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SRES guyswonga74 22 Oct 2015

Well done all. Great grades here

PSON gamesinvestor 22 Oct 2015

Re: New for me "don't look very good on my spreadsheet and I get 710"FRTEB,I'd say this is optimistic and if I had money in this, I don't having sold it in mine, my wife's and children's accounts, I'd be selling even now after yesterday's sell off.This is another company in denial, raising the dividend from 13p five years ago to 17p today when the revenue has fallen from £5.6bn to £4.8Bn, which adjusted for inflation is a massive drop and that's even before the sale of the FT etc.The pre-tax profit is even worse, falling from £702M to £347M and it could get much worse.In the meantime the debt has stayed up there at £1.9Bn which represents a hefty ratio compared to new lower profit levels.Personally, and obviously I don't have a crystal ball, I think you'd be lucky to get a fiver for these shares in the not too distant future.This, coupled with Fallon, who looks anything but a leader seems to be all the wrong mix for investment.On a more general note, unless you can find companies with some semblance of top line revenue growth, profitably of course, why bother risking cash?Games

SPL Seagull2 22 Oct 2015

monsoon season offically over best month Nov So shud b full steam ahead on the ground now imho. Link re weather below[link] analysis Mumbai

NMG Tatty 22 Oct 2015

Re: Greg Kuenzel Interview I'll believe it when I see it. I'll be stunned If these guys start mining within the next 12 months.I got the impression Greg has effectively abandoned Austria but didn't want to admit it.Clearly they will need significant capex to get things running in Georgia so I just expect more dilution and favoured issues to cronies and favourites.

PSON nk1999 21 Oct 2015

HL View "Our viewearson has been trying to reinvent itself from a print-based education company, exposed to pressured Western education budgets to a digitally-focused business with an expanding emerging markets presence.The reinvention has been painful in the short term with hefty restructuring charges incurred along the way. And it is far from complete. Around 85% of revenues still come from Western markets, and some 40% of the business is still exposed to declining print-based sources. As the transition from print to digital continues, Pearson is likely to experience further revenue pressures, as sales from textbooks are replaced by subscription-based software revenues, which are initially lower but recurring in nature.Pearson is also battling some severe market headwinds. The US economic recovery is leading to more people in work and fewer people signing up for college courses, which isn't helping Pearson's North American education business (c. two thirds of sales). Western education budgets are under pressure generally and some emerging markets such as South Africa are also weak.In the longer term, Pearson still has plenty of opportunity to grow. Cyclical and policy related headwinds in Western markets are unlikely to last forever and over time, spending on education should rise, particularly in digital. The disposal of the FT, PowerSchool and The Economist Group for around £1.4bn sharpens the group's focus on its education business and gives it substantial firepower to accelerate the print-to-digital transition.In the near term, market conditions show little sign of improving. But the historic yield of 4.9% (variable and not guaranteed) means investors are at least receiving something while they wait for the prospect of better times."

ALNT I Wish I Knew The Answer 21 Oct 2015

Re: Alent buy out NKSurprised you took the plunge. I thought you may have been undecided due to the sharp decline. I believe that the sum of the parts minus the debt (which is quite substantial) must be worth more than the current share price.What it does allow me to do is get out earlier should the share price recover. My current break even is now about $14 so may sell my last 2 pah holdings at about 15 to take some profit should it recover quickly.November 11 is when Q3 results are due.B.T.W November 23 is the last day of trading in Spent shares.Good luck.

OXS BBanker 21 Oct 2015

Re: Of interest If the decision favours OXS I cannot believe that there will be some sort of compromise as to the level of compensartion which would suggest that the company was of low value when, in fact, the market was clearly estimating it's worth at something between 40p and 80p. Why should any compensation award not take full account of the losses suffered by investors who have incured large losses as a result of what seems to be a wholly illegitimate confiscation of the companies assets. Justice must be upheld and achieved by an appropriate level of compensation.

OXS indaknow 21 Oct 2015

Re: Of interest Volume last Friday was quite large from memory. I'm not sure what I think the play is here. Can't decide whether Darwin, RAB and Trident will: (a) sell their shares into the market on the basis that there will be buyers (because retail investors like a gamble) and they will at least recoup some of their investment if this turns out to be a dud; or (b) hold tight for a week or two, market will interpret this as a 'sign' that good news is on the way, then sell out into the rise; or (c) they've converted because they know good news is coming and they want to wait for the money to hit the account or sell out when the sp shoots upwards.My instinct says its (a), but the fact that Shead and the RAB manager haven't sold their own stake gives me confidence that it might be (c). I wouldn't even mind if it's (b) and we can all de-risk at c10p.The fat lady (not you Lou Lou) is starting to exercise her vocal cords....GLA

RMP ddj 21 Oct 2015

Re: Any Hope - you decide Thanks - I will leave this to either completely evaporate or some miracle to happen.I will stick to SB the currency pairs for the time being.Good luck to all

ULT wulwirth 21 Oct 2015

Bang tidy John [link]

LAD pitass 21 Oct 2015

corner turned All in all there seem to be several little factors to help Ladbrokes. The National lottery re-vamp seems to be a disaster,in the eys of players, and could there been a better outcome in the rugby world cup. I can see this stock back up to the 135/140 level by ChristmasI cant recommend it a strong buy for like all other things in life its a gamble,but one that bears thinking about

BWNG romaron 21 Oct 2015

Re: BWNG, FULL Broker Notes................ Calm down dear. I'm not the one with split identities. "Tonight Matthew I'm going to be ........" How do you prefer to be addressed, Joe or Mick? I've no wish for you to shout at me again.

MOS one4all 21 Oct 2015

as soon as it dips bang straight back up. Should see 20p by end of next week

ALNT nk1999 21 Oct 2015

Re: Alent buy out IWIKA,My investment style seems to be similar to yours (that is some comfort to know). I have bought Platform with 1/2 the proceeds of selling Alent today. I am prepared to wait.nk

XTR lpdegeer 21 Oct 2015

Of course there have been reasons for XTR/JN missing forecasts and as far as I know we are talking as far as the financials go only about Chépica where we had serious set backs which woiuld have floored many on AIM; yet we have seen clever and determined stwewardship to guide us in overcoming the obstacles. Better than forecasted negociations on various projects. For my Money JN has turned around XTR from nothing to something worthwhile in a very short timeframe. Everybody takes their own investment decisions. Take Care and Goodluck!