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MCGN Blanketstacker 26 Oct 2015

Re: New Chairman The outgoing chair just sold a million, and has four times that left to place. But the fundamentals DO still indicate a buy to me!

OXS indaknow 26 Oct 2015

Re: RAB [link]

EKF Hoppel 26 Oct 2015

Next steps 1 Ron Zwanziger appointed Chairman2 De-merger of non-POC business3 Take private of POC business led by Ron

3IN numberbiter 26 Oct 2015

Re: Return of Capital and Stock Consolid... But you have sold 10% of your shares to the company, so if you bought them for less that 170p per share, you have made a capital gain. The whole point of doing this way is to use up part of the annual tax free allowance, whereas dividends would be taxed.The reality is that selling 10% of your shares would be doing exactly the same thing, except this would incur dealing costs, whereas this way there aren't any.When companies buy back their own shares (to cancel them) it means they do not have a strategy for growth, which is usually disappointing.

CWK wokwok wokwok 26 Oct 2015

BBC Processed meat cause cancer Processed meat has been modified to either extend its shelf life or change the taste and the main methods are smoking, curing, or adding salt or preservatives.Simply putting beef through a mincer does not mean the resulting mince is "processed" unless it is modified further.Processed meat includes bacon, sausages, hot dogs, salami, corned beef, beef jerky and ham as well as canned meat and meat-based sauces.Red meat is a darker colour than white meat and includes beef, lamb and pork because of higher levels of proteins that bind to oxygen, haemoglobin and myoglobin in blood and muscle.Why do they cause cancer?Suspected carcinogenic chemicals can form during meat processing. These include N-nitroso compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

GRG wokwok wokwok 26 Oct 2015

Processed meat carcinogenic chemicals. Sheet!!!! Processed meat has been modified to either extend its shelf life or change the taste and the main methods are smoking, curing, or adding salt or preservatives.Simply putting beef through a mincer does not mean the resulting mince is "processed" unless it is modified further.Processed meat includes bacon, sausages, hot dogs, salami, corned beef, beef jerky and ham as well as canned meat and meat-based sauces.Red meat is a darker colour than white meat and includes beef, lamb and pork because of higher levels of proteins that bind to oxygen, haemoglobin and myoglobin in blood and muscle.Why do they cause cancer?Suspected carcinogenic chemicals can form during meat processing. These include N-nitroso compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

TALK Spain Fund 26 Oct 2015

Boy, 15. Arrested Over Hack Attack [link] 15-year-old boy has been arrested by police investigating an alleged hacking attack on the TalkTalk website.He was held on suspicion of offences under the Computer Misuse Act, following a major breach of the telecoms firm's website last week.Police are now searching his home in County Antrim in Northern Ireland.TalkTalk bosses said they shut down their site last week following the "significant and sustained" attack in which customer details may have been stolen.TalkTalk sent a message to its four million customersOn Friday it said it may have been the target of a ransom demand by the hackers.The company's four million customers are being asked to check their accounts for any suspicious activity "over the next few months" and change their passwords.Anyone who believes they have been directly affected by the alleged data theft should visit [link] breach is the third in a series of cyber attacks that have affected TalkTalk customers.In August, the firm revealed its mobile sales site was hit by a "sophisticated and co-ordinated cyber attack" in which personal data was accessed.In February, customers were warned about scammers who managed to steal thousands of account numbers and names from TalkTalk's computers.

GRG wokwok wokwok 26 Oct 2015

Processed pork in sausage rolls carcinerous [link] is going to get hammered with this news imh

OXS Pennyfalls 26 Oct 2015

Re: RAB Fooook me...agree Nervous and Inda..I find it hard to believe that some people are involved in anything more financial than paying for a bag of crisps.Unbelievable.

OXS indaknow 26 Oct 2015

Re: RAB Some of you shouldn't be invested here if you can't take in simple news. From the rns on the 16th:As a result, 50,878,763 Ordinary Shares have today been issued to RAB Special Situations (Master) Fund Limited ("RAB SS" pursuant to the conversion of Notes plus capitalised interest to 5 July 2012 at 8p per share.In addition, 3,790,471 Ordinary Shares have today been issued to RAB SS in lieu of accrued interest for the period 6 January 2015 to 15 October 2015. This figure has been calculated using the formula in the terms of the Notes which provides for any interest accruing after 5 July 2012 to convert at the average closing mid-market share price for the Company for each 6 month interest period. RAB SS converted all accrued interest between 5 July 2012 and 5 January 2015 into Ordinary Shares in March 2015.

INTQ madmogul 26 Oct 2015

big drop big fall I wonder why? does someone know some bad news around the corner and has bailed outmm

AVM Kenj2 26 Oct 2015

Time is fast running out Avocet have debts of $59m, and will run out of cash in a few days time.Much of their previous borrowing has been used to repay previous loans, but will Elliott continue to lend more money just so AVO can meet their repayments to them and Ecobank?The total cost of production is over $1021 per oz, which is too high at today's low gold price.Note that this is a TCC price and not an AISC price, which is often $150 higher.So the company is nearly bust and will continue to be loss making unless gold jumps a good bit higher. They need a major refinancing, but who will put up the money in these circumstances?Without the new funding, asset sales or administration looks likely. With new funding there will be increased debt and/or dilution, neither of which are good for the sp.I bought a small number of these shares a couple of years ago, and had taken my eye off the ball. I have only just read the Aug 24th Half Year Report, which is realy dire, so I have sold out today. Good luck to anyone still invested here, I fear you may need it.

SXX Gordy 26 Oct 2015


MTR scotchoverice 26 Oct 2015

ever thought that no one is selling?

ENEG mawreese 26 Oct 2015

Re: well, Do as they want now RNS I somehow picture that the meeting this morning consisted solely of a lot of people whose surname was Minty. If anybody was there, could they let us know???