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BAB Lion Rock 17 Oct 2015

Downtrend Anyone any thoughts as to the reason for the downtrend from Jan 2014 to now, its dropped from 1300p to the current 970. Is it the sizeable overdraft that is causing the problem?

ENEG videodawn 17 Oct 2015

Re: Change of name to No Oil or Gas just received a letter about the change of name, whats the story?=======EU packaging directive compliance.

EMED DEREK 1968 17 Oct 2015

Re: 180p I see absolutely no reason why the share price should decline post consolidation. Events are moving on and Emed are well placed to rise from here. The consolidation will attract new investors, production, expansion and profit will carry the share price into dividends.

SER theprior 17 Oct 2015

Re: That's it then Said that a few weeks ago but we had to have the DC bounce before lights out !TP

ALNT I Wish I Knew The Answer 17 Oct 2015

Re: Alent buy out NK I can see why you've sold and backed the profit, and the hit you’ve taken is minimal at less than 0.5%I think however the deal will certainly go through because of the £27M break clause Platform has to pay if it does not complete (see below) and the fact the share price is so buoyant as news always leaks out."Alent has been advised by Rothschild and UBS while Platform has turned to Credit Suisse. Platform is liable to pay a £27m break fee if the deal does not close within a year's time or it fails to receive regulatory clearances." I believe Cevian will be happy with the profit they have made so far and will look at the new investment with a long term view (as will Bill Ackman of Pershing). These 2 companies make very few investments a year and look to hold for 3-5 years typically so I suspect they will merely see this as a further buying opportunity.I also imagine they will end up with all the new shares in Platform unless some private investors are unaware of the platform shares dip, but who knows in 3 months time they may well have recovered.

EMED investorprotestor 17 Oct 2015

Re: 180p Bring back the old ACE!!!!!!!!!

ALK Ripley94 17 Oct 2015

Re: Offer went unconditional 7.00amYesterday Any idea date of payment ?

ZAM Ripley94 17 Oct 2015

Re: Still here topped yesterday.

VED meisterx 17 Oct 2015

Re: Bankruptcy risk, Altman Z number What a load of carp.

VGM Chockdee 17 Oct 2015

Re: AT LAST THE OFFER!!! Hargreaves are advising that the trading cost by WH Ireland, Vatukoulas' broker, is Stg 92.5!! per trade. This might sway quite a few holders.In my case a no brainer as the share value dont even come to that! A rip off in my view which rubs salt into the wound!

AFR ldlv 17 Oct 2015

Administrators The main aim of administration is to rescue the company as a going concern, The administration procedure is a way of facilitating a rescue of a company

AFR ldlv 17 Oct 2015

Key statements “near-term oil production is likely to be materially lower” can anybody explain that? We still don't know."The board believes that all the possible routes have now been explored during the course of this process"Are you sure?Did you even try the Shareholders despite the fact that some like SRM requested to do a RI several times.

PGD chutes 17 Oct 2015

Value of Co not wthout risk here, but gold price firming up nicely, the upside potential is huge, we are well in, looking to buy further if price does not run away too much

MTO algardish 17 Oct 2015

Financials Over last 5 years intangibles up from £397m to £541mBorrowings up by £100m+ over 5 yearsNet Profit Margin £55m on £2273m revenue= 2.4%A stoke of the pen or spreadsheet on a desk can create £55m profits from that level of intangibles. This business is not making any money, cash or profits. Checkout links to Serco in the management team.Living wage impact?The crash will come , they will be found out, I predict.

PIRI BOWOOD 17 Oct 2015

Rame Rame SP ticking up. PIRI may need to sell a few; if not all, to pay Directors salaries.