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TALK lambrini girl 23 Oct 2015

Re: Dido Harding and she sounds like dodgy pornstar..

SRX mantrova 23 Oct 2015

13.8m trade, late Friday Quite a chunk changing hands a few minutes after the close, - obviously for some good reason.Exactly £2.7m by my calc.It's recorded as an Ordinary Trade.m

ULT wulwirth 23 Oct 2015

Re: Bang tidy John All relevant information forward to the authorities for investigation, hopefully they will use forensic accountants, go back to villiers...Why would a small aim company have so many company names, if not for deception imo...PB eventually succeeded in removing ult from the aim...his original plan with JS.

ALK mexicoman 23 Oct 2015

Re: R.I.P. Alkane Energy Can anyone help me out here is this a done deal if so why are they still buying shares and what's best thing to do sell or ? Thanks


Biscuit B I assume you are still in these?Tiger.


Re: had a nibble at 75p With shareholder funds at 3x market cap the business just needs stability.clearly historic profits and assets are old hat now but a slimmed down company may make 2.00 to 3 million a year and market cap at 14 is too low.Its not about trust now........I agree that's gone.Tiger

CINE valeite 23 Oct 2015

Re: CINE, DEAL....... just about to open a 2000 plus 9 screen cinema in my backyard (Hanley) and well needed too . will save me going to Didsbury.....

LAM happywul 23 Oct 2015

gloomy outlook With drilling rigs steadily coming off hire it is probable that some of the 7 jack ups under construction are not wanted/employable by their prospective owners. Maybe they will have difficulty getting the necessary finance if their business are under pressure from the general offshore meltdown. if that is the case Lamprell will be stuck with them, the outstanding options will not be exercised and there will be no new orders. Gloomy outlook until the oil price turns.

ALY glasgowboy 23 Oct 2015

Hi Everyone I am thinking of investing in this share purely for dividend does anyone know if there is any talk of the dividend being cut again as at 7% seems high and dividend cover is 1.25 , any help welcomed .

PAA ventura1 23 Oct 2015

surprised the director has had the cheek to carry on here with his missus, has it ever made a profit? wonder what david c's salries and fees from the company add up to over the years

ALNT I Wish I Knew The Answer 23 Oct 2015

Re: Mayhem Today PAH "High drama indeed. Judging by the Alent drop today, there must be a fear that PAH will pull out. I don't know if that would be possible. Anyone else know the position?"Hi SapitoI very much doubt it, given the break clause and the amount they would have to pay and what that would say about their strategy. The shell company (PAH) was formed to create a global major chemicals company and there is no going back with Alent for this reason.I think today is solely about the CEO announcement today and I remember a similar sudden announcement at Alent a year ago, so nothing new here for me. I think the market is asking was he pushed or did he walk thus the reaction. These guys are highly paid and incentivised and the backers take no prisoners should they believe a change is needed.

SNR 72_fastback 23 Oct 2015

Re: What's wrong here? Panmure Gordon reduced their taget price yesterday (from 400+p to about 290p).General broker consensus seems to be 'buy' though.I think it's a good solid company and haven't heard of anything amiss. A couple of very astute fund managers have decent holdings and I see Standard Life (if I recall) has been increasing its stake this month (through both 8% and 9% notifiable holdings).I'll be tempted to have a few more for the long term, although performance has been pretty weak of late.

TFW Stellaria media 23 Oct 2015

Street lights As darkness descends and the street lights brighten the gloom, I was wondering how many street lights we have in the country, how many have been changed to LED, of these how many have Thorpe supplied, and what is the size of the market? It is obviously growing but what impact will this have on the company?Another thought was that if all the street lights are converted to LED, how much electricity would this save, and would it negate the need for a nuclear power station or two. From a cost effectiveness point I would imagine that street lights are way in front of nuclear power and will not saddle us with large bills in the future or leave us at the mercy of state owned concerns, from which ever part of the globe they come from.Any thoughts?

ALNT I Wish I Knew The Answer 23 Oct 2015

Re: Mayhem Today PAH Hi NKI don't think the timing has helped the share price given the global market concerns that has happened since the takeover and now there may be concerns that they have overpaid for Alent, and the others, given the general market decline since.Their debt may also be a concern if the companies they have bought are going to suffer, profit wise, since the global trade decline that follows.I think the panic today is solely due to the announcement of the CEO retiring and what that spells for the company, but I believe its much an overreaction (I hope). I was going to buy some more for a short term trade when they were about 9.50 but in the 2 minutes it took to fund my IG account the price had gone back to about 10.4. There have been 2 suspensions so far today due to the volatility triggering the stock circuit breakers so expect a rocky ride from here. My plan if these stay around the same level at Alent closing in December is to do a Bed and Breakfast of these to my ISA so that I will generate a paper loss, to Avoid CGT on the gain on my Alent holding I have outside my ISA which I have now as platform shares.Good luck

ALNT sapito 23 Oct 2015

Re: Mayhem Today PAH High drama indeed. Judging by the Alent drop today, there must be a fear that PAH will pull out. I don't know if that would be possible. Anyone else know the position?