound good to me.

ZYT PIE-EATER 15 Oct 2015

Re: ZYT, VERY VERY Bullish article......... Oldjoe1Forgive the impertinence, but do I get the impression that you may be a holder of ZYT? It's just a vague impression that I am getting.....PE

ALNT nk1999 15 Oct 2015

Re: Alent buy out RNS today @ 13:49pm:"Antitrust Clearance in ChinaAlent plc ("Alent" is pleased to announce that the recommended offer for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Alent by MacDermid Performance Acquisitions Ltd ("Bidco", a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of Platform Specialty Products Corporation ("Platform", has today received antitrust clearance from the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China pursuant to notification Shang Fan Long Shen Cha numbered 250 (2015). This follows the clearances received from anti-trust authorities in the US, South Korea, Ukraine, Brazil, Germany, Poland and Romania for the proposed acquisition.All of the anti-trust clearances set out in paragraphs 3 to 9 of part V of the Scheme Document have now been obtained.Subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the other Conditions set out in the Scheme Document and the sanction of the Scheme by the Court, the Scheme is now expected to become effective in late 2015. Alent intends to release shortly a timetable that sets out the expected times and dates for the principal events required hereafter for implementation of the Scheme.Defined terms used but not defined in this announcement have the meanings set out in the Scheme Document dated 17 August 2015."