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TSTL Callun 16 Oct 2015

Re: III article This is one of the few companies where management actually do what they say they will, and include the shareholder in the rewareds. When they came to market they started to pay dividends, remarked on at the time as unusual for a small cap company. When their market collapsed they had the insight and will to create new products and markets, and here we are today with a very credable company, IMHO.If Paul Swinney believes there is further growth in the near term I expect it to happen. Firm hold for me over the long term, though valuation is a little high to increase. Will buy on market wekness.

MAGP MISOLDB 16 Oct 2015

Well Rita............ This all sounds wonderful, so why has the share price dropped from 1.25 to .45 in less than a year....?????? you can't blame it all on the price of oil.........some one has a clever way with

EMED mayo101 16 Oct 2015

Re: EGM - roco's prediction may not be too far off the mark if copper can get to and stay above $2.50/$2.60 with a resource upgrade thrown into the mix. The markets are so volatile I'm afraid it all finger in the air stuff at the moment. At least I think we have seen the bottom regarding our share price and I'm not referring to consolidation!

MMX blue george 16 Oct 2015

Re: To praraphrase... Please don,t

SMA wdelboy2 16 Oct 2015

dont be fooled... Forcing the drop on low volume. It will continue to rise. Have faith in the CEO. He has pulled it off before and knows what he is doing. Election is favourable so expect the signing complete early next week once the victory celebrations subside. The president is pro investment in mining and the country now has reliable power thanks to the Chinese hydro plant.

FOGL thecooler101 16 Oct 2015

Interesting day ahead

MMX arborman 16 Oct 2015

Re: To praraphrase... Hang in there Buzz

EMED phil and leggett 16 Oct 2015

Re: EGM In fact Carina told me that many Brokers & Analysts they have meet so far, thought we were still waiting for permits! They are now scabbling to get on board as appointed brokers etc.********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** *********Roco is this the sort of brokers we need if they cant read RNS's to keep themselves updated...So what is Carina's job??? It seems communications hasnt gone well to date...Phil...

FOGL Manijohal 16 Oct 2015

All I ask for is a tall ship and a gushing hole to steer by

FOGL Manijohal 16 Oct 2015

Another day, another non rns?

EMED dave297 16 Oct 2015

180p Jingle Bells

EMED flyingInferno 16 Oct 2015

Re: Analyst visit update It will rise Ace because the Co will want to celebrate the new name with positive info and can the old name under a cloud.. £1.65

SMA wdelboy2 16 Oct 2015

it just gets more compelling.. Mr. Condé, who was well in the lead with about 80 percent of the vote counted on Thursday, has won the support of many Guineans over the past five years. His first term included an overhaul of the powerful and unaccountable army he inherited from his predecessors, and a drive to bring some transparency to the country’s murky mining sector.His campaign was further aided by the recent completion of a Chinese-built hydroelectric dam, which has drastically improved the capital’s electricity supply and provided a tangible mark of progress for residents.“Electricity was the biggest problem here,” said Alpha Camara, a telecommunications technician, as he left a polling station in central Conakry, the capital, after casting his ballot for Mr. Condé. “Now businesses will start to invest here, and the future will be better.”During the campaign, Mr. Diallo focused heavily on attacking the government and electoral commission over the logistics of the election, and his vague promises of jobs for youths were not expected to win over enough voters outside his traditional ethnic Peul support base.With vast mineral wealth at stake, including what are thought to be the world’s largest undeveloped deposits of iron ore lying beneath the Simandou mountains in the remote and forested southeast of the country, the business community has been watching with interest.Full article here [link]

INDV aspace 16 Oct 2015

Re: OOPS! Well I certainly haven't recommended it. See my last post below where I argue that INDV's profits are illusory. I explained my reasoning backed up with references to the latest published annual report and sold out completely.

PAR patco 16 Oct 2015

Has anyone had any joy contacting the company or Nomad etc?