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AFPO BuyBAO 16 Oct 2015

probably sell on open when the next RNS hits

AFPO jaja 16 Oct 2015

will take my profit at 2.3p today. hopefully will reach there today. this is trader shares, will b sell off as usual after rising

RNWH gretel 16 Oct 2015

News of contract win RNWH's Seymour Civil Engineering one of two firms appointed "to maintain 30,000km of sewers in the North":[link]

AFPO BuyBAO 16 Oct 2015

bought in yesterday at 1.8

AFPO BuyBAO 16 Oct 2015

good lads

FRM loadsadough 16 Oct 2015

FRM Up. Hello roco I hope you are OK today with FRM.Loadsadough

ENRT Thomas Tallis 16 Oct 2015

Re: Any Ideas? Forgot to say - Earth Enterprise Waste Not Recycling ought to be in production soon.

BZM barno99 16 Oct 2015

News/ The way forward..Financing. [link] read the statement via the link, I feel the company will easily be a ble to move forward and finance be readily available with Iron/NickleIron and also Cobalt in the mix. The Mine can be up and running quickly and cheaply. Expect news very very soon on all this. Happy!!!

AFPO jaja 16 Oct 2015

another p&d by twitter and advfn... those traders will be selling down later again...

FOGL Originofquake1 16 Oct 2015

You didn't read the RNS from give away of an additional 32% is for the DEEPER oil only. Our guy said quit I'll take what we found , but noble oil knows the oil is deeper and the discovery will"unrisk the hundreds of miles to the Hersila fan complex.

ENRT Thomas Tallis 16 Oct 2015

Re: Any Ideas? Those were some negatives - now for some positives -We have been told that Brownwater had an order of a million-plus, and pounds not dollars. That should produce royalty fees - but when?There is a deal for turnkey systems.Axion is selling Axplas.We were told about a possible "transformational" development but to me it was never clear what that was - was it that potential acquistion that fell through?However, so much of the potential that tempted me has turned to dust. It seems to me that most of the negotiations never come to be signed deals .Look back through their reports. See 2008 for "The Company continues to sign additional licenses– Expected revenues of at least £1.0m from license fees" - so in 2008 they were expecting £1.0 million in license fees?" we have committed significant costs and resources to the projects in Kenya, Tanzania and Hungary, which were predicted to be one of the primary revenue streams for 2008 and beyond"What ever happend to the projects in Kenya, Tanzania and Hungary?Australia, Kenya, Tanzania and Hungary, 2K, Mediwall, seats for the 2012 games - my goodness, such potential - but what happened?but don't worry, dief has told us that we have only to wait a "little longer".

FOGL Originofquake1 16 Oct 2015

Make that 20% says Fogl after noble read Donald Trumps "Deal" book.

FOGL Originofquake1 16 Oct 2015

Your Noble oil and someone offers you 32.5%(humpback) , what good is the treasure (oil) if was another situation. A dry hole has no value, so why even get a deal for 32.5% of nothing? Noble ,' sidetrack is a drilling problem. The tools are jammed. You cut them loose , cement them in a drill around the problem, the "Sidetrack." Keep going, says Fogl! Are you going to pay says noble? Alright take 60% of whatever humpback hits' and leave me with 29%, says our leaders.

ENRT Thomas Tallis 16 Oct 2015

Re: Any Ideas? This is hard one to forecast, even Mike Walters has said things that have turned out to be off the mark, so it does tend to surprise in negative ways, but to be fair to him he does say that it is one for a gamble and only use money that you can afford to lose.ERT went to a trade fair at Chinaplas 2013 in Guangzhou. They described it as successful - but it hasn't as yet produced a single new licence - so in what way was it successful?Chinaplas did introduce ERT to a Chinese consortium and talks got to an advanced stage - but suddenly all talk of the Chinese consortium has evaporated like a mist - what went wrong? They haven't said.They have been to a trade fair in Brussels - did it produce a new licencee? I think not.A load of directors have bailed out - when was that ever a good sign?The accounts annual report has a warning on "Going concern" - read it.Do not wear rose-tinted specs while reading posts on here.All of my posts are nothing more than waffle, chit chat and opinion and are not to be taken as any sort of recommendation to sell, not sell, buy or not buy.

OXS Stonefold 16 Oct 2015

Re: RNS - hmmm interesting So looks like there was little chance of having $12m cash available (or the option to fund raise it at better terms) in time for the old CLN repayment date. That rules out the CLN repayment option. To me that implies a while to go before an award is declared. If RAB and Trident had stuck to the old CLN terms (ignoring the interest part) they would have converted their combined debt of $12m at the rate of 12p which would be about 65,359,477 shares which they could then sell at anytime.As they have agreed today they will exchange the $12m debt at the rate of 8p for 98,039,213 shares which they can sell from 22-10-2015 onwards.If they are confident that they will be in a position to sell their shares at a price that will give them their $12m back they will wait until the shareprice is over 8p.If they are not confident, they could from today start forward selling 129,047,645 shares (includes interest shares but excludes up to 12,175,965 shares that RAB were holding as of 05-10-2015) - which would flatten the shareprice.The 26,389,385 interest shares would have been created at an average of 2.75p (guess by looking at shareprice over the period) so it would be prudent to dump them asap at anything above 2.75p. If RAB and Trident were the the sort of investors that liked the risk of being a shareholder they would have bought shares (rather than the slightly more secure CLN's). So i expect them to sooner rather then later to begin offloading. But whether they hold or sell the outcome of the coin-toss of the arbitration remains the same - just a possiblity of an overhang depressing the price to provide an opportunity for a week or two, to buy shares at a much lower price than today.