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SER theprior 16 Oct 2015

Was worth a pint Now wouldn't buy a loaf of bread !Complete and utter shambles.TP

VGM Portia123 16 Oct 2015

Re: AT LAST THE OFFER!!! Hi, I received a corporate action notification email from Lloyds share dealing basically telling me the same. I contacted Lloyds who were reluctant to advise one way or another.They hold my certificate but would transfer to a broker if I instructed likewise.Still confused with what to do for the 'best' Think I'll ping off another email to VGM for some clarification etc.Preference is to continue to hold the shares and hope for an upturn in fortune so I can trade again, hopefully at a higher SP than 3p +Any help much appreciated.

ALM oldjoe1 16 Oct 2015

ALM, Woodfords Last monthly Note....... Featuring Neil Woodfords view and the FTs view on the scorned shorter note.[link]

WRN TX2 16 Oct 2015

Re: 28 day extension I gather Nuna have produced their 2014 annual accounts;basically they are bust."Greenland Mining",the proxy Worthington vehicle claims it intends to put in about £1m(in Danish Krona) + other working capital(from where I know not) in exchange for 85% of Nuna's shares providing Nuna retains its listing on Nordic Nasdaq OMX exchange.I assume the plan is that then Nuna merges with WRN(How this sorts out WRNs finances I know not!) and then the idea of the usual suspects is that Nuna then manages to get a listing on LSE on the back of its Nasdaq OMX listing........Of course "in real life" the easiest solution for WRN would be to comply with UK listing rules & Company law and produce accounts etc.....

XTR lpdegeer 16 Oct 2015

My cristal ball tells me that we can expect na rns first thing on 20/10 giving us News on Chépica with a better performance in 3rd qtr and maybe new developments there, news on O'Kiep and Carolusberg copper tailings, Manica update and na explanation as to why they are already drilling there. There also maybe some details about plans for financing copper and gold operations in África! Exciting times ahead and keep na eye on PAF!

BWNG romaron 16 Oct 2015

Re: BWNG, FULL Broker Notes................ Hi nncalc - a human being and a supportive investor to boot. It seems that oldjoe and MickTKipper (on LSE) are possibly robots or paid to generate interest; they are one and the same with little to add. Vort seems to be happier spreading gloom so here's my view.I liked the webcast. The company is investor and customer friendly and I liked it that they came 3rd for service and customer satisfaction behind John Lewis and Amazon. The management are young and thrusting with a good strategy. My only concern is the major shareholders, the Alliance family who hold over 50%. It is their own money and that is encouraging (think AB Foods) but it also is tempting for them to be autocratic. Having said that they are successful and very rich so know what they are doing.This in yesterday's FT: “N Brown climbed 7.6 per cent after the mail-order retailer improved its disclosure metrics and said the second half had started well. About 7 per cent of the shares are on loan to short sellers.”I thought there were 2 mistakes here. We are not a mail-order retailer apart from a gradually disappearing carry over and the shorting level. I checked the stock on loan and it is actually 7.34%. As a lowly PI I cannot get this information easily and a subscription is not really economic. It is however a BUY signal for me. I will explain.I bought PFG when it was the most shorted stock in the FTSE at around £9. It is heading for the FTSE100 in December. My bet was that the hedge funds wouldn’t understand a ‘non-standard’ lender that had survived 2 World Wars and whose Chairman attended a Royal wedding. My first school uniform was paid for with a ‘provvie cheque’. I’m guessing they don’t shop at JD Williams either and are aware that it is ‘grim up North’. My view is they’ve got it wrong and as they tend to move in packs will push the price higher as they cut their positions. I also believe they pushed it too far South and it is a bargain at these levels.Add to this the fact that in the media eyes we are a dated, stodgy old catalogue company and the hedgies agree with them.I have doubled my holding.Be Lucky

FAST naeemsmiley 16 Oct 2015

Great volume today, Cathal 'Cliff hanger' Friel lol

ALM oldjoe1 16 Oct 2015

ALM LOOKING VERY BULLISH...... ALM Allied MindsNeil Woodfords Fund.....<b><i>The biggest detractor over the month was the position in Allied Minds. The stock’s sharp underperformance was due in large part to an opportunistic attack from a short-seller using a piece of self-generated research, which the FT described as ‘strangely shallow’. Although this has been unsettling for market sentiment in recent days, we see nothing fundamental to concern us. Indeed, our confidence has increased in both the long-term potential of its existing portfolio of maturing technology businesses and in the management team’s ability to identify new value-creating opportunities from its relationships with the best research institutions in the US.</b></i>hxxps:// Allied MindsWent long on ALM last week, and its gradually risen. Neil Woodford (top fund manager) seems to be a big fan so if its good enough for him itl do me.[link]

PGD Hunterguitar 16 Oct 2015

Re: Long way to go Good afternoon Keysi,If this ever makes £1.00 I will personally buy all the LTH's on this board a pint !However, they must register their interest now. Oh, and Jeremy Corbyn will need to be PM at the time. That will keep me safe.This bounce can only be down to the rise In the POG and knowing my luck we will be back to 1pvery shortly.

FDL fishxx 16 Oct 2015

Re: shorty hi m8 been long time i been reading your posts... whats your thoughts on the present situation ..... fish ....i think this is set to climb back to £2:90 ish !!! i feel that the uk is getting back to the feel good factor. buying a house on the up at moment means you need a lot of other thing to put in it ... bring on findel .... or am i wrong shorty . what do others think , want to get this board back talking .... fish

MOS BuyBAO 16 Oct 2015

20p boys been sweating, dont think it'll get there but 18/19p?


Re: update this next week still no t/u but ticking up.tiger

ENRT LuckySometimes 16 Oct 2015

Any Ideas? Anyone got any ideas where this one is heading? Is it a dead duck or are there any genuine causes for optimism? It seems to have been a potential gainer for years but never seems to really take off.

INL coldascheese 16 Oct 2015

Results Monday should be good Results due today or monday should gives shares a lift as they have advised that will exceed expectations and price has not moved yet.

CRND rRomeo29 16 Oct 2015

Re: something brewing Yupp, not much to say about the african front! And so funny, that despite the regular price fluctuation here, CRND is still maintained somewhere above 8 Pence. Next bullish alert only IF the massive 10.60p barrier is climbed.Its easy to adjust AT buys.---------- ---------Last update was:1) Bullish signal IF the barrier at 10.15p is climbed (mid price)2) Final bullish confirmaton comes IF 11.90p wall is climbed, signaling another rise to 23p.