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TRIN etadelete 22 Oct 2015

Re: WHAT A BUY! Thanks for your buy signal when this was way down.Its a pity that I didn't release some cash on time.I just managed to get In.I am happy with this share.Thanks again.

FOG Finbar S 22 Oct 2015

Iceberg I have been watching these guys for a while, as I was impressed by the critical mass of their partners, the vast acres, the geology, the neighbours, the safe geography, the gas shows and thick reservoir sections that make the potential for horizontal drilling much more efficient.This is an unfolding story not a simple binary drill result. There are geotechnicals to release in terms of porosity and permeability etc, gas shows and eventually (March?) the results of an extended flow test on the newly drilled horizontal after the frac job. If they can make one well flow this is worth, no one knows, but perhaps 10x the current price in time. The prize is so huge.If they fail....there are still free carry wells to be drilled elsewhere on the vast acres, there is still cash to keep them going to 2017, there is South Africa, there are different frac approaches that their sizeable and knowledgable partners can bring to the table.The price fell after the first encouraging result. So I bought some. Bought some more, then on a chucklesome rise bought some more at 5.88p this morning. I am not expecting them to crack this on the first frac ('scuse pun), nor to get stunning results, but rather to grind this out to full value in time.Please feel free to throw away your shares. I am waiting.GMP brought out a very positive note this morning, as did a couple of other brokers.

EOG mt4500 22 Oct 2015

Re: Rns Excellent RNS today. The full value of the production increase may not be reflected on EOG's share price until wressle goes into production next year and it is on the companies balance sheet. Although it should offer good support until then.

SER Nunquam 22 Oct 2015

as long as JE is not making a come back

CWC GRAMPSAV 22 Oct 2015

Major player in Telecoms industry With a turnover of $8.5 billion dollars for the half year to June 2015 and the best part of aBillion Dollars free cash flow Liberty Global are well positioned to welcome CWC to its rankslooks like this may well go ahead to expand LGs global influence.£1 a share at least should be on the cards..

EOG karlos23 22 Oct 2015

Re: Rns We have to pay our fair share, which is relatively low, especially if we utilise our current staff in the area over at Crosby and become operator.....Either way, this is a transformational increase in production, revenues and profit. Problem is will it be rewarded on AIM, probably not

FCSS Kool Keith 22 Oct 2015

Re: Should I plunge in again? Spotted your comment on FCSS on another board earlier today (HSBA I think) and popped over here. I thought the same re dividend and found the following in the financials. Hope it helps.DIVIDENDThe Board recommends a dividend of 1.30 pence (2014: 1.15 pence) per Ordinary Share for the year ended 31 March 2015 for approval by shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. This represents a 13% increase on the 1.15 pence paid in respect of last year.The dividend will be payable on 24 July 2015 to shareholders on the register on 19 June 2015 (ex-dividend date 18 June 2015).

TRIN alltold9 22 Oct 2015

Re: WHAT A BUY! Thanks for the nod 'eta' I can see this in the mid 40's very soon!

LVD claude reins 22 Oct 2015

Re: Whats with the continued slide? Been away. Just got back and surprised to see it falling so fast. Quite a lot of volume today - 500k shares.Maybe affected by other companies' performance in the market but cant see why it should be down so far. Bought in June after May reco - see below. Further recommended in by SCSW in August and Sept! Holding for the moment though well down on purchase price.Sept said:166p Epic code: LVD(Sharewatch) Lavendon’s H1 re-echoed the strong trends from the prelims with chief executive Don Kenny certainly cheery when we spoke to him. Total sales were up 1% at constant currency at £119m but efficiency gains and higher prices meant that overall pretax profit lifted 18% to £14.5m and eps by 17% to 6.6p. Of course depreciation on the hire kit masks strong cashflows with ebitda up 6% to £37m.A key performance metric, ROCE – Kenny’s holy grail -improved significantly by 2.1% to 12.7%. Margins also went from 12.7% to 14.1% pushed up with good performance in the UK.Kenny reiterates this year’s increase in capex to £75m, £20m being brought forward from 2016. £39m was spent in H1. That’s confidence for you given that others in the sector are reeling. The new kit is going into the Middle East, UK and France.Middle East (£8.3m profit on £27m sales) is a swing factor with operating margins lifting to 30.7% (from 30%). Kenny says he’s seeing a bit of a slow down in Saudi petrochemical work but this is offset by work in airports, hospitals, schools and light and heavy rail. Other regions are taking off. You have things like the Dubai Expo in 2020 and Kuwait clean fuel projects etc driving demand. World Cup in Qatar, if it goes ahead, is a cherry on the cake.The UK also saw a strong period. Business is stronger than the 2% decline in sales indicates because in November, Lavendon ditched 900 of the very low level bits of kit that rent at £35pw but the bigger bits of kit, which rent at up to £1000pw, remain in strong demand with profit up 18% to £7.5m. More efficiencies resulted in margins of 15.2% (from 13%).Elsewhere, in Europe, France recorded its 13th consecutive month of improvement, says Kenny. Belgium is still a little sluggish after one of its largest contracts ended. Germany saw growth in Q2 following new management being introduced.N+1 Singer forecasts eps of 17.4p for the full year and 18.5p next. The PE is less than 10. Buy.August said:Lavendon - Upgrade when others in sector get downgrade!180p Epic code: LVD(Sharewatch) Speaking to chief executive Don Kenny following the Q2 update, Lavendon seems to have avoided the banana skins impacting HSS and Speedy Hire (self inflicted, weather related, General Election effect, or market forces) and whereas those two have had profit warnings, Lavendon has had its forecasts raised.Trading has picked up so strongly that in fact Kenny is now pulling forward £20m of capital expenditure planned for next year into the current year, so that total spend is likely to be £75m (2015: £55m) and although the new equipment will only be in for a few weeks in H2, it should have a bumper H1 next year. Of the spend, £10m is earmarked for the Middle East and £7m for the UK.Overall rental revenues in H1 were +3% on a constant currency basis and excluding ex-fleet equipment sales. The UK has seen particularly solid demand from tier1/tier2 customers who are more worried about service levels and they tend to take the bigger bits of kits. Overall pricing has been firm.The Middle East, despite tough comparatives of H1 last year, has raced higher once again with good demand in Oman, Quatar and Kuwait and only a modest impact on the East Coast of Saudi where new projects have been a bit slow to take off, but not much. Over in Continental Europe, France is really performing, Germany has turned the corner and Belgium, although lower following the large contract coming to an end last year, is picking up nicely in volume.Broker N+1 Singer has upgraded its forecasts by 4% to pretax pro

ALU II Editor 22 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: AGM: Alumasc - after the recovery "Niche building products group Alumasc has recovered. At the company's AGM this morning, thoughts turned to the future.As I hasten down City back streets between the Barbican and Smithfield searching for Founders Hall I'm mulling a ..."[link]


had a nibble at 75p tiger


Re: TIPPED? Well I hold lots from the 50p plenty bought on the way up and down.Think Divi is safe and like you happy to sit tight.Tiger

INFI Speculator 73 22 Oct 2015

Not being Greedy but .... Not being Greedy but - do any of you reckon we will get any sort of dividend before they buy the shares off us?

CWC idontwanttolose 22 Oct 2015

Statement re: Press Speculation For immediate release22 October 2015 Cable & Wireless Communications PlcStatement re: Press SpeculationCable & Wireless Communications Plc ("CWC" or the "Company" (LSE: CWC) notes the recent press speculation and confirms that CWC is in discussions with Liberty Global plc ("Liberty Global" (NASDAQ: LBTYA, LBTYB, LBTYK, LILA and LILAK) regarding a possible shares and cash offer for CWC. Shareholders are advised to take no action. There can be no certainty that any firm offer will be made nor as to the terms on which any firm offer might be made.This statement is being made by CWC without the prior agreement or approval of Liberty Global.Rule 2.6(a) of the Takeover Code (the "Code", requires that Liberty Global, by not later than 5.00 p.m. on 19 November 2015, either announces a firm intention to make an offer for CWC in accordance with Rule 2.7 of the Code or announces that it does not intend to make an offer, in which case the announcement will be treated as a statement to which Rule 2.8 of the Code applies. This deadline can be extended with the consent of the Takeover Panel in accordance with Rule 2.6(c) of the Code.A further announcement will be made as and when appropriate. Last trade:70.00Change: 12.00 (20.68%)


Re: Good or bad news ? I think it was done early today so it should be in the price.lets see.