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ALK dabba 20 Oct 2015

Why are buys still going through? Just wondering why people are still buying alkane shares?

SOLG Bounce456 20 Oct 2015

Hey mcfirth what say a fund raising next rns

FSJ Rhigos 20 Oct 2015

Re: FSJ IMO problem is a sector weakness. Investors are very nervous of anything connected with oil production. JFS's direct and indirect oil & gas exploration services are the problem. WEIR's SP collapsed because they made a lot of profit on fracking pumps.I have held off buying JSF so far.

SMWH II Editor 20 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: WH Smith: Local hero "WH Smith, is perhaps, an unlikely stockmarket hero. Fact is though, over the last ten years the fusty old brand’s financial performance has been heroic.I expected not to warm to WH Smith but having read it’s full-year results to 31 August ..."[link]

ABF Rhigos 20 Oct 2015

Primark deal for 7 more USA stores [link] believe today’s announcement could herald the start of a process whereby Primark materially underpins its new space requirements across the US through further arrangements with Sears (currently with >2000 sites across the US), providing both access to a raft of prime sites across the country and good visibility on new space development with stores opened in clusters."[link]

FSJ forddrive 20 Oct 2015

FSJ This is becoming dispiriting. Investors seem to have fallen out of love with FSJ so the price drifts downwards. Will anything arrest this decline?

TRIN canaries 60 20 Oct 2015

16th October Hi...anyone here? Anyone wondering where the loan update is, concerning deadline of 16th October? Always been timely updates on this previously....

XTR lpdegeer 20 Oct 2015

The good News about Chépica is that the not mined gold is still there, and that the new access will be more resistant to rough conditions. The focus is of course on this operation. I hope that in future reporting the JV Manica will be treated seperately from the rest of Manica because at presente I see a lot of unnnecessary confusion on this issue.

AFRI akaDolly 20 Oct 2015

o/t EVERY GOVERNMENT HAS FAILED THIS Government should step in and support our industry. I dont care if that is protectionism or against the lawProtect UK jobs no matter what it takes, if that is against the law, change the blxxdy lawStop paying out benefits, do something about the jobsI was talking to a local MP recently. Its frightening, they know nothing, they just jump from issue to issue if somebody prods themIts really scary for the future of our grandchildren

XTR kalzboy 20 Oct 2015

Sound strategy, de-risk, add to the portfolio and move on to locating the next project.

BRWM investorprotestor 20 Oct 2015

Re: Future of Mining? I think the bond market might be the killer for some of these mining companies. Even the big comps have only a couple of steps above junk rating. If we have a bond market crash which some people say is likely in the junk bond market - then the knock on effect to current BB or even BBB could be substantial. This will mean that over leveraged miners would need to sell assets in fire sale conditions. Look to those companies who have just completed sales to reduce debt - these guys are ahead of the game. The market is aware of this and some of this is in the price. However, the bond shock could be a lot worse than anticipated. I personally have invested in some no/low debt and producing mining companies and will top up here nearer the end of the down cycle in commodity prices.

BRWM Hardboy 20 Oct 2015

Re: Future of Mining? Not pretty is it?

DCI tiltonboy 20 Oct 2015

Re: Interims The interims were released on 24th September.

AFRI akaDolly 20 Oct 2015

NOTHING, NOTHIng and more nothing Its not looking good here, in fact gets worseThe bod aren't doing anything to promote this company in a good light. Trouble is, I dont think investors would believe it anywayDL., at the moment, is not at the top of the popularity polls. All comments I have seen in the last couple of weeks is that he misleads investorsIt really is about time they told investors what is going on here. AfriagSA is nowhere to be seen cant find anythingThats not goodISDX hasn't done any good. Didnt really know what that was all about anyway. All my trades through Barclays went through ISDX., so what was that all aboutIt all seemed a shade of Timis companies, where certain exchanges wouldnt allow him to list some of his companies. I hope that is not happening with DL companies, DL did tweet something recently about wanting people to get in touch with FCA and tell them that he did care about shareholders. What was that all about? Has he had a ticking off?DL said Afriag would still be listing on AIM ie dual, so unsure of what to thinkUntil there is a lot more clarity I wouldnt expect people would want to buy this stock. A standard update RNS is not going to make much of a difference. It will only fall back againIts just not happening here, and there wont be until we know what really is going on with Afriag SATaking money from UK retail investors to shore up a company in SA??? Where is the retail shareholder value in that. We know nothing about the companies that AfriagSA are involved withWe nothing behind AFriagSa, who is behind it all. All we have is bad press re Lonrho and Rollex One of the news articles states it asked DL for comments but simply that he cited he had raised billions for the African economy over the last decadeHe did interviews on tipTV but news is quickly forgotten, cant remember myself what was saidWe need information, an FDP if you will, something to tell us about AFriagSA

ENEG Push2Gush 20 Oct 2015

Re: Flying down to Rio. not overly convinced about your secondary targets at all OHT, that would take something special to see 300%+ rise, I also expect IF minty is out in Rio trying to get something rolling then it won't be free, so it will almost certainly be offset with dilution at the initiation, on top of that they have not really cleaned up the sheite financial mess that still exists.. Just my opinion mind,,, but not really interested in frothy MM worked rises either..... when Minty's mob actually shows something more physical to improve asset value then I might be interested,,, other than that I personally am not interested in consortium deals with no commitment noted, or other type non active deals...