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UKOG riddler24 23 Oct 2015

fanfare over the summer. [link]

LGO riddler24 23 Oct 2015

fanfare over the summer. [link]

LGO Skip020 23 Oct 2015

Come on LLL tell me where I should invest my money, I'm all ears.


Re: Results out You still in , great move up of late . K.C.M.

FCSS NCMR 23 Oct 2015

Re: Should I plunge in again? I was interested to read in this week's 'Money Week' that the editor is an investor in this fund

LVD lambrini girl 23 Oct 2015

Re: Whats with the continued slide? frantically searching for buybots..112 should suffice..

JQW N0rbie 23 Oct 2015

Re: Keeping mine ! "What's another 2 weeks?"They are a B2B trading platform. Their customers will have gone elsewhere a month ago, rather than sit on their hands for 6 weeks.Who gets their entire business suspended for 6 weeks and only a £1800 fine?Complete scam IMO, this will be delisted in the coming months.

HDD FunTech 23 Oct 2015

Revenue Anybody have any visability on Revenues ?The average revenue over the past 7 years was about GBP 2m and now with falling oil prices and the oil industry cutting investments/costs, that seems to mean less demand for valves and potentially less demand for HDD services from the oil industry. Other industries "could" make up some of this revenue loss, but what industry and with how much revenue. I haven't seen any indication how much revenue could come from Boeing products. Does anybody see HDD increasing revenue ?Currently profit as a % of Revenue are tiny, resulting in a share Price Earnings Ratio (PER) of about "100 times" which is way off the mark for an investor. 10 times is the investor standard.Revenue has been stagnant for such a long time and this new US plant will most likely take a long time to increase revenue (just based on our UK experience). If management don't give visability on revenues increasing, this shareprice could very well fall to around 2 or below, which might then be a fair price. Very sad for such a great product, but unfortunately very likely.Thoughts ?FunTech

FDSA II Editor 23 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Stockwatch: Director buying and fat yield imply upside "Is LSE:FDSA:Fidessa poised for another growth phase? This mid-250 share used to be a storming growth play, providing software to financial trading firms. In recent years, however, its chart has shown a volatile-sideways trend and the table ..."[link]

JOG riddler24 23 Oct 2015

JOG, Jersey Oil & Gas (LON:JOG) took place to little fanfare over the summer. [link]

SIS Omaha man 23 Oct 2015

Re: Placing today BB - you will get your chance to buy below 60 in the open offer - albeit only on a 1 for 15 basis.Dragon - yes there is a huge customer base in the US, that is what always attracts UK companies in there. It doesn't mean they will be able to make profits there.

OXS indaknow 23 Oct 2015

Re: Indaknow Lou LouIs that really the best you can come up with? I think you're an utter ©unt!

CWC raptor66 23 Oct 2015

Re: Major player in Telecoms industry Wishful thinking. Vodafone was very stingy, what make you think LG would be generous?

LVD shovelier 23 Oct 2015

Re: Whats with the continued slide? Doesn't seem to be any particular reason. Just a rather lack lustre business at present. Roll on another takeover bid and I'll be out of here. They've got the business and the kit. They haven't done themselves any favours outsourcing transport to Wincanton; a rather goofy move IMHO but wtfdik.

CRX oldjoe1 23 Oct 2015

CRX, SHOOTING UP....... CRX Cyprotex Up over 10% on the day now, hope you got it. [link]