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DLAR gamesinvestor 18 Oct 2015

5 magic stocks [link] banknote printer, De La Rue (LSE: DLAR) comes out on top thanks to the company’s ability to literally print money. Indeed, De La Rue’s ROCE — a metric that compares how much money is coming out of a business, relative to how much is going in — eclipses that of its peers. During its last financial year, De La Rue’s ROCE totalled 49.6%. To put that into perspective, according to my figures less than 3% of the world’s 8,000 largest companies managed to achieve an ROCE of greater than 40% last year."

FUTR FKInvest424 18 Oct 2015

F.K. Investments MOMENTUM INVESTING - FUTURE (FUTR) I bought at 10.5p on 16th of October 2015. Check: [link]

CAMB FKInvest424 18 Oct 2015

F.K. Investments MOMENTUM INVESTING - CAMBRIA AUTOMOBILES I bought at 72p on 16th of October 2015.Check: [link]

DIS Madoff Jnr 18 Oct 2015

18% up Nice 'little' jump there..........fingers crossed its fda approaval for redlleg distribution....?nice time as well just before xmas. then again been wrong so many times in the past with this oneMadoff jnr.

FRM roco200 18 Oct 2015

Re: FRM Up. Yes thanks Loads.Good call.How high are you planning to let it go before you jump?

VGM Portia123 18 Oct 2015

Re: AT LAST THE OFFER!!! Thanks for responding guys, for anyone interested I received a reply from VGMHe advised to read in detail the information supplied on the VGM website to shareholders regarding the matched bargain facility. Contact [email protected] to indicate your wishes.They will contact you at the appropriate time providing details on how to proceed.No mention of what do do if you want to keep hold of the shares with the intention of being able to trade them somehow in the future.I've read the recent operational update and I'm holding out for a miracle of some sort. Just trying now to understand how I get in position to benefit from any upturn so I've replied to VGM likewise.Again, any help appreciated.

EPO OCEAN D 18 Oct 2015

sort of tip... in the sunday times today

SER Noville2 18 Oct 2015

Re: That's it then Feel rather sorry for those people who got caught in the upward movement. MM's bleeding people again.

AUE stillere 18 Oct 2015

last week's trades seems strong trading last wk - but i've got to ask -on fri. total trades figure was 4m+ but details show TWO trades of 4m and even i can add can anyone explain 'cos i hate what i can't understand..anyway i bought in earlier in wk. ans still think it wise to do so.

TMZ silver doller 18 Oct 2015

Re: Hope delayed not dashed That`s not what the share price is saying

EMED DEREK 1968 18 Oct 2015

Re: Consolidation Where is that "fact", what is the provenance. What were the circumstances of that. I suggest many where not to launch a company changing scenario that transforms the value of the share from cash bleeding explorer to cash rich producer. I suggest many of those failed consolidations were due to a declining share prices to micro fractions of a penny and were timed with desperate fund raising. That is just not the case here. If you think £4 is not achievable then you are a fool. £1.30 to £4 is no huge leap. Copper at $3 lb will produce huge profit that will easily equate on a reasonable PE to £4 a share. There are huge possibilities for additional profit from this site including off takes and tolling that could more than double profits. I don't care what happens in the days and weeks following consolidation I am here for the dividends and long term value. Consolidation is the best way forwards for Atalaya; they need to shake off the failure of Emed and Harry Adams and move on to high nett worth investors and institutions.

BAB rogerjc 18 Oct 2015

Re: Hinckley The Cavendish Boccard joint venture is the nominated contractor for the Pipework contract only. The reactor and all instrumentation & controls is coming from France and turbines from Alsthom. Edf, being French, has encouraged British companies to form joint ventures with French companies to undertake contracts hence the involvement of Boccard. Another example is Crawley and Glasgow based Doosan Babcock (no longer any connection) who are in a joint venture to supply the £200m HVAC system.It appears that just about every main contract, even those considered less technical like the civil engineering, has a French input!

TMZ Aaxb83 18 Oct 2015

Hope delayed not dashed To state that SP is disappointing is an understatement but after reading through results again and doing some research I think that TMZ is on verge of making progress.1. TMZ expects to be able to fund its operations to point of cash generation.2.DAB is making good progress and the market is growing.3 Connected audio will grow as Spotify and Google increase their market.4 Sensium. I understand that the feedback from hospitals is positive but dealing with bureaucracy is time consuming.

BOR stayhungry! 18 Oct 2015

implications of the Fogl 'strike' does anyone here have any thoughts about the geological implications for BORof the latest news from Fogl?[link] thanks. . . good luck to all long-term holders. . . . we deserve a nice big bounce!

EMED Ace08 18 Oct 2015

Re: God I am so sad Let's see if the Ace will become a Millionaire hey Eye _User