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SIS Ripley94 24 Oct 2015


CWC Ripley94 24 Oct 2015

Re: Jefferies maint 87p tgt ***

CMBN Ripley94 24 Oct 2015

Re: NEW ARTICLE: JP Morgan's 10 highest ... DOWN ANOTHER 10% HIT 114.

CWC one4all 24 Oct 2015

Re: nice little director buy took a year but all worked out well. sold up now put it into 88E. should double my money on that one a bit quicker than this

HAWK Andy Reilly 24 Oct 2015

Re: Nighthawk- Committing Arikaree̷.. K2 - taking a loger term perspective, following the charts message, and going with what seems most probable, has certainly worked out well in terms of oil - ie its an avoid for a good while.I made this general comment on the HAWK bb at the end of December last year:"HAWK's fundamentals dont exist in a vacuum, and the bloodbath going on in the sector has naturally had a big impact on the SP. HAWK is not going to defy sector woes, which seem to me to be destined to last well into 2015, especially as the Saudies are playing a long game, and are prepared to take a lot of pain in order to bring down many vulnerable explorers and producers."Unfortunately for holders that general take has been on the money, but it does rather support the idea that its a good idea to take profits, or take a reduced loss, when the chart gives off negative signals.At best HAWK will struggle through on and survive through to a recovering for the sector, but it has been such a troubled company with a tortuous history.

TGL Hedgehog100 24 Oct 2015

CQCL in Credit Suisse article "5 'Next Big Things' in High TechEric Johnson,Freelance writerPublished: 22.10.2015 Compare how you lived 20 years ago to today: technology makes a big difference, doesn't it? There is no end in sight, because these newest 'big things' are driven by two relentless trends.Massive computing, and massive connectivity. More processing power lies in your smartphone than was at Mission Control for America's moonshots of the 1960s and 1970s. Internet users in 1995 numbered less than 1 percent of the world's people; today that's up to 45 percent. 2025, says a study from Cisco Systems, they will hit 300 percent. Yes, 300 percent, and to find out how that works – read on.Not-so-Heavy Weather – the Rise of Big Data ...Even Bigger Data, the Internet of Things ...The Internet of Banking: Fintech ...Share and Share Alike ...Computing at the Next Level… QuantumImpossible is almost an understatement, when it comes to the fifth next-best-tech. If moonshot mainframes look like toys next to today's phones, just imagine things in another decade or two. Chad Rigetti already has. He and his team of brain-boxes (some of them human) at Rigetti Computing are racing to build quantum computers. Along with a lot of competitors, from Cambridge Quantum to D-Wave to IBM and Intel, they aim to build synthetic brains that will dwarf those of computers today by a factor of several thousand. Qcomp will be so smart and so small, says Credit Suisse analyst Uwe Neumann, it could be the 'brain' of your car, your air-conditioner, your refrigerator, your lawnmower, basically every gadget around. And all of these can link into the Internet of Things, which… well… you got the point already. Massive computing, massive connectivity – these are driving the next big things."[link]

HOME nk1999 24 Oct 2015

Deutsche Bank From Citywire:"Argos investment hurts Home RetailHome Retail (HOME) is doing the right things do develop its Argos chain of stores, but it is hurting earnings, according to Deutsche Bank.Shares in the company fell 20% to 120p over the last two days, after it warned on full-year profits due to the scale of its investment.Analyst Warwick Okines cut his target price on the stock to 130p but maintained his ‘hold’ rating.‘The new Fast Track proposition from Argos is impressive. For the first time consumers can pay online for store pick-up, enabling products to be collected within 60 seconds.But with a £10 million cost of communicating these changes, a £10 million hit from weaker electricals trading, and £10 million in higher wage costs next year, Deutsche is cutting its forecasts.‘In this context it looks likely that Argos’ February 2018 targets (£4.5 billion sales and mid-single digit margin) will be pushed back,’ said Okines."

SHI nk1999 24 Oct 2015

Jefferies From Citywire:"SIG slumps on home improvements declineJefferies is sticking with its ‘buy’ rating on SIG (SHI) despite a dive in the shares of the builders’ merchant after it issued a profit warning.Shares in SIG slumped yesterday after it said profits for the year were likely to fall between £85 million and £90 million, below the £100 million investors had been expecting.It blamed a slump in home improvement demand in the UK, couples with deteriorating conditions in its French market.SIG’s shares tumbled 20.7% to 141.5p, taking them even further away from Jefferies’ 250p target price.Analyst Sam Cullen said that management were on the right track but could not fight the deterioration in the company’s markets.‘We continue to believe there is much good work going on at SIG and further potential to improve the underlying operational efficiency of the business,’ he said. ‘However, we also recognize that there is only so much management can do to offset deteriorating markets.’ "

MOS one4all 24 Oct 2015

Re: as soon as it dips proper tech analysis

LGO bbcitvc4c5 24 Oct 2015

just registered morning guys just testing my account out

DAN Orchard Gate 24 Oct 2015

Re: shortly? 3 weeks later, fund raising is clearly in trouble and yet another announcement which says they hope to update "shortly".Looks like Rob Terry has blown himself up on this one. I feel so sorry for him

GEM Ripley94 24 Oct 2015

Re: sliced a few topped.

ZAM Ripley94 24 Oct 2015

Re: Still here And again.

BOK Ripley94 24 Oct 2015

Re: NEW ARTICLE: Booker stalls despite L... **

UJO Ripley94 24 Oct 2015

Re: SP Angel - Broker Note just another spike it turned out , Buys at 0. 20 all day.