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SBLM BHP12 23 Oct 2015

Re: India in talks to buy SA coal mines And another link:[link]


Re: had a nibble at 75p Management can always be changed!!Tiger

CEB alltold9 23 Oct 2015

Re: 350% MAJOR RERATING! On our way!!! Farm in news? Happy days ahead.

SIS Omaha man 23 Oct 2015

Placing today That is a very substantial increase in the issued capital of the company - 15m new shares on a base of 26m - so we are being heavily diluted here. I'm sure it will accelerate their revenue growth, whether it will accelerate a move into profit is another matter. I am particularly concerned by the early entry into the US market. I realise the modern approach is to roll out your concept globally as fast as possible to gain first mover advantage, but the risks of doing so are considerable when physical infrastructure is required rather than just an online presence. The list of companies who have wrecked their businesses by trying to get into the US is not a short one. Without a profitable base from which to do this those risks are amplified. Trying to run before it's walking: I'm not confident.

PSON Hardboy 23 Oct 2015

Re: New for me Share rice is down 25% on the back of an RNS saying the EPS would be reduced by 10% at the most.Simplistically the fear is way over done.

SNR gamesinvestor 23 Oct 2015

What's wrong here? Directors buying at the 250 ish level,The numbers last time reported well but the share price is tanking - what's the news?It's approaching a 2.8% yield now -- something is wrong here, it's falling in a rising market.Games

VOG Duffer 23 Oct 2015

Foo is an habitual liar, expect dilution.

SBLM BHP12 23 Oct 2015

India in talks to buy SA coal mines October 20, 2015 India in talks to buy coking coal mines in South Africa[link]

TALK lambrini girl 23 Oct 2015

walk walk sell target 170

HOME bhralltheway 23 Oct 2015

RNS Directors buying RNS directors buying @ 131.4

HWDN malj1 23 Oct 2015

Re: Ex Dividend If you're interested take a look at the last DFS analyst presentation on their web site showing what drives purchases of furniture - I doubt kitchens are that far apart.

SER theprior 23 Oct 2015

You can put the lights out....... But don't bother locking the door, there's nowt left to nick !!(Apart from a redundant gas pipe in Kansas !)Bye all,TPps. Good luck with your other investments.

ZPLA oldjoe1 23 Oct 2015

Re: zpla, Broker Update...... 23 Oct 2015 Zoopla Property... ZPLA Beaufort Securities Buy 260.00 260.00 - - Retains

ZPLA oldjoe1 23 Oct 2015

zpla, Broker Update...... 23 Oct 2015 Zoopla Property... ZPLA Barclays Capital Overweight 260.00 260.00 265.00 270.00 ReiteratesTarget SP 270p

NBI Biscuit Barrell 23 Oct 2015

Re: had a nibble at 75p Also not clear the management are to be trusted. When oil prices fell and the share price dropped they announced business was on track (which it was for that financial year) and the business was robust. They announced the full year results on track and then slashed their projections.