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FOG II Editor 26 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: The Oil Man: Oil price, BP, Sound Energy, Falcon Oil & Gas "WTI $45.20 -$1.09, Brent $47.85 -86c, Diff $2.65 -51c, NG $2.40 -7cOil traded back to the bottom of its recent range yesterday as the EIA inventory stats disappointed the market. Expecting 3.7 million barrels and having seen the API come in with ..."[link]

PSON Lupo di mare 26 Oct 2015

New Chairman Obviously, Glen Moreno knew about his successor's appointment when he bought that slug of shares the other day, but it hasn't ignited the market - yet. Let's hope that it puts a floor under the price; that was just about my worst investment decision - buying in just before the announcement; although I believe there's been an over-reaction.I don't know much about his reputation, other than his leadership of Eli Lilly. Must do a spot of homework.

XTR bargainhunt1 26 Oct 2015

stream not picking up the lse posts for me whats wrong?

TALK macbonzo 26 Oct 2015

Re: Dido Harding When US retailer, Target, lost customer data, in 2013, Gregg Steinhafel, their CEO resigned. When Sony Pictures were hacked last year, Amy Pascal, it Co- Chairman resigned.The brand has been damaged. Harding has already admitted that Talk Talk's defences could have been stronger.Very simply, she needs to be sacked.

EDEN 3Dimensional 26 Oct 2015

Bad choice of broker/advisor why on earth have Eden chosen SCAP as their broker/advisor? I couldn't think of a worse broker to choose!!Watch out for the heavy buying/selling before news as this lot are worse than a leaking tap.Not happy with this news and I expect SCAP to run this share into the ground short term, this explains the drop in SP recently as they have more than likely been forward selling the book.8% down today shows how the news has been received.Well done Eden, you do a cracking job with your product then give yourselves to the wolves.Three cheers to Eden, not.3D

EDR tiggerman1 26 Oct 2015

Re: Edison Flash note - 22.10.15 I think it should have a great future. AND it has important sites very adjacent to Scunthorpe ( where I went with my Dad to play cricket in the late forties ). The Government should give it a huge boost to help all the potentially redundant TAta workers.

PGD Antiques Of Woodstock 26 Oct 2015

Argentina Election Update: Good morning AllJust cut and pasted and posted below for you interest.Good luck all...Argentines voted for their next president Sunday, bringing a curtain down on 12 years under power couple Nestor and Cristina Kirchner.Their heir apparent, Buenos Aires provincial Governor Daniel Scioli, is poised to win but may undo parts of "kirchnerism," a populist creed built around trade protectionism, social welfare and defense of the working classes.The 58-year-old powerboating fanatic -- who lost his right arm in a 1989 racing accident -- served as Nestor Kirchner's vice president.He has vowed to uphold the core of the Kirchners' legacy, but has also promised a change in style to attract more investment and increase productivity.His top rival is Buenos Aires Mayor Mauricio Macri, the candidate of Argentines fed up with what they see as the Kirchners' heavy-handed economic policy and belligerent politics.Macri, 56, rose to prominence as the boss of Argentina's most popular football club, Boca Juniors, which won a string of titles under his reign.There may also be a spoiler in the form of Sergio Massa, a former Kirchner ally who fell out with the president and launched a rival party, the Renewal Front, two years ago.The frontrunners invoked sports analogies as they voted, with Scioli and Macri both aligning themselves with the country's team in Sunday's Rugby World Cup semi-final against Australia in Britain."They are what Argentina should be, with that grit, that pride, that strength to wear the Argentine jersey," Scioli said amid a scrum of journalists.Macri said he was on his way home to watch the match, calling Los Pumas "an example of the Argentina we all want."Despite this high-level cheerleading, the Pumas lost 29-15, exiting the tournament.Under Argentine electoral law, in order to win outright in the first round, a candidate must claim more than 45 percent of the vote, or at least 40 percent with a margin of 10 points over the runner-up.Opinion polls put Scioli at about 40 percent, with Macri at around 30 percent and Massa around 20 percent -- roughly the same scores seen in the August primary.That means the country could be headed for its first-ever run-off election, on November 22.Nestor Kirchner came to office in 2003, in the aftermath of a devastating economic crisis that triggered what was then the largest sovereign debt default in history.He presided over a stunning turnaround underpinned by average economic growth of more than eight percent a year.He handed power to his wife in 2007. They were widely expected to continue their term-for-term tango, but Nestor died of a heart attack in 2010.Cristina, a fiery former senator, won re-election in 2011.As she cast her ballot Sunday, the 62-year-old leader said she was proud to be handing over a "normal" country."In the past, we've always voted in the middle of crisis," said Kirchner, who leaves office with an approval rating of around 50 percent after serving the two-term limit.But the economic magic of the early Kirchner years has faded.When Argentina's next president takes office on December 10, he will inherit a country troubled by inflation, an overvalued currency and an economy facing what the International Monetary Fund predicts will be a 0.7 percent contraction next year.Argentina, Latin America's third-largest economy, after Brazil and Mexico, is also still waging a messy legal battle with two American hedge funds that reject its plans to restructure the $100 billion in debt it defaulted on in 2001.The firms, which Kirchner condemns as "vulture funds," successfully sued for full payment in US federal court. Kirchner's refusal to pay them pushed Argentina into a new default last year.Her tenure has also been marked by acrimonious battles with big media, the courts and old Falklands War enemy Britain.Argentina's 32 million voters, who are required to cast ball

UKOG jaja 26 Oct 2015

..SBLM was 20p back in 2011. now 0.7p time to move back up. compares; AMC went from 12p in 2011 to 2p last year and now 12p

AMC jaja 26 Oct 2015

SBLM was 20p back in 2011. now 0.7p time to move back up. compares; AMC went from 12p in 2011 to 2p last year and now 12p

CLDN Windsor Buffet 26 Oct 2015

Gala Bingo Seems a massive acquisition for Caledonia to swallow given their total assets are just north of £1.5 billion. Interested in others opinions on this. The unquoted pool is going to change quite drastically with this purchase.

AEG BuyBAO 26 Oct 2015

5.5p to buy

SUMM keepcalm 26 Oct 2015

gmcc, well put Sir !

ADN Norman Barrington 26 Oct 2015

Re: Great opportunity to buy for the bra... Merlindale, it is my experience that when a company is doing ok, the boards tend to go quiet. To me this is a good sign. When a share is plummeting, the bbs fill up with comments, as PIs vent their spleen or seek reassurance. I am a happy holder of ABD

JQW Ripley94 26 Oct 2015

Re: Scam Unfortunately you just cant tell with AIM .look at GBO today after fraud admitted , fund manager forum were buying more despite others shorting on rumors . AIM is a complete gamble.If respected fund managers can not get it right what chance PI.

EDR theprior 26 Oct 2015

Re: Edison Flash note - 22.10.15 Malcy's blog also recently commented favourably on this news.EDR is off most people's radar, ad this is keeping the sp down. Publicity of this nature can only be good.Still a "BUY"TP