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CEY mog 15 Oct 2015

Re Court case.

WYN glasgowboy 15 Oct 2015

bought 200 today Hi Everyone ,Bought my first small trace today at 527 (200 shares) let see what happens hoping for long term growth and will add once I feel a bit more confident.

ATC m1egas 15 Oct 2015

Re: The swan what a pathetic performance of this share after such a good news. You don't need to have much imagination to what's gonna happen when there is no news or they are not that good. Gotta love AIM! Somehow many other shares which I'm not in manage to go up multiple times in their sp, but, of course, not the ones that I'm in...

FTE m1egas 15 Oct 2015

Re: cash cow "Bargain basement prices at the moment, where the greatest opportunities lay in AIM and where the best returns can be had"Or the quickest way to go bust...Horrible performance within the last year. Bought in just 9 months ago and it's gone one way only ever since. Currently 96% down. Great investment!

ROSE m1egas 15 Oct 2015

From 3p to 0.14p within a year. "well done"... Currently 95% down. I guess I can forget about getting my money back...

NTOG TX2 15 Oct 2015

Pyramid buying! After years of failing to produce a net profit with one US scheme after another from Kansas to Salt Lake City or wherever in good times or bad for oil producers.The good ol'boys are moving on to Egypt buying a well from a Chinaman on credit!That's something The Dukes of Hazzard never tried.

CAMK Orchard Gate 15 Oct 2015

Re: 12 down ... It doesn't. Must be Chinese maths. Another scam which will shortly disappear. Which one is next? JSI, perhaps?

TRAF BOWOOD 15 Oct 2015

Re: Allenby Capital think 400% This is effectively a family business with the Chairman sitting on nearly 80pc and I still feel there is good reason for him to have is interest diluted by a sizeable take over. This would enable the company to grow during the cycle and give him a better chance of enjoying the benefit of a growing business.

EMED investorprotestor 15 Oct 2015

I can feel it coming.... [link]

AQP nigel ever hopeful still 15 Oct 2015

Re: 2 directors Investing? curious... how does this fit with your 'never loose' when you bought in at 21p share? or is your £30 month fee how you will make up the difference? -

EMED DEREK 1968 15 Oct 2015

Re: Analyst visit update I do not see what the hurry is. The best time to talk about milestones is when they are achieved. The AIM does not value dreams anymore and even fact is often ignored. The normalisation of production will be January; that will be 3 months or so at full tag capacity and the sale of concentrate in commercial quantities. The market will value Atalaya at 5 mtpa production once the market is aware that is where the progress is at. The share price appears to be a bit more positive but there is a long way to go before any real representative value is reached.

MMX oggs 15 Oct 2015

To praraphrase... ...the philospher George Berkeley if a Buzzard Stubble talks to himself in an empty chatroom is there any purpose?

PFL Greyinvestor 15 Oct 2015

Not good I agree that the latest options are just another example of nefarious executive behaviour. Everything about this board smells wrong. I just hope that the new investors put the squeeze on them, hard. They deserve it.

ZYT PIE-EATER 15 Oct 2015

Re: ZYT, VERY VERY Bullish article......... Are you sure that black cat wasn't a Panther as you seem to be "making a killing".......Quite a few of the quality end of smaller stocks seem to have recovered their poise lately after the almost indiscriminate sell off previously. As they used to say (before the damned homogenised stuff came in)......the cream always rises to the top!PE

ZYT oldjoe1 15 Oct 2015

ZYT, BROKER UPGRADE........ [link] GMT N+1 Singer lifts its Zytronic fiscal 2015 pretax profit estimate to GBP4.3M from GBP3.9M after the touch sensor products maker said profit for the year ended Sept. 30 will be materially ahead of market expectations. N+1 Singer is Zytronic’s broker and doesn’t have a recommendation or target price on the stock. Shares +11% at 336.5p. ([email protected]) "