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FOGL Originofquake1 23 Oct 2015

I have 44 years , 4 books (all unnoticed) in earth science. This BB you people have ?,- a minimum of 30 billion barrels of oil in Fogl southern basin leases.

FOGL Originofquake1 23 Oct 2015

Norman, cousin of Robin Hood? Nice name, Ihave a new nephew, the name is Griffin, Grifith? What is the background of the name? Anybody.

CINE oldjoe1 23 Oct 2015

CINE, DEAL....... <b>British Land signs deal with CineworldFri, 23 October 2015</b>(ShareCast News) - Speke Unit Trust, the specialist retail park fund advised by British Land and managed by Schroders, has exchanged contracts with Cineworld for an 11-screen cinema at Mersey Shopping Park in Speke, Liverpool.British Land said the letting to Cineworld follows the receipt of planning permission from Liverpool City Council in July 2015 for a new leisure extension and wider upgrade works at the park. The works are scheduled to commence in early 2016.Kevin Frost, property director at Cineworld, said: "We have partnered with British Land across a number of their assets and we are delighted to be opening a brand new cinema at Speke with our state-of-the-art Superscreen projection and sound technology."New Mersey is a fantastic shopping and leisure destination and we are excited to be part of the new leisure extension which will undoubtedly enhance the appeal of the park."

FCSS Eadwig 23 Oct 2015

Re: Should I plunge in again? holland44, [market garden?]I think you have slightly misunderstood me there, perhaps I didn't explain myself well enough (people on this board used to know my posts and thinking pretty well).I'm not concerned about a Chinese crash, it is that if I were to look to invest by buying specific stocks to exploit retail sales growth in China, I would have to research a lot of companies, then make a choice of what I deemed to be the best one and put all my eggs in that basket. At best, I might be able to build a reasonable position in two companies. (Three, as I already own Alibaba).So instead, I choose a fund which spreads the risk, is managed by people who know what they are doing (supposedly) and saves me a lot of research time which is badly needed in other parts of my portfolio in these turbulent, "when-and-which-way-will-the-Fed-jump" times.I've never used the drip-feed mechanism on ii, it kind of goes against the grain for my style and personal position. I accept that I can't time tops and bottoms of markets so I build a position in tranches. Perhaps 3 or 4 of them, including trading out again during the process, until I am happy with my holding price. This probably reflects my investment horizon for holdings which is about a maximum of 5 years, but is probably closer to an average of 12 months. I will give it some thought though, I have been considering drip-feeds on one or two companies that are supposed to be giving me a solid, high yielding base to my SIPP. I don't think a growth fund would ever be suitable though, really - just look at the plunging profits on my biotech funds, one of which I have sold this morning and doubt I shall be buying again this side of the US election in November NEXT year. (Shut up, Hillary, please!).I have considered using the drip-feed option for a junior ISA, if I decide to open one for my 22 month old daughter. I'm not really sure what the point of a junior ISA is as she obviously doesn't pay tax, and neither do I. You can't really build a diversified portfolio drip-feeding a maximum of £4800 a year, so I shall have to ponder that some more, especially as it would be very doubtful I would be maxing it every year. I keep trying to read the ii stuff on junior ISAs but something always asserts priority - usually my daughter. It's tough being a house-husband.

POG the old trout 23 Oct 2015

Gold Is flying today following changes in Chinese monetary policy. Other stocks are well up but POG not moving yet. Looking at level 2 it seems that it's being walked down to fill a 600k order at 5.9 on the bid with strong support beneath that. This will move quickly imho if the order gets filled or pushed up the order book.A rising tide lifts all boats.....T

SNR tradingup 23 Oct 2015

Re: What's wrong here? as you rightly flag up something's amiss. strong market this morning yet this is missing out. lots of optimism at the start of the year but its slumped in recent months. so many companies in this group Ijust wonder how they manage to keep an eye on everything from the centre.

TALK macbonzo 23 Oct 2015

Dido Harding I really think this latest attack is a resignation issue for Dido Harding. Very simply this is a, pile them high, sell them cheap, ISP business. They have failed to integrate all their businesses and we have another security breach. At what point, does Harding accept that she has responsibility for this shambles?

AEN waytogo333 23 Oct 2015

Support Bang on support price today of 21p.......if we break this it's 18p..................

PEG gretel 23 Oct 2015

Encouraging RNS just out ....not only in respect of the confidence in rearranging the Balance Sheet to allow the payment of dividends, but also in the narrative, including:[link] the past two years the Group has made good progress. Revenues for the year ended 31 December 2014 more than doubled to £13.5 million on which the Group made a profit after tax of £620,000. The Group's interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2015 showed a similarly strong performance generating profits after tax of £356,000, up 30 per cent. on those achieved in the same period in 2014. Operational cash generation over such six month period was £558,000 and resulted in cash at bank at 30 June 2015 of £2.0 million. Consolidated net assets as at 30 June 2015 grew to £2.8 million.The Board believes that the Company operates in growth areas and that it has the products and services plus available technical and technological skills to develop new products as well as the sales and marketing abilities to become a larger and more successful operator in each of the sectors in which it operates. The Group's relationships with its predominantly international 'blue chip' and government agency customer base and their strength, often global, in the sectors which the Company serves gives rise to the opportunity to develop the Company's business through the provision of good quality professional service in support of its existing and future product ranges.Investment in new rail transport rolling stock has continued to benefit from government initiatives around the world and a number of independent studies suggest that this is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. The Directors are confident that UK rail operating franchise renewals over the coming years will result in new opportunities for the Company's products and services. The Company's position as a long established 'value added' re-seller within the UK defence industry is expected to continue to provide a platform to develop this area of the Group's business. Further, the Board believes that with additional management attention and resources being devoted to it, the Emergency Services has the potential to make a larger contribution to Group revenues and profits.It is these business strengths and confidence for the future which have led the Board to recommend that the building blocks to create distributable reserves be put in place.etc"

FCSS NCMR 23 Oct 2015

Re: Should I plunge in again? why Feb?

CRX oldjoe1 23 Oct 2015

Re: CRX,Exceed Expectations.......... <b>BRIEF – Cyprotex see full – year earnings beating market expectations23-10-2015 07:19Oct 23 (Reuters) – Cyprotex Plc</b>Expects that its full year revenues and ebitda will exceed current market expectationsSource text for Eikon: ... Further company coverage: CN8.L(Reporting London Bureau) (([email protected]; +44 20 7542 7717© Thomson Reuters Limited. Click for restrictions

GBO freddy 23 Oct 2015

is anybody aware that there is an article on the Financial Times backing the report and making some worrying allegations of its own?

DPH II Editor 23 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Dechra drug sales to vets grow fast "Building on North America's knockout performance last year, and with debut contributions from new subsidiaries, LSEPHechra Pharmaceuticals is in good shape. The developer and seller of veterinary drugs now also has Croatian vaccines ..."[link]

ETO oldjoe1 23 Oct 2015

ETO, Update....... <b>Entertainment One completes Peppa Pig acquisitionFri, 23rd Oct 2015 07:47</b>(ShareCast News) - Entertainment One has completed the acquisition of a 70% stake in Peppa Pig creator and producer Astley Baker Davies Limited (ABD) for £140mThe FTSE 250-listed company previously held joint ownership rights for Britain's favourite pig with ABD, and funded the acquisition through a four-for-nine rights issue raising £193.6m, with the extra cash used to pay off debt.It announced in September that it wants to double the size of its business over the next five years and will make Peppa sweat for her money as it looks to increase its share of earnings from her cartoons to 85% from 50%.The company believes retail sales from the show's products could be doubled in the medium term, which it believes is currently in excess of $1bn (£660bn) annually.There is also a commitment for the existing creators and the producers to work on 52 new Peppa Pig episodes.

CEB short arms short pockets 23 Oct 2015

Dave Whitby interview Sharepickers - snippets Start-up focusing on onshore producing assets in Indonesia – actively screening and putting offers on the table for Oil fields – before then moving onto Gas – and make the Company into ‘something significant’. An amazing team with a lot of experience – and he is learning himself, despite his experience. PR to show investors assets they are after “serious producing assets, real walking, talking Oil company stuff” South Sumatra - oil producing onshore, then Gas. The new team vast experience, on massive production projects. Farm-in – to add capital to production – core of the asset. Due diligence completed on four assets, 2 offers on the table and another offer going down next week. One asset: 80 wells. Three new wells could pumping 400 BOPD day, but they can’t afford to pump the well off – and optimise the wells potential. There are another seven drills and all the other wells. Second asset: Oil producing asset. Don’t have the expertise to complete the optimisation. Three gas producing wells, but can’t tie it in. Third asset: The most sort after asset in Sumatra, he describes it as the “holy grail in Indonesian oil & Gas”. Joint venture with National Oil company. Ongoing talks for three months. Overwhelming at times and serious stuff. Looks at fields – can they produce 1000bopd? If so, we’d look at it. Looking at a field 400bopd that might go up to 1500bopd with a work programme, with 30-40% net to CEB. DW is impatient, and on top of the deals to ensure they’re closed swiftly. But wont predict timeframes. Very Close – the three coming together. We have another 5 to follow-up after. What could happen if all 8 come in? Dilution would come in, it would be seen as a positive, as it would be used for assets. Building a ‘Serious Company here’, ”we’re in a target rich environment and I want to shoot as many bullets as I can” Comparison to Nido – no way, but he fully intends to have well over 2500bopd net to CEB. The City rewards production and we want to produce. First target is a 3000bopd company. Won’t come on Twitter. About to bring someone on the board, and people will be really excited if he accepts. If you want to make a few pennies, there is stock out there for you. If you want to send your son to Eton, invest here. CEB name/brand to change soon. If you want to learn a bit more about the Company, send him or Simon an email.