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PGD Antiques Of Woodstock 22 Oct 2015

Re: Uncomfortable Post: Hi AoW,Apols if I'm being more than usually dim ....but as per your last , on that date in Dec, concert party buys one more share etc, that means that they are not bound to a take out price set at last placing price ? i.e. 4 p ?---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------Good morning Biggles21As I understand things - An offer under Rule 9 of the City Code must be made in cash and at the highest price paid by the person required to make the offer - or any person acting in concert with him for any interest in shares in the company during the 12 months prior to the announcement of the offer. Therefore - because the Concert Party collectively hold enough shares between them - at any time they increase their shareholding - they are legally obligated to make an offer for the company at the highest price that they have paid for shares in the previous 12 months.In December we will have passed the 12 month time-frame in which they bought their last shares at 4.5 pence during the previous placing - so if they acquire any more shares (legally they just need to buy one more share) then they will be forced to make an offer for the company at that share price as it will be the highest price that the Concert Party has paid for shares in the previous 12 months - if that makes sense.Of course the rest of us shareholders can vote collectively to waive that right as happened the last time - but it sure places us in a seriously vulnerable position moving forward - effectively basing our investment future on the goodwill of the Concert Party not to take the company private.I hope that makes sense and as always am open to anyone to correct me if the technical facts that I have detailed are wrong in any way.Technically and legally we are in a seriously vulnerable position – morally as to whether this will ever happen – everyone has their own thoughts on this with some believing that the Concert Party’s motives are entirely altruistic with others believing the opposite.Only time will tell.Good luck...

AFRI akaDolly 22 Oct 2015 iifor those that dont know, they can be found under Analysis and then trades

AFRI akaDolly 22 Oct 2015

the ISDX list for today

SUS Boring Bernie 22 Oct 2015

Re: Ex Dividend today Cheers roco, I'd almost forgot about the special divi here and, for a moment, wondered why S&U was down quite so much !Still happy to hold these, they're dull, but reliabl

AFRI akaDolly 22 Oct 2015

thats a pity TW was giving us some publicity, of a sorts, but seems to have clammed up on it nowIs it a sort of 'legalised' protection racket. Give me info or money or I will write nasty things about you?Wonder if he got some tasty info, broad stuff mind, not insider stuff Wonder if TW knows where them there trucks are hidCmon, spill

CHL onlooker 22 Oct 2015

dont know how you work that out but g/l with oxus

ENRT Thomas Tallis 22 Oct 2015

The most incredible percentage At one point, the sp was over 150p and today it is 0.1505p, Bid. Today's bid is one tenth of one per cent of what it was.That is a fall of 99.9% !How much closer can you get to 100% without it being actually 100%?And you know what - the cheerleaders have been giving us rose-tinted opinion all the way from about 4p down to here. That was before the recent spell of silence from them.

ENRT Thomas Tallis 22 Oct 2015

The AGM and the sp Somebody has just dumped 2,001,329 at 0.1505p = £00.1505.I'm surprised by how the sp has kept up at this level, but is it about to go over the waterfall?The AGM could bring news that lifts the sp, or it could bring disappointment and the fall to 0.05p. Which will it be?It is now well over a year since we were told of Brownwater getting that million plus order (milion pounds not dollars.), so we could hear of fees flooding in.It is also coming up to a year since dief told us to wait just "a little longer" - will the AGM bring good news to which she allluded?I wait in hope - but not much hope as past experience has taught me that good news is rare and disappointment is the more usual result from this one.

SAB Afrosia 22 Oct 2015

Re: What will drive this Higher? Doesn't appear to be increasing following the big option expiry conspiracy?

STOB TX2 22 Oct 2015

Re: Bearly making progress LOL!Underlying profit may be flat but at least that's an improvement on the actual profit which appear non existent and derive from share of associates;the company seems to be doing an awful lot to achieve very little.......It's the unearned divi that's keeping the show on the road but how long can this be justified?I retain a modest holding which stand me at a quid each without much conviction.Funnily enough in spite of the non profits I feel Southend should have prospects.....

INL coldascheese 22 Oct 2015

Re: Results Monday should be good Late results a bit annoying however they keep advising that the results WILL EXCEED EXPECTATIONS.Delay due to re-presentation of accounts in different accounting format taking time which has meant previous years accounts for comparison purposes have to be changed to.Unnecessary drop in price so I have picked up some more.Should still be out soon.

NANO TroytoTiber 22 Oct 2015

Apologies. Kuss. Predictive text issues!

NANO TroytoTiber 22 Oct 2015

Kiss. Many thanks for the update. So 50% share of 30m TVs at 0.5gper TV @ $100kper kg and a 15% royalty gives me around 65% upside to current share price, on 3x sales.

LAD Punilux 22 Oct 2015

Re: Ladbrokes, Trading In Line............. Three questions about Q3.1) Last years results were a shambles. The only bright spot was that ALL bookies got lucky with The World Cup. If LAD are now showing results compared with their previous numbers less the World Cup then you are looking at Q3 2014 being a complete disaster area. Am I to assume that as these figures are mostly unchanged in many areas there has been little improvement?2) If I have an bet on four teams, in a bookies, I believe that to cash out after three results I have to use the digital platform. Can this bet be represented twice on the Q3 figures as being the original (say) £1 stake to retail plus £27 running on (if I have had three 2/1 winners) to digital?3) Are Corals likely to be publishing their comparative figures?Unless WMH plan to have an EGM on the same day, see you all at the "merger" vote.

FOG harpmandoodle 22 Oct 2015

Limp! This one needs attention: [link]