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STOB Wout 22 Oct 2015

Re: Bearly making progress This is one of my smaller SIPP holdings, Sadly dont have time to dive too deep into results and balance sheet. I bought this one as it seems to have good businesses for the long term: Rail, airports and bio-mass could well be more and more in demand in the future crowded Britain. However yes - they seem to struggle to grow in this business. Wil see if i can find time to dig deeper into results - wont be adding to my SIPP holding just yet though.

REC LoadsaDosh2 22 Oct 2015

Re: Article in Shares Vol 17 Further comment re. REC's assets vs market cap. Reading that article, I think they are saying that the type of asset is important, In REC's case the bulk of the assets are 'current'; things like cash and investments. These can be easily realised at pretty much their book value whereas old plant and machinery may have a book value greater than market cap but in a fire sale, the assets would not fetch anything like their book value.So although REC's share price is higher than assets, the assets are good quality, liquid assets and hence the fund manager with 9% of his fund in REC considers REC to be good value.

NANO Kuss 22 Oct 2015

Troyto, think there were 235 million TV's last year. Interesting that 4k UHD TV's are expected to grow from 12 million last year to some 30 million this year [link] That's a huge growth for what is the main market for QD's. I think the price per kg is still between 100-150 thousand dollars though only .5g needed per TV. We're not sure of the royalty rate could be 15-25%.

FFY Ripley94 22 Oct 2015

Re: BALMORAL LAND Formally blackrock. Think its in cert somewhere can you hold in nominee ?not sure if there is a market ?

STOB paddington_bear 22 Oct 2015

Bearly making progress Interims are disappointing and shares now in my last chance saloon. Revenues flat, underlying profit before tax flat, dividend flat, share price mid morning flat, debt up considerably from £19m to £52m. The good - energy/biomass profit and revenue up, contract target of 2m tonnes met. Rail, which included Stobart contracts, had a solid result.The bad- 1) Property valuations flat, which given they are source of dividend support and now also earmarked to counter rising debt, are of much concern. Is the company again selling the family silver to cover basic inadequacies? 2) Millions of pounds still owed under loans made to associated companies.The ugly -1) Southend dire, actually lost pax and down to 524,000 from 628,000. Company fawning over Easyjet and failing to gain other airlines. Still 2.5m pax target for 2018 and hiring in [well overdue] two new experts in running airports. Propius aircraft leasing flat. Winning awards is wonderful but footfall is king and air related infrastructure assets not even out of breath, let alone sweating.PB

TOT Ripley94 22 Oct 2015

Re: Resurrection? **

LAD Punilux 22 Oct 2015

Re: corner turned I know little about rugby, and that is the way it will stay following the endless banning, bitching and unbanning. Off the top of my head I can not think of anyone on telly that I am more likely to change channels as result of as Matt Dawson. He is even worse than Nicky Campbell and Anthea Turner. One thing does spring to mind. With over a thousand outlets down under, won't an Australia VS NZ final be a bit of a disaster for LAD?

CHL keepcalm 22 Oct 2015

Good morning CHL campers, are we on the move up? it would be good to receive some positives this side of Christmas GLA

CMBN Ripley94 22 Oct 2015

Re: NEW ARTICLE: JP Morgan's 10 highest conv... Fell 50 % on open after RNS . 34% by 10am.

UKOG compowire 22 Oct 2015

Have faith: in your own research in UKOG. Ignore the comments on here that are trying to undermine your position. They want your shares. This is going to be the best investment you ever made. Hold!!

GFS II Editor 22 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Eight best blue chip yields for 'safe' income "It's not been an easy ride for cyclical stocks in recent years. According to broker UBS, their performance has been "nothing short of a disaster". They’re right. Instead, investors have swarmed to defensive yields since the financial crisis and ..."[link]

UJO Ripley94 22 Oct 2015

Re: UP 23% Up at open about 14% down to 6% by 10 am .Aim good for short term trades and the brokers. but too time consuming for those with other things to get on with.

AFRI akaDolly 22 Oct 2015

bought a litle few Bought a little few this morning. Just thought I might buy more but couldnt get a quote. Tried several timesWill have to try later, not putting at best order on, been ripped off so many times

NANO TroytoTiber 22 Oct 2015

Cris-Cloud. Does Nanoco represent good value at current prices? Here is my take on it. There are over 200m TVs sold a year globally. Assume around 70m of these would be large enough for CFQDs. (Assuming focus is on large screen TVs initially, but if it's smaller screens as well then there is upside to my assumptions). 2 years ago heard management use the figure of $100,000 per kg of CFQD, but I'm assuming that the price has halved since then so $50,000 per kg. 70m TVs at 1g per TV = 70,000 kgs per annum. That's $3.5bn per annum. Then assume that Nanoco get 50% market share so that is $1.75bn revenue per year, which is c£1.7bn. Nanoco will take a royalty on this revenue stream, which I think will be around 15%. That gets us to £175mof revenue to Nanoco per year. Given that this is very high gross margin sales income I think a 3x sales multiple is not unreasonable so that would equate to a market cap of £525m against the current market cap of £137m. This ignores the potential of smaller screens and other market segments such as lighting, solar, and medical. Lots of assumptions in there,Mobutu I would suggest that the confirmation that Dow can manufacture significant scale will begin to lock down some of these assumptions in fact. I would advise that you use your own assumptions to arrive at your own conclusions, but by way of example even if you assume only a 20% market share for Nanoco, there is still 50% upside to the current share price. Just my personal views, and I am a shareholder, in at 96p.

CRND rRomeo29 22 Oct 2015

Re: nothing brewing Interesting post on today!Indeed, now comes a crucial time for Central Rand...---------- --------22-10-2015"Some mighty fine selling going on this morning - come on guys, let's all stay negative and watch this sink like a stone. Anyone investing now needs their heads checking. Dilution on its way, Toit will take as much salary as he can while this drops, then sell all of his shares to the highest bidder at around 3p for one final bumper pay off. GLA keep those sells coming... All you sanguine believers holding for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow should get out now! Concluding negotiations on the sale/JV "shortly"?? How long ago was that now?? If deal was done it'd be out by now. No deal. Get out,..."