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TRP theprior 23 Oct 2015

Re: Buying Op? See what you mean Si, but, apart from Vidacos selling a minuscule amount which dropped them below 5% I can't see anything to prompt this 17% drop.So why has this occurred ?I too see lots of PI buys today at around the 0.1p mark and I'm sorely tempted to join in, but am I becoming one of the " it can't go any lower " brigade ?Usually in these cases, it does !Undecided at the moment. I'll let you know later..Regards, TP

FLX Sir Singh 23 Oct 2015

Talk Talk & So many companies and institutions under attack. What is Falanx doing? Could be here for 12 months or more. But when this spikes it's going to be worth the wait. FIREWORKS. In the mean time CPX, AFPO and others that i made on are dropping. So not a bad place to be. today.

NAR profdoc 23 Oct 2015

A quick glance at the results Are they throwing money at the phoenix-like attempt? Some food for thought (quick calculations - forgive mistakes): Sales up 4.1% - good. Gross profit up 7.7% - good Distribution and administration costs, same as last year - good, given the sales rise Loss for the year £888,000. Bad because it is not yet in profit, good because it is less than last year. Inventory down by 8.6% - good (not evidence of throwing money around) Receivables down 12.9% - good (not evidence of throwing money around) Cash up 7.2% to around one-half of MCap - good (not evidence of throwing money around) NCAV down to £12,338. Good, because MCap is less than this and the property (not in NCAV calc) is worth more than MCap. But worrying because the rate of annual decline is 6.5% or £852,000. I'll write a proper report for my subscribers next week sometime - linking the latest results to my previous analyses ([link] but I hope this helps the debate here. Glen

NBI The Millipede 23 Oct 2015

Re: had a nibble at 75p Oh I see what you mean Biscuit. Yes I agree, although I think it is also true thing can change very quickly - just because the directors see no change in operational performance does not mean the market is not pricing in something they have not even thought of.The philosophy behind these announcements is bogus anyway because it assumes markets are efficient (and the financial crash taught us they are anything but) and that last week's share price was a rational conclusion based on unemotionally looking at all available evidence. I do not believe that is true for a second, so there is no reason why 80p - or 20p for that matter - does not more rationally express the true state of this business.

PSON old_punter 23 Oct 2015

For a change This board being mostly bearish (self included) has read this stock rather well, unlike a number of boards which I could mention have been reverse indicators.Seems to me the two main bear points are that the sunlit uplands of digital could prove unprofitable given the threat of free content from the digital big beasts, and the CEO who is a marketing man, nuff said. Mr Campling who is leading the charge among the bearish brokers has a target of 750p I think. Its a difficult stock to assess, a good enough reason to leave alone.

OXS LOUISJAMES_5 23 Oct 2015

Indaknow Pr a t

NBI Biscuit Barrell 23 Oct 2015

Re: had a nibble at 75p Sure they can - but the point is not about how they manage the business but how they guide the market - and in that sense they cannot be trusted - so why should we believe there is no reason for the fall just because they say so.

INFI Reg_S 23 Oct 2015

sold today, small loss on buy/sell but net profit from div's Held these from July 2015 but decided to sell now prior to any further uncertainty.

INFI nncalc 23 Oct 2015

Re: Not being Greedy but .... Early in the document we are told the offer price will be reduced by the amount of any dividend paid.

SIS Boring Bernie 23 Oct 2015

Re: Placing today Given they've got the placing away without a discount, all be it, after a slow drop to yesterday's sp, I'm not sure the share dilution is really an issue. The money raised is going into the business so, barring the costs of the placing and the open offer itself, the business will theoretically be worth more post placing.It was fairly obvious ( see my first post on the 6/10 ) that some fund raising was going to be needed. In some ways, I'm glad they've gone for such a large fund raising which will remove some uncertainities. It was oversubscribed so Moon's persuaded some of the city boys that his business plan makes sense. For sure, there's some risk involved, but to grow, you need to take risks. Probably a bit like you, I'd have liked to see more focus on operating profits to build up a stronger cash position, but it's never been a secret that SiS is focusing on revenue growth, so there's always going to be quite a large element of jam tomorrow here.I was waiting for the sp to drop below 60p before topping back up and it just about got there. Shame I didn't take my own advic

LTC dr fuzz 23 Oct 2015

Re: Goodbye! Goodbye and good luck indeed!Anyone got any thoughts about the pastures new? I'm currently eyeing Rolls Royce and Fenner, both attractive in one sense but also have their own issues.


Re: Rns Hopefully before H2 2016 there will be significant progress on Irish Sea and France. At the moment it is one step forward, two steps back. The one positive is that Wressle is a flier and the oil price cannot remain depressed for ever. Revenue and profits will become the main mover for the share price.

MMX treble in 1999 23 Oct 2015

Re: $210 If we end up with 50000 world wide, that's $10m per annum.

TRP si derman 23 Oct 2015

Buying Op? i've added a few more 100k @ .099 and looks like quite a few more have done the same. Someone has just had 25 mil. Nice.Quite happy to sit on these for a few years and see hows things play out.GL, Si.

CPX niceandsimple 23 Oct 2015

A few rambling thoughts I hope they let Mr Kongats do the speaking for CPX in future. Not a happy chart since the AGM statement. ultimately its clearly all words affecting short term sentiment. I just wish he'd have used hopeful rather than potentially. Are we the same company today as the 11/10/2015 with the same global potential - oops even I'm at it now.