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Bought a few this this am @ 1.35 nm

DCD cgod 20 Oct 2015

Take over or Delist I have been invested here for many years, and with 97% of the shares held by Timeweave, Hendersons and Green, the track record of Timeweave shows the next move will be to sell the company, or keep it, take all our shares and delist. Down 9% yesterday. I have said this for years, cannot see any other way to go now, cannot trade them, cannot sell them, just have to hold on to them.

APH gretel 20 Oct 2015

Bad news re Diclectin I've sold and taken profits. It's been a great run, but APH is now on quite a decent rating and I'm unsure how much if any upside there is.In addition, and on the downside, APH have invested "significant pre-marketing costs" in the launch of Diclectin from next year. However, I've come across this rather controversial news from Canada, where Diclectin is charged with being no more and possibly less efficacious than other products - there's lots of other coverage on the web:[link] luck all.

RGS gretel 20 Oct 2015

Deal with Chinese smartphone maker News that RGS India have tied up in India with Chinese smartphone maker OnePlus to provide protection and insurance for smartphones etc:[link]

MSI Mabuhay 20 Oct 2015

So what happened yesterday? Why the rise when the FTSE dropped?


Thoughts on today's trading anyone nm

ENEG mrsp2g 20 Oct 2015

So Minty steps to the right RNS A NEW director,,, Not sure what to make of that but heyhoo,, jiust hope we don't see yet another shift in direction... unless it adds asset value

POG PacificSailor 20 Oct 2015

3Q Report RNS is in Go read it.Volumes have been cut to go for more productive ore and hence reduce production costs and maximise profit. All geared to reducing the debt.It leaves the lower grade ore for times of higher gold price, and hopefully a more solvent company. Whether this is the most cost effective way to handle the resources is not mentioned .... but probably not relevant at this time.

SHG kloefkapper 20 Oct 2015

excellent quarter

MMX morning cowboy 20 Oct 2015

Re: To praraphrase... buzz - you might as well carry on. Spirit seems to have completed his PR shift

OXS myepic 20 Oct 2015

Re: RNS - more fees taken as shares MMMM..., may be a good sign or may be that there really wasn't anything else to take fees as!Closing price maybe reflects share dilution , it will be interesting to see the result , I was in OXS way back when all was well , dropped out about even kept an eye then stepped back in when it looked like Chinese backing might get it all on the roll again - around 11p I think - decided to just let it roll when it all went south again - its been worth it to have a "ringside" seat in the whole circus! If they get an award that gets me out again I will be happy , of course actually getting paid once they get the award could be another whole saga! I did wonder if getting given the mine back with all rights then flogging it to the Chinese could work out optimally

GSR Oracle23 20 Oct 2015

Clumpet, still coming to Perth?

AFR meanmachin 20 Oct 2015

Re: Am I just unlucky? i bet u research more before buying a tv than a share so here are results

PGIL forwardloop 20 Oct 2015

History please Is PGIL a result of a reverse take over in 25 / 7/ 2011 of Kazakh gold (KDG) ?My file note shows that I might have received these shares From Oxus on 10 08 2007 ?1 KZG GDR for 110 OXSKDG being a Global Depository receipt (GDR)Can anyone confirm please?Thanks

POG PacificSailor 20 Oct 2015

Re: Share Proph view The figures are from the 2015 interim report. The report is far clearer in the status of POG than Winnifrith's piece.In addition the 3Q production report is due imminently.I would strongly suggest that TW's rehashing of the interim report be ignored ...... and his unsupported 3yr valuation likewise. In other words do your own research ....... as always.Disclosure: I am long POG ...... but it is part of a hopefully balanced portfolio.