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ENEG danpoe 19 Oct 2015

Re: Flying down to Rio. So if we are getting more dilution,name change from the general meeting,why now a buy. More confused .

JQW city watcher 19 Oct 2015

Keeping mine ! Sorry, but I'm not going to sell up just yet ! What's another 2 or 4 weeks ?

PCI ozoresas 19 Oct 2015

Re: endless bs Thats exactly the point. This share is dead. 14p will again be seen just as in the old times.......but dont forget to divide it by 25.......

SAL casabanker 19 Oct 2015

Re: Network Rail contract win Now that I'm in, I'm going nowhere. Of course the promise shown by SAL must be realised eventually or I will be off but not for at least twelve months. The second half should show improved figures which will support the sp. At least there is a dividend, although reduced. If the results turn out to be as good as I think they will eventually, the divi will surely rise as well. Here's hoping. Casa.

AGK UnderWaterFool 19 Oct 2015

I'm in I'm in now 0.5% of portfolio

VGM FanSan 19 Oct 2015

Re: AT LAST THE OFFER!!! For me, accepting this offer returns 8% on my investment. Better than nothing, I suppose, but I'm not desparate. Vatukoula's cost per oz of gold is a hair below the gold price, so I don't expect a relisting till that moves up considerably.Zhongrun are in it for the long term and might well invest further if they thought they could get a return, and that would dilute the shares for the others of us.Even so, I reckon if the gold price rises 50% sometime over the next 10 years, these shares could come back and quadruple. I'll wait and see.

AMA merked 19 Oct 2015

what happened today? 12% drop after such great steady progress up to nearly 12p, ouch

PHD Carefully Does It 19 Oct 2015

Acquisition targets Very fragmented market. Here are just a few, worth a look and you can filter on capability.The question is whether they would buy a s/w company or more hands on full-service.[link]

ENEG hethersett62 19 Oct 2015

Flying down to Rio. Did a little research on the names involved, big fish indeed.An inside scoop of some value if correct,.meriting a buy recommendation from one usually sceptical.Timing is everything & the NS. may just have become more attractive, if that's the direction we are looking ?But good news anyway.[link]

PDL weblogic 19 Oct 2015

Re: Newsflow.. `In line... I`m expecting the numbers to be roughly in line with expectations... we`ll see.How that moves the price I guess will depend on the details, and `outlook`...The growing middle classes of the East will continue to seek the gemstones, and China looks set to continue to head to higher levels in the economic league tables, but the adjustments will take time...

TMZ Mr Google 19 Oct 2015

Re: Hope delayed not dashed I hope the review for Sinsium and it's IP is completed soon, which is adding to the uncertainty.I really don't know what the management where thinking when they went too aggressive with their sales expecting quick results when dealing with hospitals. Whose strategy was this, Richard Steve or Anthony Sethill? It's one thing the clinicians wanting it, but another when you have a manager at the top in the hospital food chain looking at costs of installation, training, disruption and running costs.There is a market for this technology, but Toumaz are too early in on this and there is no reference point for hospital managers to look at, so trials will carry on until they are satisfied.

RLD Courtier1 19 Oct 2015

Re: RNS Really interestingif they are producing 1m carats p/a initially at $3 p/c and say they only sell them at $7 p/c (rather than the $12 customer specific order) then thats $1m profit p/q or $4m p/a or around £2.5m against a market cap of £7m. If all goes relatively to plan appears rather cheap............

ENEG mrsp2g 19 Oct 2015

Re: Flying down to Rio best thing would be if they only went one way and stayed there....... bet he didn't fly cattle class either lol.... just stick it on the Shard tab....

ALK dazedandconfused 19 Oct 2015

Re: Offer went unconditional 7.00amYeste... If it's Balfour Beatty paying, they'll be late...probably by about a month (or two)!

AFR 3Dimensional 19 Oct 2015

Duty of care to shareholders Afren showed a complete lack of care to shareholders, in fact for a FTSE 250 Co it was utterly negligent and reckless to boot.If after the administration is wrapped up the BoD do not face criminal charges I will take this to the house of commons personally. I am quite shocked that the FCA and SFO have not brought charges yet, hopefully they are garnering more info before they strike.Watch your backs the Afren 5, they are onto you.3D