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RUR TheGreatGame 20 Oct 2015

Re: Screwed by PE So it looks like PE did pretty OK at the expense of everyone else,the low life skum bag.

GKP Wildy 20 Oct 2015

The RNS on the 15th was quite forthright in highlighting the balance as being under the $50 mil mark with the months operational costs to add on. With that knowledge there has to be another option on the table or we would have had a placement scramble already. Reliable partnerships is still a very real prospect

GKO thirty fifty twenty 20 Oct 2015

director buy at 87p John Rennocks more of less doubled his shareholding today to 75,000 shares at 87p.JR is non exec chairman for 2 other companies - Diploma and Inmarsat.Both has very good long term business track records, and share price performance,and he has been non exec roles c/man at both for several far as I can see he has had the same shareholding in both DPLM and ISAT for 6 years,so he has a 'buy and hold' policy!!so even though these business have been very very successful he has not significantly increased his holding - yet when GKO announces a done deal bid he doubles his holding.....All , a guestimate but I think is a huge vote of confidence that a reputable and 'conservative investor' buys at a 12% discount to bid value for 4 months return.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLGKO is in my top5 hldgs

LEAF tiltonboy 20 Oct 2015

Re: Invenergy Wind valuation An excellent piece of research.The biggest problem for me is how LEAF monetise their investment. Caisse are a long-term partner/investor, who probably haven't got an exit strategy.Invenergy know we want out, so they may be happy to play the long-game, which leaves us in a bit of a quandary.I just hope we can negotiate a deal.

GKP Wildy 20 Oct 2015

The local sales were sidelined when all oil was redirected to fiskharbour. Something more significant is in the pipeline and I don't think it is a placement as this would have been tabled by now. Time will tell so let's hope JF and Co pull a rabbit or two from the hat prior to Friday..

PGIL Showmedamoney 20 Oct 2015

Re: History please HiYes you are right as i also received the free shares.Regards

RMM KarlMar5 20 Oct 2015

Fall At this rate of decline and the onset of winter when no shipments will happen the future for Rambler looks pretty bleak. Compound that with the fall in copper prices, which will probably not start to recover until next April/May if indeed they do at all.Why do the board not invest if they are that confident of keeping this open for another 21 years....Regards KM

LEAF thirty fifty twenty 20 Oct 2015

Re: Invenergy Wind valuation Hi TBP42 of their annual report detail that they spent 1.3bn in 2014 on investments - it list 3 investments...1 - London Array it buys 25% for £644m (say 1.3m CAD dollars)(they pay £4m per MW!!)2 - 15% of indi company for USD 244 (say 300m CAD dollars)3 - so that leaves NIL for INVENERGY... doesn't make sense??maybe they got 24.7% for converting their portfolio stakes - at cost = €600m but that was in 2013,so lets say 10% growth and now at 720m USD - max value for INVENERGY c.3bn USD,LEAF 2.4% = 70m USD!!So that all seems poor news.I take my confidence from CRS and the auditors.There is no logic in CRS inflating NAV,there is no logic in LEAF directors inflating NAV (they get bonus on shareholder returns),so whatever it is worth, on whatever timescale, they sure as heck don't want to look stupid.They had no need to increase the NAV of LEAF PLC - it is a company in wind up with a few large shareholders - no-one cares ..... and the value of the 2.4% stake in INVENERGY was increased c.50%!! - so to me that means that it is a decent honest stab, based on conservative assumptions, and assumptions that auditors would be happy to stand by. They cant just show the auditors a press article as their basis for valuation - they need that to be based on some realistic fact.I think it likely the auditors would have asked for the 120m figures to be would be inappropriate to value at 93m when you have a legal letter drafted arguing that it is worth 120m, so for full disclosure we the shareholders needed this information to be public.C De Q have assets of 220bn, and are one of the largest 20 real estate investors in the world. I am placing trust in ....- the directors of Crustal Amber- the experience of C de Q as well as INVENERGY track record- the plc auditors to verify valuation methodologyand I get all that at a 40% discount to a conservative valuation which operationally is growing at an underlying rate of > 16% per annum!!! (10% p.a. on 40% discounted value)Anyway time will tell.....compared to my analysis of 1,000 other companies on the market this ranks as one of the best to me on a conservative risk/reward basis. the margin for error with a share price at 36.5p and NAV of 60p more than compensates for any known risks, and extended timescales...... All IMHO, DYOR + BoLLEAF is I my top5 hldgs

PYC fredd1eboy 20 Oct 2015

Re: 4th large customer Agreed etadelete. Glad I only sold sar and val to buy more rene into isa. Pyc holdings remain intact. Here's hoping for some very special news for pyc and for me, more importantly, a recovery in Rene by year end. Best wishes. Freddie

SQZ millie 20 Oct 2015

I'm just happy to wait patiently for the next move upwards which will happen in due course.

IPF romaron 20 Oct 2015

Talking to myself I seem to do it more often these days. I have absolutely no idea what the sale of shares by Standard for Vidacos (or is it the other way round?) but believe it is significant because nominees are usually many small private investors but the amount involved suggests not. Could it be that an overhang has finally gone?

PYC etadelete 20 Oct 2015

Re: 4th large customer looking good fred.long may it continue and finally the buys coming in.gla

GKO thirty fifty twenty 20 Oct 2015

at 88p thoughts on the 100p bid.... As noted previously from the 'information between the lines'the bid has gone ahead,and their neat accounting has reduced CGT liability such that there will be 100p CASH returned - looks like 98p within 3 months of mid November completion and probably a bit longer to wind up affairs to pay out remaining CASH.Like many posters it been a roller coaster ride,took nerves to buy at the lows,but has given good rewards.the current 98p seems a little harsh,little doubt deal to complete, the 2 directors have been looked after well,so now in their interest as well to be run as part of a state fund.don't expect much price mvt until AGM vote after that to 94p,then possible a penny a month until CASH rec'd in Feb.that's a decent looking return in current markets.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLGKO is in my top5 hldgs

EMED davegrace 20 Oct 2015

Will after hours trading take us to 4p or 5p.............. the former I fear

SQZ Manijohal 20 Oct 2015

Is anyone out there