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OXS jaja 19 Oct 2015


MMX buzzard stubble 19 Oct 2015

comment This week’s new TLDs: .Law, .AbogadoBY ANDREW ALLEMANN — OCTOBER 19, 2015 Two restricted legal top level domain names become available today.Minds + Machines releases the highly-anticipated .law and .abogado (Spanish for lawyer) domain names today.There’s no room for speculation in these domain names unless you are a lawyer. You have to be a licensed lawyer to register the domain names.The domains aren’t cheap, either. At NamesCon last year, Minds + Machines CEO Antony Van Couvering said the wholesale price of .law domains would be about $150. It’s possible that’s changed since then, but 101Domain is charging $324 for a one year registration.I suspect that .Law was the domain name that Minds + Machines received a $15 million investment for.It’s a great top level domain name, but I’ll be curious to see how the registration restrictions affect adoption.In other new TLDs this week, Rightside releases two new domain names in Early Access: .studio and .live. You’ll pay a premium to buy these domain names starting this Wednesday, and prices revert to about $25 retail starting Wednesday, October 28.[link]

TCM oldjoe1 19 Oct 2015

Tellit Comm Bullish Article..... <b>Telit awarded US$220mln UK smart meter contractShare 11:34 19 Oct 2015</b>Supplies are expected to start in the final quarter of 2016 and continue through to the end of 2021.Telit awarded US$220mln UK smart meter contractGB SMIP aims to install smart meters in homes of the majority of the UK’s gas and electricity utility customers by 2020.-- adds broker, comment, detail and share price--Machine-to-machine specialist Telit (LON:TCM) has been awarded a contract worth up to US$220mln as part of the UK’s £11bn smart metering infrastructure project GB SMIP.Supplies are expected to start in the final quarter of 2016 and continue through to the end of 2021. Telit will provide cellular modules to power a portion of the nearly 30mln "comms" hubs bridging ZigBee (wireless network) data communication between the smart meters and either radio frequency (RF) or cellular networks.Telit-equipped hubs will contain a specially developed module that will use its previous experience in the energy market.Run by the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC), the GB SMIP project aims to install 53mln smart gas and electricity meters into UK homes small businesses by 2020.It is a huge undertaking and will require all of the data collected by the meters to be processed and managed by a central hub.Building this part of the network is expected to cost up to £5bn and will be controlled by a company set up by DECC.Telit is likely to be one of a number of suppliers for a wide area network to transmit data automatically to the hub via the ‘Internet of Things’.DECC has cited benefits of an end to estimated billing, better energy tariff price information and more reliable next-day switching, but critics have also cited a poor record for the UK government delivering on large IT projects, security issues and how much benefit consumers will get as potential banana skins.Oozi Cats, Telit’s chief executive, said: "The system will monitor consumption and provide information to help consumers and businesses use energy more efficiently. "Telit has invested solidly in the special SMIP UE910 project as well as the manufacturing and logistics framework necessary to fulfil integration and roll-out requirements from government as well as the various vendors involved in the project." The company was part of the think tank that worked on key standards and technology foundation behind GB SMIP.Broker Northland added that projects as ambitious as GB SMIP tend to stretch as issues are encountered and first revenues are not expected until next year.“Being part of such programmes is important, however, and helps to balance last week’s reduced guidance.”Telit trimmed slightly its expectations for the current year to revenues of between US$330- 340mln and underlying earnings [EBITDA] of US$40-45mln.Shares today climbed 6% to 296p.Share

RCN sasa43 19 Oct 2015

Re: Mail on Sunday rec... Hi loads - nice to hear from you and hope that you're recovering well...Yes, I think this should continue to do well. Been in it for a while now and just bought some more this morning. Will have a look at the other two you mentioned....sasa.

INL Chronictrader1 19 Oct 2015

From what I've seen there's been No statement from the company. It's like someone taking money from you, and not telling you when they're going to pay it back.

LOK II Editor 19 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Lok'nStore still undervalued "It's growing rapidly, but self-storage firm Lok'nStore continues to trade a big discount to larger rivals. That may be about the change.As well as successfully executing rapid store expansion, cutting costs and reducing debt, self-storage firm ..."[link]

SRX Donatron 19 Oct 2015

Couple more calcs Hi, I share these here in case anyone finds them interesting. Wanted to know the outcome of a couple of different scenarios:1) Production in 2015 is at the top end of the estimateHave always based my calculations on the bottom end of their estimates. That is just from past experience with other mining shares - expect the worst and possibly be surprised. I thought it would be useful to recalculate for the top figures in their estimates, to give a range of expected outcomes.Sales price: Interims said rutile price has been hovering around the $800 mark. Q3 says sales for rest of the year will be in line with 2014, which was $818.All-in cash costs are still expected to be about $650-670, but production is now expected to be better at 125k-130k (previously 120k-130k).Best case figures gives:$(800 - $650) x 130k = $19.5m profit = £12.6m profit (approx 1.55 FX rate)Divide that by the 522m shares and we're looking at about 2.4p EPS, which now puts us on a PE multiple of about 7.7x.Assume 50% divi of 1.2p and we'd have a current yield of 6.5% and using a 2% risk free rate, ought to be 60p.The above all assuming that the current share price is the mid price of 18.5p.2) 2016 production is in line with estimatesLooking at the most recent investor presentation, production for next year is slated to be about 150k tonnes (I think it's actually a bit more than that, but hard to tell from the graph on page 15). Likewise with costs, it's hard to tell but looks like it's about $590 per tonne. Again, I think it's actually a bit lower than that, but let's use that.Assume no increase in rutile price for next year and we have:$(800 - $590) x 150k = $31.5m profit = £20.3m profit (approx 1.55 FX rate)Divide that by the 522m shares and we're looking at about 3.9p EPS, which now puts us on a PE multiple of about 4.8x.Assume 50% divi of 1.9p and we'd have a potential yield of 10.3% and using a 2% risk free rate, ought to be 95p.Massive pinch of salt with the above, I'm not suggesting for a minute that those scenarios will actually happen. Just wanted to know what might happen if they did. In particular, I'm fairly sure they won't declare a 50% of earnings dividend.

TCM oldjoe1 19 Oct 2015

TCM, BULLISH Broker Brief..... BROKER BRIEF ON TCM Telit Communications.....Telit Communications (LON:TCM): Substantial contractMarket Cap: £321m; Current Price: 278pSupply contract for GB SMIP projectSupply contract valued at up to $220m as one of the technology providers for the UK’s £11.3bn Smart Metering infrastructure project that plans to installs smart meters in homes and businesses across the UK. Supplies are expected to commence Q4 2016 and continue through to the end of 2021.Telit will provide cellular modules for a portion of the c. 30 million comms hubs bridging ZigBee data communication between smart meters and either RF or cellular networks. Telit equipped hubs will use a specially developed UE910 UMTS/HSPA module delivering the 3G backhaul communication.<b><i>NORTHLAND CAPITAL PARTNERS VIEW: GB SMIP is an ambitious project running over a number of years as the UK government looks to deploy smart meters nationwide. Such projects tend to stretch, however, as issues are encountered and first revenues are not expected until next year. Being part of such programmes is important, however, and helps to balance last week’s reduced guidance.</b></i>

LGO jaja 19 Oct 2015

watch WRES... news next week

JQW hubster 19 Oct 2015

RNS rading Update19 October 2015Further to the announcement released earlier today, the Company has been informed by the local Administration of Industry and Commerce (the "AIC" of the results of their inspection last week. Whilst the AIC is satisfied with the remedial work that the Company has done to address the issues concerning the Company's systems and filters raised by them last month, the AIC requires the Company to carry out further training for the new staff that it has recruited to strengthen its website monitoring activities. The Company expects that this additional training will take place over the next two weeks. In the meantime, the Company's operations remain suspended.The Board welcomes the increased investment in the training of its employees which will further increase the Company's long term effectiveness.A further announcement will be made in due course.

MTR scotchoverice 19 Oct 2015

Buy buy buy...ok I am ramping ......but I now hold 2.54%

RRR scotchoverice 19 Oct 2015

Still holding any rather...

RRR scotchoverice 19 Oct 2015

The ramping crew Omarinvestor et al will surely be out soon enough...but any real se has been, in my opinion, manufactured to support YAGs,persistent selling...if you are still holds NY here...WHY?

MMX buzzard stubble 19 Oct 2015

.law momentum builds Minds + Machines Group Limited .law enters regular access as momentum buildsShare On Facebook PrintAlertTIDMMMXMinds + Machines Group Limited19 October 2015For immediate release:19 October 2015FROM LAW FIRMS TO BAR ASSOCIATIONS TO LEGAL MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY,".LAW" DOMAIN GAINS MOMENTUM THROUGHOUT THE LEGAL PROFESSIONThe Florida Bar, Orrick, Law360 Join Early AdoptersAs New Domain Opens for Regular Access, October 19Law School Waiver Program Will Provide Accredited Schools With Dedicated .law Domain Name Without ChargeMinds + Machines Group Limited (LSE:MMX), the owner of the new ".law" top-level domain, today announced that beginning October 19, 2015, .law domain names may be applied for by qualified lawyers on a first-come, first-served basis at standard rates. The seven-day Early Access Program, during which .law domain names were priced higher to accommodate initial demand, ended at 1600 UTC on October 19.Antony Van Couvering, CEO of Minds + Machines, commented, "The early interest in .law by the legal community has been outstanding. The legal profession seems to agree with our foundational policy: that every name sold under .law or .abogado must belong to a qualified lawyer and that there is real value in domain names governed by meaningful, verified policies."Early Adopters Lead the WayEarly adopters of .law domain names include prestigious state associations such as The Florida Bar; leading law firms across the country including Orrick, Skadden, and DLA Piper; the leading legal media outlets Law360 and ALM Media; professional legal organizations such as DRI-The Voice of the Defense Bar, and the American Association for Justice, which is working with .law to ensure its members are aware of this opportunity; and many other firms, organizations, and individuals."Interest is coming from all corners of the legal profession," Lou Andreozzi, CEO of Dot Law, Inc. said. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to secure names that can help rebrand, expand, or otherwise promote the legal profession. Many of the associations have indicated that, in addition to their own use, they will provide access to the new domain names as part of their membership benefits. Law firms large and small have expressed interest not only in their names but also in practice areas. They see this as an investment to help ensure their position as a leading practice. It is exciting to consider the possibilities."With over 100,000 members, The Florida Bar is the organization of all lawyers who are licensed by the Supreme Court of Florida to practice law in the state. "As The Florida Bar continues to serve an ever more diverse and engaged constituency, it is important to look for new tools with the potential to help our membership leverage their resources in order to best serve their clients," said Pete Sweeney, Chair of The Florida Bar Member Benefits Committee. "We are excited to be among the first organizations to receive the new .law domain names and make them available to our members."Orrick is a global law firm focused on serving the technology, energy, infrastructure, and finance sectors. "Law firms are constantly looking for new and more valuable ways to share market insights and content with our clients, and we applaud efforts to innovate in this area," said Orrick Chairman Mitch Zuklie. "We are delighted to be an early recipient of a new .law domain name."Free Registration Opened Up to Law SchoolsIn addition, Minds + Machines is proud to announce its law school program, which will provide a .law domain name to accredited law schools, and will waive registration and renewal fees for the domain name. U.S. schools are the first to be afforded this opportunity; outreach to non-U.S. law schools is planned for the near future."We are proud to announce a program to provide accredited law schools with a dedicated .law domain name, without charge to the school," said Carl J

TCG Orchard Gate 19 Oct 2015

Re: NEW ARTICLE: City warms to Thomas Co... "My last 'buy' was on the 4th September"Well, no it wasn't actually, it was on 24th September. But I don't blame you for losing track as you've never expressed any view other than "strong buy" including when the shares were above 180p, so simply repeating "buy" over and over again and then trying to claim some credit when the shares are higher than just one of those recommendations (while ignoring all the others) is pretty pathetic.